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DP Fantasy Football 2022 (1 Viewer)

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Master of Shenanigans
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MS Gulf Coast
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The league has been renewed for another season.

Draft date/time: Sunday, September 4, 2022 5:30 PM ET
Keeper designation deadline: Thursday, September 2, 2022

1 – Each team can keep 2 players from last year's roster.
2 – You will forfeit your draft pick in this year's draft based on where they were drafted last year, minus 1 round. The exception to this is 1st round picks from last year - you can keep that player and you would give up your 1st round pick to do so.
2A – It matters where the player was drafted last year, not that you were the one who drafted him. In other words, if Team A drafted Player X in the 7th round and that player was dropped and picked up by another team or that player was traded to another team, the team that had the player on their roster at the end of the season last year is the one who can choose to keep that player and they would give up their 6th round pick in this year's draft in order to do so in this example.
2C – Players that were undrafted last year may be kept if they were on your roster at the end of the 2021 season. In order to keep them, you would forfeit the round that they are projected to be drafted in this year's draft based on Yahoo's ADP for the 2022 season.
2D - You cannot keep both players you drafted in the first two rounds.
3 – The deadline to assign your keepers is Thursday, September 2nd, 2022.
4 – You don't have to keep any players from your 2021 end-of-season roster if you don't want to. If you choose to not keep anyone, you won't have to forfeit any draft picks. In addition, if you decide to keep just 1 player, you will only have to give up the 1 draft pick.

Other notes:

1 – We are a “keeper” league (see draft rules above)
2 – We are ½ point PPR league. The player catching the forward pass will get .5 points for each reception – this is in addition to whatever points they receive for yardage. An interception does not count as this is counted as an interception and not a reception.
3 – The playoffs will consist of the top 4 finishers in the league based on record (tie breaker is overall points scored)
4 – Draft order will be determined by reverse order of how each team finished last year.

2022 DP FFL Team List

Team Name (Manager)
Stable Genius (Hari Seldon) - CONFIRMED
Regulators (VanceMack) - CONFIRMED
TeXas Factor (X Factor) - CONFIRMED
Matty Ice Ice Baby! (RedAkston) - CONFIRMED
Beach Bums (Ernesto - a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
infantryboys (armycowboy) - CONFIRMED
Waka ama (Bodi) - CONFIRMED
DakStreet Boys (Crovax) - CONFIRMED
Zeke-A Virus (Brian, a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
4th Generation Warfare (upsideguy) - CONFIRMED

I will update the list above as managers are confirmed and as team names change.

We have ONE open spot as of now. This may change if others are not participating this year. New managers will inherit one of the former managers teams for the purposes of keepers. The team they inherit will be determined by a random draw.

@Hari Seldon @VanceMack @X Factor @PeacefulWarrior @Crovax @upsideguy
Last edited:
The league has been renewed for another season.

Draft date/time: Sunday, September 4, 2022 5:30 PM ET
Keeper designation deadline: Thursday, September 2, 2022

1 – Each team can keep 2 players from last year's roster.
2 – You will forfeit your draft pick in this year's draft based on where they were drafted last year, minus 1 round. The exception to this is 1st round picks from last year - you can keep that player and you would give up your 1st round pick to do so.
2A – It matters where the player was drafted last year, not that you were the one who drafted him. In other words, if Team A drafted Player X in the 7th round and that player was dropped and picked up by another team or that player was traded to another team, the team that had the player on their roster at the end of the season last year is the one who can choose to keep that player and they would give up their 6th round pick in this year's draft in order to do so in this example.
2C – Players that were undrafted last year may be kept if they were on your roster at the end of the 2021 season. In order to keep them, you would forfeit the round that they are projected to be drafted in this year's draft based on Yahoo's ADP for the 2022 season.
2D - You cannot keep both players you drafted in the first two rounds.
3 – The deadline to assign your keepers is Thursday, September 2nd, 2022.
4 – You don't have to keep any players from your 2021 end-of-season roster if you don't want to. If you choose to not keep anyone, you won't have to forfeit any draft picks. In addition, if you decide to keep just 1 player, you will only have to give up the 1 draft pick.

