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Gay Marriage, is it right to stop it? (PART II) (1 Viewer)

Gay Marriage, is it right to stop it? (PART II)

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Homosexuals are equals (or at least supposed to be) in society. Not allowing marriages would be a violation of civil rights. For gay unions and all that stuff, it's like this: you give a guy one dollar, but then you give another guy 99 cents. It's close but not the same. For those who say it's a religious reason why they shouldn't get married, religion shouldn't even be in government.
Methinks we've been over this several times, just in this thread.

There are currently no provably valid reasons to stop gay marriage, unless you accept religious belief (or belief in a currently non-provable reason) as a valid reason, and someone only does that if they believe in the same thing.

this is still not a valid reason because you would also have to be against freedom of religion has you would obviously want your religion to be law and screw your fellow americans and everyone else.

and I know YOU dont think that way TM just saying.
The Institute of Marriage is sacred and blessed by God, the main purpose of it is the producing of children:

Genesis 1:28 (King James Version)

28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

So called gay-"marriage" is nothing more as .....unfortunately it is not easy to explain it politically correct therefore I suggest you will better read here what God really think about Homosexuality:

The Bible Speaks Against Homosexuality


The straight Marriage can produce children and is blessed by God, so-called politically correct marriage is cursed by God and can not produce children.

As you know God created Adam and Eva, not Adam and Steve!

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The Institute of Marriage is sacred and blessed by God, the main purpose of it is the producing of children:

Genesis 1:28 (King James Version)

28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

So called gay-"marriage" is nothing more as .....unfortunately it is not easy to explain it politically correct therefore I suggest you will better read here what God really think about Homosexuality:

The Bible Speaks Against Homosexuality


The straight Marriage can produce children and is blessed by God, so-called politically correct marriage is cursed by God and can not produce children.

As you know God created Adam and Eva, not Adam and Steve!

Damn I saw a response and I thought "hey maybe somebody has something insightful to debate", then I saw the name and laughed and thought "definitely not from them but Ill read it anyway" then I opened it and it was confirmed, nothing rational or logical to offer, oh well maybe somebody else can offer something that matters.
this is still not a valid reason because you would also have to be against freedom of religion has you would obviously want your religion to be law and screw your fellow americans and everyone else.

and I know YOU dont think that way TM just saying.
I was using a different meaning of "valid", I think.

In my response, I was attempting to come at the question from the point of view of a single person's opinion on what would be valid - not on what would ACTUALLY be valid, in a legal sense.

Since I tend to ascribe to the notion that "there are no absolutes except the statement that that there are no absolutes", this leads me to never completely discounting a train of thought, even if I, personally, consider it invalid and disproven.

Thus, I can accept that, for some persons, religion IS a fully valid and right reason to be completely opposed to gay marriage and supportive of stopping it.

Which, obviously, does not mean I agree.
I was using a different meaning of "valid", I think.

In my response, I was attempting to come at the question from the point of view of a single person's opinion on what would be valid - not on what would ACTUALLY be valid, in a legal sense.

Since I tend to ascribe to the notion that "there are no absolutes except the statement that that there are no absolutes", this leads me to never completely discounting a train of thought, even if I, personally, consider it invalid and disproven.

Thus, I can accept that, for some persons, religion IS a fully valid and right reason to be completely opposed to gay marriage and supportive of stopping it.

Which, obviously, does not mean I agree.

only if you ignore the op, i asked for a reason in america that is sound, reasonable, logical, non-bais, non-selfish, non-arrogant, non-hypercritical, non anti-american

those people in support of stopping it based on religion could easily be argued to be many if not all of the above things, therefore those have been debunked ;)
Currently, any couple--gay or otherwise--may be “married” in any state in the country. Point-of-fact, it happens every day and they are free to do so.

“Gay marriages”, however, are simply not recognized in most states nor should they be.
Currently, any couple--gay or otherwise--may be “married” in any state in the country. Point-of-fact, it happens every day and they are free to do so.

“Gay marriages”, however, are simply not recognized in most states nor should they be.

Well that is a compelling argument. State the obvious, then claim your wrongheaded opinion as fact.
Currently, any couple--gay or otherwise--may be “married” in any state in the country. Point-of-fact, it happens every day and they are free to do so.

this is correct and is a fact but has nothing to do with tha topic of this thread, some gays are even married by christian and cathloic churches.

