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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (1 Viewer)

Since Arbor AND Earth Day are both soon upcoming (in April),... it's a reminder that "climate insanity," is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Long story short,... Arbor Day's purpose is to plant more trees in the community, while Earth Day's purpose is to pay attention to the condition the environment is in (and also a reminder that people can help improve the condition of the only planet we have)

BASICALLY the big picture is,... for decades the public at large has heard about scientists sounding the alarm about mankind affecting the climate, yet the educational system overall response is to "miseducate" students AND thus far the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) have not done much to actually educate students about climate science according to a book titled, MISEDUCATION HOW CLIMATE CHANGE IS TAUGHT IN AMERICA


The inconvenient truth is,... the vast majority of students in elementary, middle AND high school(s) are not being taught key science concepts about man made climate change, so various problem(s) will continue to compound (since nothing is done to address the root cause of the problem)

Because teachers lack a basic understanding of the big picture, created two infographics that summarize what teachers AND their students need to know



Keep in mind the goal of NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) is to help students build a cohesive understanding of science over time,... so the logical starting point is,... teachers have to first "identify and understand the problem"


This is easier said than done because human nature being what it is, teachers (like most people) will instinctively frame climate change in terms of their own ideological world view

Ideological world view is important to acknowledge because if teachers think 'environmental justice and environmental activism' is the best response to address climate change, then these teachers should be made aware that they are miseducating their students

Said another way, teaching of 'environmental justice' to K-8 students w/ out having an understanding of science is a "yuge" mistake that only contributes political fodder in the ongoing culture wars!

An import scientific concept students (and their elementary, middle AND high school teachers) need to understand is,... since the beginning of the industrial revolution humanity has put vast amounts of man made CO2 into the Earth's atmosphere

If teachers are open minded AND think science education is important,... a simple relatable and eye-opening exercise for k-8 teachers to do w/ their students would be to count the number of trees in and around the school campus AND then openly discuss the question,... how big would the campus need to be, to sequester the annual CO2 emissions from their parents car(s)

The point of the thought provoking "tree counting" vs "annual emission produced by car(s)" exercise is to make students aware of the Keeling Curve which shows that people have put vast amounts of man made CO2 into the Earth's atmosphere AND that the increased concentrations of CO2 is the direct result of verifiable science facts:


1) 19.37 lbs of CO2 is put into the Earth's atmosphere, per gal of gasoline (put into a car)


2) The average "tropical" tree sequesters on average 50 lbs CO2 each year

https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2015/03/17/power-one-tree-very-air-we-breathe#:~:text=According to the Arbor Day,the very air we breathe.

Looking at the basic facts it should not take a "rocket science" degree to grasp the basic idea that,... humanity is putting way more CO2 into the atmosphere, than trees can process each year

WRT environmental justice, environmental activism AND miseducation, even before students are taught that natural resources are indeed limited (e.g. trees can not sequester all the CO2 produced by cars), seems K-8 students should first be taught the important skill of being able to tell the difference between a "Want vs Need" in order to put the various issues into context


Point being,... when K-8 students are not taught to tell the difference between a "Want vs Need" they grow up and become insecure adults who over consume (which means thus another generation blindly contributing to an existential threat)



Actually as a boy scout (was about 12 at the time) learned in the process of training for a wilderness survival merit badge, there indeed is a very real difference between a "Want vs Need"

• You can survive for 3 Minutes without air (oxygen) or in icy water
• You can survive for 3 Hours without shelter in a harsh environment (unless in icy water)
• You can survive for 3 Days without water (if sheltered from a harsh environment)
• You can survive for 3 Weeks without food (if you have water and shelter)


Also recall that it was around age 12 that I learned the important lesson of "Wants vs Needs" actually was first taught thousands of years ago (e.g. myth of King Midas and his golden touch)


Bottom line truth is,... man made climate change is a very real extensional threat to humanity AND the only way to diminish the odds of it happening is to first address the very real problem of being miseducated (i.e. people were not properly taught in the first place, so they lack the tools needed to understand the situation)


  • Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 1 of 2.png
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 1 of 2.png
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  • Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 2 of 2.png
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 2 of 2.png
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Since Arbor AND Earth Day are both soon upcoming (in April),... it's a reminder that "climate insanity," is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Long story short,... Arbor Day's purpose is to plant more trees in the community, while Earth Day's purpose is to pay attention to the condition the environment is in (and also a reminder that people can help improve the condition of the only planet we have)

