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Finally!! -- A New Political Book That Doesn't Coddle Racist Rural White Trump Voters (1 Viewer)

Telephone polls are not "voting trends". The actual voting results are voting trends. Exit polls are voting trends.

And no, most rural white working class vote Republican...and racism has a lot to do with it.

See my previous comment...telephone polls simply do not matter anymore. You got NOTHING to support your opinion, except for meaningless telephone polls and wishful thinking.
When I say voting trends I mean voting trends, not polling. As in the actual voting.

Lets examine an exit poll study. https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-Exit-Polls.pdf?x85095
1972 to 2020. The funny thing is you are casting generalizations over a 10% difference. Maybe, just maybe, Democrats want to have someone to blame instead of blaming themselves for bad policy and bad faith towards rural voters who still vote for Democrats over 40% by population. Cutting your nose off to spite your face is pretty ****ing stupid, maybe Democrats need some leaders that want to embrace policies for as many Americans as possible.
Why do poor working class Repugs constantly vote for a party that only cares about the rich? Because they are suckers.

And their racism and stupid cultural issue bullshit is more important to them than their bank accounts.
Wait...I thought all the liberal elite rich voted Democrat now? Some pure hate filled projection going on there. Better have that looked at, it isn't healthy.
Why do poor working class Repugs constantly vote for a party that only cares about the rich? Because they are suckers.

And their racism and stupid cultural issue bullshit is more important to them than their bank accounts.

Everything is about material benefits with you guys, isn't it?
Unions are not nearly as strong in the South. Just a fact --

The states with right-to-work laws tend to be Republican-leaning states, mostly in the South, Mountain West, and Plains areas of the country.

That is consistent with the preferences of rank-and-file Republicans nationally, who disapprove of unions by 57% to 32%, and support right-to-work laws by 74% to 18%.

Goalpost move! :ROFLMAO:

You just can't get it right, seems like.
In what way?? Unions are not as strong in the South and in Republican states, as I told you earlier.
In the way you were talking about "red states", and switched to "southern states".

Quantify "strong". Or at least explain what makes a strong union. How was your own union strong or weak?
Oh, so now you are agreeing with me -- poor white working class are SUCKERS for voting Republican.

I doubt I would agree with you on much. Why are you so hostile to workers voting for their interests? You talk as if material interests are all that matters.
In the way you were talking about "red states", and switched to "southern states".

Quantify "strong". Or at least explain what makes a strong union. How was your own union strong or weak?
Dude...southern states are primarily red states!! Stop with your dishonest bullshit.

And the quote also mentioned Mountain West and Plains, which are also red states for the most part.
Dude...southern states are primarily red states!! Stop with your dishonest bullshit.

And the quote also mentioned Mountain West and Plains, which are also red states for the most part.

So quantify strong. And tell us how your own union was strong or weak? What color was the state?
I doubt I would agree with you on much. Why are you so hostile to workers voting for their interests? You talk as if material interests are all that matters.
Being a white bumpkin racist with no money who keeps voting for a Republican Party that only cares about rich people is in their interest??

That's some crazy ass MAGA Repug logic right there.
Being a white bumpkin racist with no money who keeps voting for a Republican Party that only cares about rich people is in their interest??

That's some crazy ass MAGA Repug logic right there.

No, that's your stereotype. Good to see how you Democrats care so much about the working class to characterize them in that manner though. Is there money at stake for you?
When I was a UAW worker, I have to admit that many of us needed a union. Otherwise, we might have been shitcanned earlier for nonsense like smoking weed at work, calling off a day a week, etc. As it was, we got by with that shit for years. Then the company closed the plant completely. I always will think there was some collusion involved there though.
The union movement was and remains responsible for the workplace becoming more humane. I remember a construction boss telling me that the saying in his field was, “anyone who gets a union deserves one.”
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No, that's your stereotype. Good to see how you Democrats care so much about the working class to characterize them in that manner though. Is there money at stake for you?
Racism is the biggest reason why these poor white rural folks vote Republican.

That's just the truth. Unless your foolish enough to believe the Republican Party actually cares about poor people.
Racism is the biggest reason why these poor white rural folks vote Republican.

That's just the truth. Unless your foolish enough to believe the Republican Party actually cares about poor people.

Would those poor people be the ones you referred to as " little Johnny Hillbilly Lunch Pail Guy"?

Admit it. You couldn't give a popcorn fart about poor people if they don't support your team.
Weak...either refute it or admit defeat.

Admitting defeat is hard for you MAGAs....as the 2020 election proved.

It's just an opinion. What's to refute? It's like arguing about whether Coke or Pepsi is better.
It's just an opinion. What's to refute? It's like arguing about whether Coke or Pepsi is better.
The article examines union data...which is much more persuasive than your weak, biased, MAGA opinion.

You lost the debate, now you're trolling....like you always do.
Would those poor people be the ones you referred to as " little Johnny Hillbilly Lunch Pail Guy"?

Admit it. You couldn't give a popcorn fart about poor people if they don't support your team.
I don't care about poor racist Trump voters. Correct. They get what they deserve.
I see you have learned a new word. Why not use it when applicable instead of numerous random posts?
I don't know what to make of some of your posts, bro. But that was a good comeback!

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