“Gay marriages”, however, are simply not recognized in most states nor should they be.

the first part is true the second part however is not a fact and nor has a suitable reason been provided to claim such
For some of us (and all I did was read the title) it actually causes heartache that people can't just BE. Happy together. I mean, there they are! Happy together. So why can't they be married?

There's a couple in New York that's been together for 60 years. Oh, that's fine, right? As long as they don't - what's that saying? That fear everybody has, that they will somehow diminish or adversely affect the institution of marriage? Looks to me like they're living their vows better than the bulk of the straight married couples.
Only if you ignore the op. I asked for a reason in america that is sound, reasonable, logical, non-baised, non-selfish, non-arrogant, non-hypocritical, non anti-american

Those people in support of stopping it based on religion could easily be argued to be many if not all of the above things, therefore those have been debunked ;)
Not necessarily.

If, as I said, I was approaching the question from the perspective of “what would constitute a valid reason to some random single person”.

If we assume that this random person truly believes that their religious reason for opposing gay marriage is a valid one, and we further assume that they might also believe that their reason meets all of your criteria, said reason could, from their perspective, be seen as a valid one.

Granted, it would seem unlikely to be a logical argument in that case, but it is also possible – after all, not all people come at things from the same angle…

Further, such an argument would be highly unlikely to stand up to any kind of examination by one’s peers, or for that matter, anyone who does not hold the belief system that supports it.

However, it does seem possible, while extremely remote.

For some of us (and all I did was read the title) it actually causes heartache that people can't just BE. Happy together. I mean, there they are! Happy together. So why can't they be married?

There's a couple in New York that's been together for 60 years. Oh, that's fine, right? As long as they don't - what's that saying? That fear everybody has, that they will somehow diminish or adversely affect the institution of marriage? Looks to me like they're living their vows better than the bulk of the straight married couples.

oh I agree the sanctity of marriage that some often use is total hogwash because the fact remains 50% or marriage ends in divorce so if it ever had sanctity thats gone not to mention the fact that is a LEGAL issue, not religious, so that also takes that argument away.

The majority of these same people dont cry if I go to vegas and get married by elvis or get married by a magistrate with no religion involved but they cry if its same sex, hypocritical much? LOL yes they are :)
Not necessarily.

If, as I said, I was approaching the question from the perspective of “what would constitute a valid reason to some random single person”.

If we assume that this random person truly believes that their religious reason for opposing gay marriage is a valid one, and we further assume that they might also believe that their reason meets all of your criteria, said reason could, from their perspective, be seen as a valid one.

Granted, it would seem unlikely to be a logical argument in that case, but it is also possible – after all, not all people come at things from the same angle…

Further, such an argument would be highly unlikely to stand up to any kind of examination by one’s peers, or for that matter, anyone who does not hold the belief system that supports it.

However, it does seem possible, while extremely remote.


I cant possible see how unless you REMOVE America, laws, rights, freedoms, liberties and pursuit of happiness from the question?

I mean I agree with what you said in general but once you bring america and law in it and ask the question from that angle its always going to fail.

Of course I have been told by some people that GOD comes first even over america and its MAN MADE laws and thats fine for a PERSON to believe but that once they try to force that on me the quickly fit one of the names I listed.:shrug:
I cant possible see how unless you REMOVE America, laws, rights, freedoms, liberties and pursuit of happiness from the question?

I mean I agree with what you said in general but once you bring america and law in it and ask the question from that angle its always going to fail.

Of course I have been told by some people that GOD comes first even over america and its MAN MADE laws and thats fine for a PERSON to believe but that once they try to force that on me the quickly fit one of the names I listed.:shrug:
I overthink things from time to time.

This was likely such a case.
I overthink things from time to time.

This was likely such a case.

nah, I liked your answer a lot and it had lots of logic in general about how a person should look at things, its just my OP is very specific.

In general it fits how I think a LOT and I like it ;)
wrong thread
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I read like 3 pages and then prepared a few responses only to realize this thread is from 2010 >.>.

lol sorry

wont hurt replying though
The act of homosexual sex is wrong.......It goes against everything God teaches.
The act of homosexual sex is wrong.......It goes against everything God teaches.

No it doesn't. 99% of the teachings of GOD have zero to do with sex. Christ himself said nothing about homosexuality...but a lot about not judging and a hell of a lot more about being a good person and loving and respecting other people.
This is some serious necro-posting...
Homos are abnormal perverts who are born that way....as are some unfortunates with congenital defects.

There are some that become that way when brainwashed by the perverts that adopt them.

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