BASICALLY the big picture is,... for decades the public at large has heard about scientists sounding the alarm about mankind affecting the climate, yet the educational system overall response is to "miseducate" students AND thus far the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) have not done much to actually educate students about climate science according to a book titled, MISEDUCATION HOW CLIMATE CHANGE IS TAUGHT IN AMERICA


The inconvenient truth is,... the vast majority of students in elementary, middle AND high school(s) are not being taught key science concepts about man made climate change, so various problem(s) will continue to compound (since nothing is done to address the root cause of the problem)

Because teachers lack a basic understanding of the big picture, created two infographics that summarize what teachers AND their students need to know



• You can survive for 3 Minutes without air (oxygen) or in icy water
• You can survive for 3 Hours without shelter in a harsh environment (unless in icy water)
• You can survive for 3 Days without water (if sheltered from a harsh environment)
• You can survive for 3 Weeks without food (if you have water and shelter)


Also recall that it was around age 12 that I learned the important lesson of "Wants vs Needs" actually was first taught thousands of years ago (e.g. myth of King Midas and his golden touch)


Bottom line truth is,... man made climate change is a very real extensional threat to humanity AND the only way to diminish the odds of it happening is to first address the very real problem of being miseducated (i.e. people were not properly taught in the first place, so they lack the tools needed to understand the situation)
Sure it is. What's the prediction for when it kills all of mankind?
Sure it is. What's the prediction for when it kills all of mankind?

Only a fool would confidently have a specific timeframe prediction,... I say this because there are many knock on effects that have to be first of all acknowledged and somehow factored in,...for example in the SouthWester USA there is a problem with limited water supplies,... which is a problem that will be compounded by "man made climate change"


Only a fool would confidently have a specific timeframe prediction,... I say this because there are many knock on effects that have to be first of all acknowledged and somehow factored in,...for example in the SouthWester USA there is a problem with limited water supplies,... which is a problem that will be compounded by "man made climate change"
I wouldn't worry too much how some individuals on here respond to your thread. They are the bury their heads in the sand types, who don't understand the science nor want to understand the science and will respond to any well written threads (such as this one) with simple-minded one line snarks.
Sure it is. What's the prediction for when it kills all of mankind?
It may not kill all of mankind. But it may sure cost a lot of money and significantly impoverish them.

It may not kill all of mankind. But it may sure cost a lot of money and significantly impoverish them.

You expect those on the Right to read ANYTHING let alone scientific analysis? They prefer to turn on Rightwing radio or Fox and get their scientific understanding through them.
Wait a second the climate is changing? someone should raise awareness I pretty sure most people don’t know about it
Wait a second the climate is changing? someone should raise awareness I pretty sure most people don’t know about it
Most people might know about it, but you've missed the point of the blog.

What are kids being taught to mitigate it, and not worsen it?
You expect those on the Right to read ANYTHING let alone scientific analysis? They prefer to turn on Rightwing radio or Fox and get their scientific understanding through them.
Most people might know about it, but you've missed the point of the blog.

What are kids being taught to mitigate it, and not worsen it?

IMHO the "yuge" problem of ideological bias causing K-8 students to be miseducated isn't just a problem caused by extreme right wingers who deny that man made climate change is actually happening

Ever consider climate/social justice warriors (who know nothing about science) are also a "yuge" problem because they too have the unfortunate ability to miseducate others

Social Justice Warrior Training Video, LEAKED! | Decoded | MTV News

Being a Social Justice Warrior - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 88

AND there is the issue of “wussification”


Basically people on both sides of the political spectrum are not directly confronting the simple fact that humanity is destroying the ecosystem which produces essentials like the air people need to breath AND water people need to drink

Fact is the vast majority of K-8 teachers are female (or soy-boys) so this group tends to have a very, very, very liberal political bias,...


Point being (true to stereotypes), K-8 teachers who are female (or soy-boys) will teach young impressionable kids certain lessons (AND not others)

For example K-8 teachers who are politically liberal will teach young impressionable kids about concepts of gender equality, personal pronouns AND critical race theory BUT odds are they won't spend much time (if at all) teaching young impressionable kids about basic science or wilderness survival concepts

While on the other hand (as a former boy scout) I'm pretty certain young kids in the scouts being taught about wilderness survival,... will not be taught about concepts of gender equality, personal pronouns AND critical race theory

Basically just sayin,... K-8 students are NOT BEING TAUGHT much needed basic science knowledge because of various reasons, such as a very liberal political bias by teachers (who are pushing their beliefs onto their students),... which then causes its own reaction


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