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Left-Libertarian Neo-Liberalism vs. Identity Politics and the P.C. Agenda (1 Viewer)

Are we talking about globally or just here in the U.S.?

Well, I can't speak to movements outside the USA. Which is why I avoid the foreign forums. I am not informed enough on other cultures beyond what the media focuses on to provide a valid opinion.

It's likely though, since we keep getting people from the U.K. or Spain, or somewhere else who come in judging us on our guns, racism, sexism...whatever isms. Trying to compare and let us know how much better their society is.

You know, the "if only you did this because we have and see how much safer, or healthier, or more stable we are?"

That gives me the impression there are something akin to Social Justice warriors out there too.
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It's bad in the USA but even worse in Europe.. People would revolt if it was that bad here..
Well, I can't speak to movements outside the USA. Which is why I avoid the foreign forums. I am not informed enough on other cultures beyond what the media focuses on to provide a valid opinion.

It's likely though, since we keep getting people from the U.K. or Spain, or somewhere else who come in judging us on our guns, racism, sexism...whatever isms. Trying to compare and let us know how much better their society is.

You know, the "if only you did this because we have and see how much safer, or healthier, or more stable we are?"

That gives me the impression there are something akin to Social Justice warriors out there too.

It's in Europe most definitely.
I heard one Swedish guy say that, "If Tumblr were a country, it would be Sweden."
The Tumblr reference is based on the facts that a lot of SJWs make pages and "fight the power" from there.
It's bad in the USA but even worse in Europe.. People would revolt if it was that bad here..

The Trump Phenomenon is just such a Revolt.

Sadly, the Trump Supporters often resort to the same sort of SJW invective I discussed in post # 7.

This is from another forum, but pertinent to this discussion, since that thread came from this one.

Some on the right have been using the Rules as a counter to the left's games.

I have myself at times.

But with the predictable outcome that the Lefties will retort to any criticism of their ways with "The Republicans are just as bad, they do it too..."

I do not believe in any form of the three beliefs outlined in (post #7):

0] Group Identity Trumps Individualism.
1] Two Wrongs can make Justice.
2] Group Identity Birth-Guilt-Penalty or Birth-Societal-Reparations-Debt

I think that this belief is a foundation for division, violence, chaos and collapse.

To quote Lincoln, "A House divided against itself cannot long endure".

I believe that politely pointing it out anytime a person is espousing the illogic of Group Identity Politics would be a starting point, daylight always fights the many forms of evil.

I also think that WE need to start emphasizing the Individual every time the Lefties emphasize the collective Group Identity. Make evaluation of individual merit the automatic response to any statement of Group Identity.

Note that I stress the "WE" in the above statement. I find it ironic, that those on the Conservative/Libertarian side of things have to work as a collective, to defeat the Self-Serving (Individual) tactics of the Collectivists.

I am reminded of the Lyrics of the Rush Song Natural Science:

"Natural Science"

[1. Tide Pools]

When the ebbing tide retreats
Along the rocky shoreline
It leaves a trail of tidal pools
In a short-lived galaxy
Each microcosmic planet
A complete society

A simple kind mirror
To reflect upon our own
All the busy little creatures
Chasing out their destinies
Living in their pools
They soon forget about the sea...

Wheels within wheels in a spiral array
A pattern so grand and complex
Time after time we lose sight of the way
Our causes can't see their effects

[2. Hyperspace]

A quantum leap forward
In time and in space
The universe learned to expand

The mess and the magic
Triumphant and tragic
A mechanized world out of hand

Computerized clinic
For superior cynics
Who dance to a synthetic band

In their own image
Their world is fashioned
No wonder they don't understand

[3. Permanent Waves]

Science, like nature
Must also be tamed
With a view towards its preservation
Given the same
State of integrity
It will surely serve us well

Art as expression
Not as market campaigns
Will still capture our imaginations
Given the same
State of integrity
It will surely help us along

The most endangered species
The honest man
Will still survive annihilation
Forming a world
State of integrity
Sensitive, open and strong

Wave after wave will flow with the tide
And bury the world as it does
Tide after tide will flow and recede
Leaving life to go on as it was...

There are a number of other lines in that Rush Lyrics quote which would easily apply to the 2016 Presidential Election Campaign thus far.
Yes, and they are typical.

Only because you choose not to. :shrug:

Actually, it is fairly standard. I've seen it used over, and over, and over. In both female bullying, and just like in these two cases by women who are trying to justify their aggressive activism.

Of course if you've never seen it I can't expect agreement.