Other notes:

1 – We are a “keeper” league (see draft rules above)
2 – We are ½ point PPR league. The player catching the forward pass will get .5 points for each reception – this is in addition to whatever points they receive for yardage. An interception does not count as this is counted as an interception and not a reception.
3 – The playoffs will consist of the top 4 finishers in the league based on record (tie breaker is overall points scored)
4 – Draft order will be determined by reverse order of how each team finished last year.

2022 DP FFL Team List

Team Name (Manager)
Stable Genius (Hari Seldon) - UNCONFIRMED
Regulators (VanceMack) - UNCONFIRMED
TeXas Factor (X Factor) - UNCONFIRMED
Don't fool me Wentz (RedAkston) - CONFIRMED
Beach Bums (Ernesto - a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
GridironGang (PeacefulWarrior) - UNCONFIRMED
Dak to the Future (Crovax) - UNCONFIRMED
Zeke-A Virus (Brian, a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
4th Generation Warfare (upsideguy) - UNCONFIRMED

I will update the list above as managers are confirmed and as team names change.

We have ONE open spot as of now. This may change if others are not participating this year. New managers will inherit one of the former managers teams for the purposes of keepers. The team they inherit will be determined by a random draw.

@Hari Seldon @VanceMack @X Factor @PeacefulWarrior @Crovax @upsideguy
I'm in...
The league has been renewed for another season.

Draft date/time: Sunday, September 4, 2022 5:30 PM ET
Keeper designation deadline: Thursday, September 2, 2022

1 – Each team can keep 2 players from last year's roster.
2 – You will forfeit your draft pick in this year's draft based on where they were drafted last year, minus 1 round. The exception to this is 1st round picks from last year - you can keep that player and you would give up your 1st round pick to do so.
2A – It matters where the player was drafted last year, not that you were the one who drafted him. In other words, if Team A drafted Player X in the 7th round and that player was dropped and picked up by another team or that player was traded to another team, the team that had the player on their roster at the end of the season last year is the one who can choose to keep that player and they would give up their 6th round pick in this year's draft in order to do so in this example.
2C – Players that were undrafted last year may be kept if they were on your roster at the end of the 2021 season. In order to keep them, you would forfeit the round that they are projected to be drafted in this year's draft based on Yahoo's ADP for the 2022 season.
2D - You cannot keep both players you drafted in the first two rounds.
3 – The deadline to assign your keepers is Thursday, September 2nd, 2022.
4 – You don't have to keep any players from your 2021 end-of-season roster if you don't want to. If you choose to not keep anyone, you won't have to forfeit any draft picks. In addition, if you decide to keep just 1 player, you will only have to give up the 1 draft pick.

Other notes:

1 – We are a “keeper” league (see draft rules above)
2 – We are ½ point PPR league. The player catching the forward pass will get .5 points for each reception – this is in addition to whatever points they receive for yardage. An interception does not count as this is counted as an interception and not a reception.
3 – The playoffs will consist of the top 4 finishers in the league based on record (tie breaker is overall points scored)
4 – Draft order will be determined by reverse order of how each team finished last year.

2022 DP FFL Team List

Team Name (Manager)
Stable Genius (Hari Seldon) - UNCONFIRMED
Regulators (VanceMack) - UNCONFIRMED
TeXas Factor (X Factor) - UNCONFIRMED
Don't fool me Wentz (RedAkston) - CONFIRMED
Beach Bums (Ernesto - a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
GridironGang (PeacefulWarrior) - UNCONFIRMED
Dak to the Future (Crovax) - UNCONFIRMED
Zeke-A Virus (Brian, a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
4th Generation Warfare (upsideguy) - UNCONFIRMED

I will update the list above as managers are confirmed and as team names change.

We have ONE open spot as of now. This may change if others are not participating this year. New managers will inherit one of the former managers teams for the purposes of keepers. The team they inherit will be determined by a random draw.

@Hari Seldon @VanceMack @X Factor @PeacefulWarrior @Crovax @upsideguy

I'm in

The league has been renewed for another season.

