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Explosive Growth of Militias (1 Viewer)

Μολὼν λαβέ;1060279261 said:
So the Southern Poverty Law Center is implying all militias are hate groups and extremists? Maybe they should practice what they preach, tolerance.

I don't think they said "all militias" and the SPLC does not preach "tolerate hate groups".

That's a ridiculous statement.

Then why does the SPLC group all militias as having characteristics that actualize hate? The article connects hate groups and militias with common motives, which is the theme of the article as noted in the first quotation below.

If you believe what you wrote then you should reread until you comprehend.

U.S. News - Election, economy spark explosive growth of militias

"The increase has just been astounding," said Mark Potok, editor-in-chief of the SPLC report. "The reality is that many of these groups are becoming more and more fearful that Barack Obama will win the re-election. You can see the anger rising along with that fear."

Is there data to prove this assertion?

The SPLC defines the "patriot" movement as made up of conspiracy-minded individuals who see the federal government as their primary enemy.

So now all patriot group members are conspirators, with the government as their primary enemy? The efficacy of their self-constructed definition couldn't be an act of partisan politics could it. (double-wink):wink3:
so you prefer opinion...over evidence?

pathetic. just pathetic.

No, I prefer someone be precise when they make a statement, so I ask for that kind of precision.

He jumped all over me for making too much of his statement, so is it too much to ask he tell me exactly how much I should make of it?

I want to know what's in his mind when he says what he says.
...So, you think the response to this should be to break the law and violate these people's constitutional rights? How ironic is that?

if militia groups break the law or plan to commit acts of terrorism, they should be dealt with harshly.
if militia groups break the law or plan to commit acts of terrorism, they should be dealt with harshly.

By breaking the law and violating their rights?

Amazing how selective you are when defending people's rights.

Is it just a conicidence how you insist the people you agree with should have their right's protected with our last drop of blood and the one's you don't agree with can eat **** and die?

BTW, what law has been broken?
the real question is: do we need to set up militias to protect us from right-wing extremist militias?

perhaps we need to set up self-defense forces, to protect our communities, in the case that right-wing extremist militias decide to start a "revolution" and declare state or city or county "liberated", against the will of its people.
...Is it just a conicidence how you insist the people you agree with should have their right's protected with our last drop of blood and the one's you don't agree with can eat **** and die?...

that's you talking, not I.

personally, I think we have a lot more to fear from right-wing militias & left-wing revolutionary groups, than from the government
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Μολὼν λαβέ;1060279523 said:
So all statements are based on unbiased collected and observed or tested data? None are based on opinion or influenced by prior beliefs, e. g. political disposition? WOW...

I posted research from the ADL too. Use them if you like.
the real question is: do we need to set up militias to protect us from right-wing extremist militias?

perhaps we need to set up self-defense forces, to protect our communities, in the case that right-wing extremist militias decide to start a "revolution" and declare state or city or county "liberated", against the will of its people.

You would be well within your rights to do so. I think you should.

It would be kinda hard, since most Libbos don't like guns. :lamo
You would be well within your rights to do so. I think you should.

It would be kinda hard, since most Libbos don't like guns. :lamo

in order to protect ourselves from right-wing militias and left-wing revolutionaries, I bet a good number of Liberals would put aside their distaste for firearms.
that's you talking, not I.

personally, I think we have a lot more to fear from right-wing militias & left-wing revolutionary groups, than from the government

Unless, of course, we have a prez that is pards with some of those Left wing reveolutionaries.

right-wing militias are a danger to our country.

They're not... they're toast if they try anything. They can be detained indefinitely by the military if they hit the risk threshold.
in order to protect ourselves from right-wing militias and left-wing revolutionaries, I bet a good number of Liberals would put aside their distaste for firearms.

Y'all would have to use them to kill yourselves, because you wouldn't know which side to be on. :lamo
This is really much ado about almost nothing.

Interest in militias comes and goes. They were huge in the early 90's but damn near extinct by 2000. So now they're making a modest comeback.... big whup.
They're not... they're toast if they try anything. They can be detained indefinitely by the military if they hit the risk threshold.

Oh, so now you support those new laws? :lamo
Oh, so now you support those new laws? :lamo

Never said I didn't. All my posts are accessible to you. I was under the impression the law would cover domestic right wing ultranationalists as well. So I didn't denounce it right of the bat. Now I keep it up my sleeve as a card.

I support drones too.

right-wing militias are a danger to our country.

Yeah! Ok! :rofl

I've met a few militia member and those numb-nuts couldn't fight their way out of wet paper sack with a sharp butcher knife.
Yeah! Ok! :rofl

I've met a few militia member and those numb-nuts couldn't fight their way out of wet paper sack with a sharp butcher knife.

I don't doubt that at all. I'm confident that a majority of militia folks are just racists, idiots, morons, buffoons, and losers.

but a few of them probably have some brains and could stage a deadly terrorist attack.
I don't doubt that at all. I'm confident that a majority of militia folks are just racists, idiots, morons, buffoons, and losers.

but a few of them probably have some brains and could stage a deadly terrorist attack.

So can extremist Muslims. Should they fall under the same microscope as militia groups?

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