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Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned from (1 Viewer)

Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

An Easter egg hunt isn't a spiritual exercise.

What do you think the word "spiritual" means?

Well I hope you had a great pagan fertility holiday........ Poe
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Well I hope you had a great pagan fertility holiday........ Poe

An Easter egg hunt isn't a spiritual exercise.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

What is the origin of painting eggs?
The egg itself can have a religious connotation. But painting the eggs is an established art geared at getting children involved in various holiday games.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

What is the origin of painting eggs?

The origins of egg painting don't matter because egg painting isn't a spiritual practice.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

The origins of egg painting don't matter because egg painting isn't a spiritual practice.

So, yoga can be as spiritual or not as spiritual as you want it to be.

I have no problem with it in schools if that gets the fatties moving.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

lol..... What does the easter bunny, and eggs have to do with jesus rising from the dead, why does the holiday move?
If you must know, druidism, the religion that 'previously held the Easter time as sacred', was all about worshipping nature. The festival of the Spring Equinox (equinox is day and night are of the same length) in Druidism was called Alban Eilir. Hence the bunnies and eggs. Bunny and eggs are symbols of a religious holiday.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

So, yoga can be as spiritual or not as spiritual as you want it to be.

I have no problem with it in schools if that gets the fatties moving.

Yoga has "mental peace" and things of that nature as explicit purposes. So yes, it's spiritual.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Yoga has "mental peace" and things of that nature as explicit purposes. So yes, it's spiritual.

So "mental peace" is a bad thing?
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Yoga is practiced separately from religion today...the same way that 'the holidays' are practiced separately from Christianity today.

Many people recognize no religious significance around Christmas/the holidays. And the govt and public schools are welcome to celebrate it with many of it's customs and traditions and icons, as long as not explicitly discussing the religious aspects.

Seems just like this for yoga.

well, he thing with Christmas is, the school is forbidden form bring god or religion into it.. they are required, if they celebrate it in any tangible fashion, to focus and teach on he secular aspects.

is that what they are doing in this Yoga thing?.. are they focusing on and teaching the secular aspects while they observe this tradition?

if not, they open themselves up to lawsuits

in any event, i don't really care if they do yoga or not.... i would prefer they simply institute the time honored and effective " PE" and " recess"... but since we are held bent on mass producing fat out of shape kids, that's not likely to make a come back any time soon.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

So "mental peace" is a bad thing?

It's a spiritual thing. Pay attention to where the goalposts lie.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

well, he thing with Christmas is, the school is forbidden form bring god or religion into it.. they are required, if they celebrate it in any tangible fashion, to focus and teach on he secular aspects.

is that what they are doing in this Yoga thing?.. are they focusing on and teaching the secular aspects while they observe this tradition?

if not, they open themselves up to lawsuits

in any event, i don't really care if they do yoga or not.... i would prefer they simply institute the time honored and effective " PE" and " recess"... but since we are held bent on mass producing fat out of shape kids, that's not likely to make a come back any time soon.

DIdnt seem to indicate they were focusing on or even mentioning the religious roots of the practice. As such, seems like a tempest in a teapot by the ignorant.

But I dont think I have the whole story.

(and soooo many of the symbols that they use for the 'holiday' Christmas are still religious in their foundations...they just dont discuss it. But the symbols remain.)
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Two Buddhists walk into a bar and have a seat. One says to the other, "You want to shoot some pool?"

The second Buddhist replies, "Namaste right here."
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Remember this gem? Who knew yoga was so controversial?


But yoga comes from India, once a British colony. And now, at one Canadian university, a yoga class designed to include disabled students has been canceled after concerns the practice was taken from a culture that “experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas due to colonialism and western supremacy,” according to the group that once sponsored it.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Why wont you adress the question?

Because it's question begging. "Mental peace" is a good thing, but Yoga is an evil means.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

do you live in GEORGIA,do you vote in GEORGIA,so what is your problem,like most liberals you want to tell others how to live,the people of the sovereign state of GEORGIA will decide this issue,give it a rest the post is as liberal as it gets.

run don run
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

So is the easter bunny...
The Easter Bunny was Jesus' pet rabbit at the time of his crucifixion. We all know this...
...How else could you explain the miracle of a rabbit laying Cadbury eggs?
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

So is the easter bunny...

Easter egg hunts and the like are not spiritual exercises, no matter how much you wish to make them so.
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Easter egg hunts and the like are not spiritual exercises, no matter how much you wish to make them so.

Easter bunny is a false idol,sinner!
Re: Ga. parents, offended by the ‘Far East religion’ of yoga, get ‘Namaste’ banned fr

Moderator's Warning:
Rev and Paleo - knock it off.

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