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Is declining American patriotism a good thing? (1 Viewer)

Is declining American patriotism a good thing?

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"Extremely proud" is nothing more than an affirmation of extreme love, and love in this case is a good thing.

Unfortunately, people are often blinded by love.
Declining Patriotism is a horrible thing. At some point it may weaken us to the point that the freedoms and opportunity put in place 240 years ago become threatened.

Nazi Germany had a ton of nation pride. What happened to their freedoms?
Nazi Germany had a ton of nation pride. What happened to their freedoms?
We arent Nazi Germany and thats a stupid comment you just made. Not unexpected...but stupid nonetheless. So...in other words...its just another day that ends in Y.
For someone to say what Calley did was patriotic shows they do not understand what patriotism is, and think they are cute. Put the ego to bed.

Crap. My mistake - I thought he was the one who exposed the massacre, not the one who committed it. The one I meant was Ronald Ridenhour. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

Have you ever been a whistleblower? I have, and I paid the price - I doggone near lost my military career because of it, and count myself lucky that I was able to retire. But you know what? After I transferred to a different command, one of the officers who'd known what happened approached me and said I'd saved quite a few lives by my actions.

Whistleblowers are not always right - Snowden needs to be in jail for the rest of his life, and Bradley/Chesea Manning deserves a lengthy jail sentence too (not because of the video he/she exposed, but because of the quarter-million diplomatic cables that he/she exposed (which HAD to cause much more damage than the government had admitted)).

But again, the factors I listed previously (worldwide media/internet, greatly-increased education and literacy rates (for populations as a whole), and increased tolerance for diversity) are what are mostly responsible for the decline in patriotism...and so you need to ask yourself which is more important: having those three factors, or the kind of patriotism that you seem to want...because you can't have both.
Crap. My mistake - I thought he was the one who exposed the massacre, not the one who committed it. The one I meant was Ronald Ridenhour. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

Have you ever been a whistleblower? I have, and I paid the price - I doggone near lost my military career because of it, and count myself lucky that I was able to retire. But you know what? After I transferred to a different command, one of the officers who'd known what happened approached me and said I'd saved quite a few lives by my actions.

Whistleblowers are not always right - Snowden needs to be in jail for the rest of his life, and Bradley/Chesea Manning deserves a lengthy jail sentence too (not because of the video he/she exposed, but because of the quarter-million diplomatic cables that he/she exposed (which HAD to cause much more damage than the government had admitted)).

But again, the factors I listed previously (worldwide media/internet, greatly-increased education and literacy rates (for populations as a whole), and increased tolerance for diversity) are what are mostly responsible for the decline in patriotism...and so you need to ask yourself which is more important: having those three factors, or the kind of patriotism that you seem to want...because you can't have both.

When have I ever said what kind of patriotism I wanted? This not a book you are writing. My opinion is not determed by your imagination.
A new Gallup poll just came out with what I thought were some troubling conclusions:

Let's get rid of the 4th of July then except for old conservatives. It will be just another work day for liberal Millennials. ;)

It depends on why and what replaces it.

If people are no longer proud to be American because they see a lot of problems, and they use that as incentive to go out and try to fix those problems, that's a good thing.

But if people are no longer proud to be American because they've just become apathetic and don't care any more, that's a bad thing.
We arent Nazi and thats a stupid comment you just made. Not unexpected...but stupid nonetheless. So...in other words...its just another day that ends in Y.

I never said we are Nazi Germany. You claimed lack of nation pride weakens freedoms. I gave an example of just the opposite happening.
I never said we are Nazi Germany. You claimed lack of nation pride weakens freedoms. I gave an example of just the opposite happening.
You made a stupid comment. Nothing more..certainly nothing less.
You made a stupid comment. Nothing more..certainly nothing less.

That is your opinion. Imo, it was 100% true and 100% relevant. I think you just don't like that I brought up a fact that counters your b.s. claim that nation pride always leads to "more freedom."

I'll give another example of nation pride weakening freedoms: Every warring nation during WWI (although one could argue nation pride leads to almost every war and pretty much every war weakens freedoms).
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