Draft date/time: Sunday, September 4, 2022 5:30 PM ET
Keeper designation deadline: Thursday, September 2, 2022

1 – Each team can keep 2 players from last year's roster.
2 – You will forfeit your draft pick in this year's draft based on where they were drafted last year, minus 1 round. The exception to this is 1st round picks from last year - you can keep that player and you would give up your 1st round pick to do so.
2A – It matters where the player was drafted last year, not that you were the one who drafted him. In other words, if Team A drafted Player X in the 7th round and that player was dropped and picked up by another team or that player was traded to another team, the team that had the player on their roster at the end of the season last year is the one who can choose to keep that player and they would give up their 6th round pick in this year's draft in order to do so in this example.
2C – Players that were undrafted last year may be kept if they were on your roster at the end of the 2021 season. In order to keep them, you would forfeit the round that they are projected to be drafted in this year's draft based on Yahoo's ADP for the 2022 season.
2D - You cannot keep both players you drafted in the first two rounds.
3 – The deadline to assign your keepers is Thursday, September 2nd, 2022.
4 – You don't have to keep any players from your 2021 end-of-season roster if you don't want to. If you choose to not keep anyone, you won't have to forfeit any draft picks. In addition, if you decide to keep just 1 player, you will only have to give up the 1 draft pick.

Other notes:

1 – We are a “keeper” league (see draft rules above)
2 – We are ½ point PPR league. The player catching the forward pass will get .5 points for each reception – this is in addition to whatever points they receive for yardage. An interception does not count as this is counted as an interception and not a reception.
3 – The playoffs will consist of the top 4 finishers in the league based on record (tie breaker is overall points scored)
4 – Draft order will be determined by reverse order of how each team finished last year.

2022 DP FFL Team List

Team Name (Manager)
Stable Genius (Hari Seldon) - UNCONFIRMED
Regulators (VanceMack) - CONFIRMED
TeXas Factor (X Factor) - UNCONFIRMED
Don't fool me Wentz (RedAkston) - CONFIRMED
Beach Bums (Ernesto - a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
GridironGang (PeacefulWarrior) - UNCONFIRMED
Dak to the Future (Crovax) - CONFIRMED
Zeke-A Virus (Brian, a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
4th Generation Warfare (upsideguy) - UNCONFIRMED

I will update the list above as managers are confirmed and as team names change.

We have ONE open spot as of now. This may change if others are not participating this year. New managers will inherit one of the former managers teams for the purposes of keepers. The team they inherit will be determined by a random draw.

@Hari Seldon @VanceMack @X Factor @PeacefulWarrior @Crovax @upsideguy
I am in
We have 1 open spot remaining as of now. If interested, please let me know ASAP.
Unless anything changes between now and Thursday, My keeper picks are

Christian McCaffrey
J Herbert

Drafting at the 3 spot is rough...considering how much a risk CMC is...but...oh well....
Red...do you have the draft from last year? I understand that I cant keep CMC and Diggs if they were 1 and 2 rounders last year...just need to check and see what rounds Diggs was drafted in.
@VanceMack follow the link in the previous post.
Just to have on record. I will be keeping Jonathan Taylor, my 3rd round pick in 2021 and Jamar Chase, my 11th round pick from 2021.... thus costing me a 2nd round and 10th round pick this year.
The league has been renewed for another season.

Draft date/time: Sunday, September 4, 2022 5:30 PM ET
Keeper designation deadline: Thursday, September 2, 2022

1 – Each team can keep 2 players from last year's roster.
2 – You will forfeit your draft pick in this year's draft based on where they were drafted last year, minus 1 round. The exception to this is 1st round picks from last year - you can keep that player and you would give up your 1st round pick to do so.
2A – It matters where the player was drafted last year, not that you were the one who drafted him. In other words, if Team A drafted Player X in the 7th round and that player was dropped and picked up by another team or that player was traded to another team, the team that had the player on their roster at the end of the season last year is the one who can choose to keep that player and they would give up their 6th round pick in this year's draft in order to do so in this example.
2C – Players that were undrafted last year may be kept if they were on your roster at the end of the 2021 season. In order to keep them, you would forfeit the round that they are projected to be drafted in this year's draft based on Yahoo's ADP for the 2022 season.
2D - You cannot keep both players you drafted in the first two rounds.
3 – The deadline to assign your keepers is Thursday, September 2nd, 2022.
4 – You don't have to keep any players from your 2021 end-of-season roster if you don't want to. If you choose to not keep anyone, you won't have to forfeit any draft picks. In addition, if you decide to keep just 1 player, you will only have to give up the 1 draft pick.

