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Golden Dawn says Istanbul will be Greek (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2010
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The supporters of Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn, which won nearly 7 percent of the vote in an inconclusive election on May 6, marched on May 30 chanting “Istanbul is Greek and will remain Greek.”

Some 1,000 far-right Golden Dawn supporters gathered in Athens city center to protest the 559th anniversary of the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire and marked the date with a number of events held in the city on May 29.

Golden Dawn leader Nikos Mihaliolakos also said, “Istanbul is Greek and will remain Greek,” during the protest. The group chanted the national anthem and made the Nazi salute.
Maybe they might ally themselves with the kurds and team up on the turks. :lol:

What's wrong with those people? :roll: Stay put!

Lately there are lots of junk articles about territory redistribution, namely one Ukrainian newspaper and now this nazi BS. In the next thread a dude wants to break Siberia and rewrite the borders of a foreign country. :confused:

Why don't those people stay in their holes and mind their own business?
What's wrong with those people? :roll: Stay put!

Lately there are lots of junk articles about territory redistribution, namely one Ukrainian newspaper and now this nazi BS. In the next thread a dude wants to break Siberia and rewrite the borders of a foreign country. :confused:

Why don't those people stay in their holes and mind their own business?

between me and you i was just trying to rile up a certain turkish member for the lol's, i'm betting she responds to this thread, before reading this post.
What a moron... if you want to do this, do it right. Dont call the city Istanbul.. but by its real name.. Constantinople.

Now I dont agree with him btw in any way, but I do prefer the name Constantinople to Istanbul :)
What a moron... if you want to do this, do it right. Dont call the city Istanbul.. but by its real name.. Constantinople.

Now I dont agree with him btw in any way, but I do prefer the name Constantinople to Istanbul :)

I have this song stuck in my head as a result of reading this topic. Now everyone must suffer

They Might Be Giants - "Instanbul (Not Constantinople)" - YouTube

They might be giants said:
Been a long time gone from Constantinople, why did Constantinople get the works? why that's nobody's business but the Turks!

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The supporters of Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn, which won nearly 7 percent of the vote in an inconclusive election on May 6, marched on May 30 chanting “Istanbul is Greek and will remain Greek.”

Some 1,000 far-right Golden Dawn supporters gathered in Athens city center to protest the 559th anniversary of the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire and marked the date with a number of events held in the city on May 29.

Golden Dawn leader Nikos Mihaliolakos also said, “Istanbul is Greek and will remain Greek,” during the protest. The group chanted the national anthem and made the Nazi salute.
EUROPE - Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn says Istanbul will be Greek

They named themselves after an esoteric order? ****ing lame.
Shouldnt they worry about whether or not Greece stays Greece before they have to change their name to New "Whateverthenameisoftheirhighestdebtholderis" istan before they go worrying about re-taking Istanbul?
Why did the greeks rename Istanbul to be Constantinople? And what is the origin/meaning of the word Istanbul?

(Also, wasn't east europe and the middle east more influential than now, when they were united as "ottomans" as opposed to today's arrangement where they disintegrated themselves into countless tiny countries such as Greece?)
The ancient city of Byzantium became known as Constantinople after being taken by the Roman Emperor Constantine 1000 years after it was first established. The name "Istanbul" only came about in the last 100 years or so.
Why did the greeks rename Istanbul to be Constantinople? And what is the origin/meaning of the word Istanbul?

(Also, wasn't east europe and the middle east more influential than now, when they were united as "ottomans" as opposed to today's arrangement where they disintegrated themselves into countless tiny countries such as Greece?)

Firstly, Eastern Europe was not united as Ottomans. Secondly the Ottoman Empire had gradually destroyed the heritage of every state it had under its realm.
To this day the Ottomans had not created anything that would have allowed us to progress with.
Firstly, Eastern Europe was not united as Ottomans. Secondly the Ottoman Empire had gradually destroyed the heritage of every state it had under its realm.
To this day the Ottomans had not created anything that would have allowed us to progress with.