There were dozens of female activists at that Trump rally, both pro- and anti-, and somehow from a single girl who you (questionably) perceive to be 'pushing her chest forwards' as she moves, you decide that this must be standard behaviour.

You're playing identity politics at its worst:
- labeling a target group (or even inventing one, since few would self-describe as SJWs),
- fixating on a few examples (you've seen what, maybe a few dozen videos? in a country of 300 million, which you even acknowledge to be the most sensationalist examples out there),
- affirming that to be standard and typical of the group you're attacking
- and on that absurd basis attacking any others who you identify or who self-identify with that group.

Sorry, I'm just not the type to buy into that stuff ;)
It's in Europe most definitely.
I heard one Swedish guy say that, "If Tumblr were a country, it would be Sweden."
The Tumblr reference is based on the facts that a lot of SJWs make pages and "fight the power" from there.

That's a good reason to stay the hell away from Sweden.
You quoted ReverendHellhound announcing his desire to punch the white kid in the face.

Only to reference the post which caused me to search the internet for other reports of the incident leading to my discovery of the video I used in my OP. :shrug:
There were dozens of female activists at that Trump rally, both pro- and anti-, and somehow from a single girl who you (questionably) perceive to be 'pushing her chest forwards' as she moves, you decide that this must be standard behaviour.

I don't intend to argue an appeal to authority. I've told you I've seen this many, many times over the course of my life. I am content with the knowledge that it is a typical tactic used by aggressive women both in bullying and in activism.

You don't have to accept it, and I don't care if you choose to dismiss it.

I choose not to take the bait dangled by the rest of your post. :coffeepap:
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Walking up to someone and calling them an asshole does not excuse the actions of the person being called an asshole who chooses to respond by punching the person calling them an asshole in the face.

IDK. Worked for homo sapiens for millennia.

I'm.skeptical of absolute force monopolies.

They just seem to protect negative behaviors from their consequences, day to day, on the ground.

I'm not sure ratting out bullies so they can be forced into counseling is more effective than the ass-whooping that used to put an end to it.
Well there you go. You scored a centrist and you lean Centrist.

What more can you ask? ;)
After taking the questionnaire and allowing it to map my political leanings, I changed my lean from slightly conservative to centrist yet, after the 1976 presidential election, I've always voted GOP in presidential elections. Is this questionnaire reliable? Is my voting pattern a commentary of both political parties?
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After taking the questionnaire and allowing it to map my political leanings, I changed my lean from slightly conservative to centrist yet, after the 1976 presidential election, I've always voted GOP in presidential elections. Is this questionnaire reliable? Is my voting pattern a commentary of both political parties?

How can I possibly speak to your actual political lean? Perhaps you thought the candidates you voted for were closer to the center than the ones you didn't. Perhaps you were voting for the lesser of two evils as you saw it. Perhaps as you stated you were conservative and changed over time but vote Republican because you always used to. I don't know. :shrug:

I know it worked for me because as seen in my posts about the economy and politics I am like the guy in the video. I want employment and development of our economy at home with a large, strong middle class. I also argue for freedom to express rather than freedom from expression; the right to bear arms in self defense, etc.
"SJW" is a snarl word for anyone who tells right-wingers they're wrong. Sure, there are the freakshows, but the term has gotten way too commonplace to deride all liberals to be taken even remotely seriously anymore.

Nonsense. You for an example I would not call a "SJW", there are numerous others, I'd absolutely label that.
Walking up to someone and calling them an asshole does not excuse the actions of the person being called an asshole who chooses to respond by punching the person calling them an asshole in the face.

Like the girl who sucker punched the trump protestor then got maced?

Or the one that punched a police horse?

or the one that rushed the stage when trump was speaking?

Perhaps the ones in chicago that grabbed a womans sign ripped it and assaulted the trump supporters? them?

how about the cop in chicago that got nailed in the head?

The fact is, other than a couple people provoked inside trumps rallies, including the assholes wearing klan outfits and confederate flags, most of the violence has been instigated, committed, by the left. This is a fact.
After taking the questionnaire and allowing it to map my political leanings, I changed my lean from slightly conservative to centrist yet, after the 1976 presidential election, I've always voted GOP in presidential elections. Is this questionnaire reliable? Is my voting pattern a commentary of both political parties?

My Political Compass scores always put me pretty centrist, maybe a box or two to the right, and I vote for the lesser evil in every single election because there is nobody on any side, in any party, that I actually want in office. I'm not particularly impressed by the Political Compass test, I think it, and pretty much all other such surveys are biased and a lot of the questions simply cannot be answered in the simplistic manner required. In fact, I went over the whole test in a couple of videos over on my YouTube channel, question by question.

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