Other notes:

1 – We are a “keeper” league (see draft rules above)
2 – We are ½ point PPR league. The player catching the forward pass will get .5 points for each reception – this is in addition to whatever points they receive for yardage. An interception does not count as this is counted as an interception and not a reception.
3 – The playoffs will consist of the top 4 finishers in the league based on record (tie breaker is overall points scored)
4 – Draft order will be determined by reverse order of how each team finished last year.

2022 DP FFL Team List

Team Name (Manager)
Stable Genius (Hari Seldon) - CONFIRMED
Regulators (VanceMack) - CONFIRMED
TeXas Factor (X Factor) - UNCONFIRMED
Matty Ice Ice Baby! (RedAkston) - CONFIRMED
Beach Bums (Ernesto - a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
armycowboy - CONFIRMED
GridironGang (PeacefulWarrior) - UNCONFIRMED
Dak to the Future (Crovax) - CONFIRMED
Zeke-A Virus (Brian, a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
4th Generation Warfare (upsideguy) - CONFIRMED

I will update the list above as managers are confirmed and as team names change.

We have ONE open spot as of now. This may change if others are not participating this year. New managers will inherit one of the former managers teams for the purposes of keepers. The team they inherit will be determined by a random draw.

@Hari Seldon @VanceMack @X Factor @PeacefulWarrior @Crovax @upsideguy
This sounds great but I only have the Internet and NFL Game Pass. Will it work for me?
Can I join and what do I need to do!!! :)
Send me a PM with your email address. I'll send you an invite. Our draft is this coming Sunday at 5:30 PM ET. You will inherit a team from last year and you can keep up to 2 players if you so desire. Read through this thread and let me know if you have any questions.
The league has been renewed for another season.

Draft date/time: Sunday, September 4, 2022 5:30 PM ET
Keeper designation deadline: Thursday, September 2, 2022

1 – Each team can keep 2 players from last year's roster.
2 – You will forfeit your draft pick in this year's draft based on where they were drafted last year, minus 1 round. The exception to this is 1st round picks from last year - you can keep that player and you would give up your 1st round pick to do so.
2A – It matters where the player was drafted last year, not that you were the one who drafted him. In other words, if Team A drafted Player X in the 7th round and that player was dropped and picked up by another team or that player was traded to another team, the team that had the player on their roster at the end of the season last year is the one who can choose to keep that player and they would give up their 6th round pick in this year's draft in order to do so in this example.
2C – Players that were undrafted last year may be kept if they were on your roster at the end of the 2021 season. In order to keep them, you would forfeit the round that they are projected to be drafted in this year's draft based on Yahoo's ADP for the 2022 season.
2D - You cannot keep both players you drafted in the first two rounds.
3 – The deadline to assign your keepers is Thursday, September 2nd, 2022.
4 – You don't have to keep any players from your 2021 end-of-season roster if you don't want to. If you choose to not keep anyone, you won't have to forfeit any draft picks. In addition, if you decide to keep just 1 player, you will only have to give up the 1 draft pick.

Other notes:

1 – We are a “keeper” league (see draft rules above)
2 – We are ½ point PPR league. The player catching the forward pass will get .5 points for each reception – this is in addition to whatever points they receive for yardage. An interception does not count as this is counted as an interception and not a reception.
3 – The playoffs will consist of the top 4 finishers in the league based on record (tie breaker is overall points scored)
4 – Draft order will be determined by reverse order of how each team finished last year.

2022 DP FFL Team List

Team Name (Manager)
Stable Genius (Hari Seldon) - CONFIRMED
Regulators (VanceMack) - CONFIRMED
TeXas Factor (X Factor) - UNCONFIRMED
Matty Ice Ice Baby! (RedAkston) - CONFIRMED
Beach Bums (Ernesto - a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
armycowboy - CONFIRMED
GridironGang (PeacefulWarrior) - UNCONFIRMED
Dak to the Future (Crovax) - CONFIRMED
Zeke-A Virus (Brian, a friend of mine) - CONFIRMED
4th Generation Warfare (upsideguy) - CONFIRMED

I will update the list above as managers are confirmed and as team names change.

We have ONE open spot as of now. This may change if others are not participating this year. New managers will inherit one of the former managers teams for the purposes of keepers. The team they inherit will be determined by a random draw.

@Hari Seldon @VanceMack @X Factor @PeacefulWarrior @Crovax @upsideguy
How do you see the keepers?
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