So, what if we consider that since the break-up of the Ottoman administration, various phases of Balkan wars are coming and going, even presently.
What a moron... if you want to do this, do it right. Dont call the city Istanbul.. but by its real name.. Constantinople.

Now I dont agree with him btw in any way, but I do prefer the name Constantinople to Istanbul :)

Maybe the song was stuck in his head.

So, what if we consider that since the break-up of the Ottoman administration, various phases of Balkan wars are coming and going, even presently.

That is true however wouldn't that apply worldwide... Man, is becoming more and more aggressive as time goes by!
That is true however wouldn't that apply worldwide... Man, is becoming more and more aggressive as time goes by!
Meh...individual man is becoming more violent...but society and nationally we have far less instances of war and conquest today than in the past.
...559th anniversary of the capture of Constantinople...

You would have thought they would be over it by now. :lol:
That is true however wouldn't that apply worldwide... Man, is becoming more and more aggressive as time goes by!

This is right, I think, there has never been such an aggressive peace treaty as the ones closing ww1. And then the peace treaties that closed ww2 were even more aggressive than that. If I was a Balkan guy, I would want to regenerate a unifying administration, such as what the Byzantine one used to be, before even more local aggression destroys Balkan interests. (Or whatever is left of them.) And the closest foundation for a new Byzantine unification today is Turkey, the country that ran the area for 500 years until recently. Is a Balkan re-unification totally unrealistic? (Turkey is a secular non-religious state administration as it stands today, right?)
You would have thought they would be over it by now. :lol:

Not only Istanbul, but every place that was ever conquered and converted has probably lost its past, BUT they never lose their soul. Until the last man is dead on Earth, the question mark of St. Constantine will be over Istanbul forever, and the question mark of the minarettes too if the city gets destroyed again. I am not from that part of the world, but how do you propose them to get over it?
Meh...individual man is becoming more violent...but society and nationally we have far less instances of war and conquest today than in the past.

That is true, and that is all go to do with globalisation and instant communication...
This is right, I think, there has never been such an aggressive peace treaty as the ones closing ww1. And then the peace treaties that closed ww2 were even more aggressive than that. If I was a Balkan guy, I would want to regenerate a unifying administration, such as what the Byzantine one used to be, before even more local aggression destroys Balkan interests. (Or whatever is left of them.) And the closest foundation for a new Byzantine unification today is Turkey, the country that ran the area for 500 years until recently. Is a Balkan re-unification totally unrealistic? (Turkey is a secular non-religious state administration as it stands today, right?)
Wrong, the government itself claims that they are a "Secular state" however in practice they are proving everyone wrong by passing laws based on shariah law...
Turkey cannot fulfil anything without having an aggressive stance. For example; the situation on their border with the Kurds (PKK) and Syria.
Let’s not forget their constant violation in Greek sees and airspace.
The latest update on the coup that suppose to happen as well as the implications that suppose to have on the region.
Wrong, the government itself claims that they are a "Secular state" however in practice they are proving everyone wrong by passing laws based on shariah law...
Turkey cannot fulfil anything without having an aggressive stance. For example; the situation on their border with the Kurds (PKK) and Syria.
Let’s not forget their constant violation in Greek sees and airspace.
The latest update on the coup that suppose to happen as well as the implications that suppose to have on the region.

I don't think that a coup is realistic to expect in Turkey, the distribution of wealth is not exclusive enough for it there. Is a coup a real expectation in Turkey?

If your argument is that Turkey can't be pluralistic enough to sustain both muslims and christians, then what if we suggest an idea like our American Electoral College for Turkey, or for a Balkan re-unification? The Electoral College scheme affords the same amount of votes to every segment of the constituents. This is why we Americans were able to unite (and keep united) all of our different states, despite of differences in religious denominations, economic activities, and even some languages of origin.
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