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Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma (2 Viewers)


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Jan 25, 2012
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No head trauma. no stitches required.. black eyes normal for an injury to the nose.. Height 5' 7" weight 204... obese.

Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma

By Frances Robles Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MIAMI — The day after he killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman went to the doctor with a broken nose, black eyes and two cuts on his head, but the physician determined he didn’t suffer any head trauma, newly released medical records show.

Zimmerman declined to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist even though the primary care physician recommended it, the doctor twice noted.

The medical records document several injuries, but also state that the only reason Zimmerman sought medical attention was because he needed a doctor’s note to return to work, Duval County Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda said in court last week.

Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma - BostonHerald.com
no head trauma...and yet he still had to kill TM?

utter bull****, that's what this is. GZ shot & killed TM simply because he was losing a fight.
no head trauma...and yet he still had to kill TM?

utter bull****, that's what this is. GZ shot & killed TM simply because he was losing a fight.

No head trauma. no stitches required.. black eyes normal for an injury to the nose.. Height 5' 7" weight 204... obese.

Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma

By Frances Robles Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MIAMI — The day after he killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman went to the doctor with a broken nose, black eyes and two cuts on his head, but the physician determined he didn’t suffer any head trauma, newly released medical records show.

Zimmerman declined to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist even though the primary care physician recommended it, the doctor twice noted.

The medical records document several injuries, but also state that the only reason Zimmerman sought medical attention was because he needed a doctor’s note to return to work, Duval County Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda said in court last week.

Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma - BostonHerald.com

You two should get married.

What's your point, Sharon? He had two cuts on his head. A broken nose and two black eyes. Just what does this post intend to show?
it shows that GZ's injuries didn't justify killing TM.

You must be kidding, Thunder. Somebody breaks my nose and gives me two black eyes had better hope I'm a bad shot.
You must be kidding, Thunder. Somebody breaks my nose and gives me two black eyes had better hope I'm a bad shot.

You don't follow strangers, do you?
it shows that GZ's injuries didn't justify killing TM.
Maybe M reaching for Z's gun and telling Z that he was going to die tonight is sufficient grounds for resorting to deadly force.
You must be kidding, Thunder. Somebody breaks my nose and gives me two black eyes had better hope I'm a bad shot.

hopefully you didn't pursue this guy in your car and on foot, across an entire neighborhood, while uttering erratic profanities.

cause if that's the case, you'll probably go to jail for Manslaughter.
You don't follow strangers, do you?

I have walked up to a young mother and told her to stop striking her child . . . she didn't punch me in the face. I've walked up to two men in a parkling lot shouting at each other and asked them what the HELL was going on . . . neither gave me a black eye. I have walked the streets at night with someone walking a 1/2-block ahead of me and no one has turned around and accosted me.
...I have walked the streets at night with someone walking a 1/2-block ahead of me and no one has turned around and accosted me.

did you pursue him, across a neighborhood, while uttering erratic profanities, cause' you thought he was an asshole and a ****ing punk, like all the other burglars that got away?
I have walked up to a young mother and told her to stop striking her child . . . she didn't punch me in the face. I've walked up to two men in a parkling lot shouting at each other and asked them what the HELL was going on . . . neither gave me a black eye. I have walked the streets at night with someone walking a 1/2-block ahead of me and no one has turned around and accosted me.

Well, George had more than one opportunity to speak to Trayvon.
No head trauma. no stitches required.. black eyes normal for an injury to the nose.. Height 5' 7" weight 204... obese.

Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma

By Frances Robles Tuesday, July 3, 2012

MIAMI — The day after he killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman went to the doctor with a broken nose, black eyes and two cuts on his head, but the physician determined he didn’t suffer any head trauma, newly released medical records show.

Zimmerman declined to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist even though the primary care physician recommended it, the doctor twice noted.

The medical records document several injuries, but also state that the only reason Zimmerman sought medical attention was because he needed a doctor’s note to return to work, Duval County Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda said in court last week.

Doctor: George Zimmerman had black eyes, broken nose but no head trauma - BostonHerald.com

Does nothing to mitigate the fact of Zim's fear

Just remember and for the record.....Zim did not have to suffer GBH before using lethal force, merely posess a reasonable belief that it was imminent.

The OP's thread is pointless
Does nothing to mitigate the fact of Zim's fear

Just remember and for the record.....Zim did not have to suffer GBH before using lethal force, merely posess a reasonable belief that it was imminent.

The OP's thread is pointless

no head trauma. merely two black eyes and a broken nose.

one needs to have a reasonable fear of death, in order to justify using deadly force.

his injuries don't sustain this.
Does nothing to mitigate the fact of Zim's fear

Just remember and for the record.....Zim did not have to suffer GBH before using lethal force, merely posess a reasonable belief that it was imminent.

The OP's thread is pointless

Ah yes FEAR..
Ah yes FEAR..

yep, doesn't the law say something about fear for ones life. and as other keep harping on injuries not justifying the shooting. I don't see anything in the law that says one must recieve life threatening injuries before lethal force is justified.

bang, the debate is now ended on injury vs use of force.:mrgreen:
yep, doesn't the law say something about fear for ones life. and as other keep harping on injuries not justifying the shooting. I don't see anything in the law that says one must recieve life threatening injuries before lethal force is justified.

bang, the debate is now ended on injury vs use of force.:mrgreen:

How afraid could he have been to go chasing after Trayvon instead of waiting for police???
yep, doesn't the law say something about fear for ones life. and as other keep harping on injuries not justifying the shooting. I don't see anything in the law that says one must recieve life threatening injuries before lethal force is justified.

bang, the debate is now ended on injury vs use of force.:mrgreen:

the jury has to believe that his fear of death was reasonable.

his injuries.....don't vindicate having such a fear.

I think he killed TM because he was losing a fight to an "asshole" and a "****ing punk".
I would think someone who had their head repeatedly slammed into concrete would have some head trauma. If the claim was true.
I would think someone who had their head repeatedly slammed into concrete would have some head trauma. If the claim was true.

Yep.. I would expect a serious head injury like concussion or fractured skull or even gashes and abrasions.

George says over and over again that Trayvon was bashing his head on the concrete until he feared his head would explode..
How afraid could he have been to go chasing after Trayvon instead of waiting for police???

The question more appropriately would be how much fear the second before GZ resulted to deadly force.
The amount of fear prior to that has little bearing on the case (imo).
The question more appropriately would be how much fear the second before GZ resulted to deadly force.
The amount of fear prior to that has little bearing on the case (imo).

Trayvon may have been more fearful than George.. He didn't have a gun and didn't know the police were on their way. Shame that George never told him he was neighborhood watch.
Trayvon may have been more fearful than George..

He didn't have a gun and didn't know the police were on their way. Shame that George never told him he was neighborhood watch.

Martin is dead because he did commit an act of violent force against Zim, by attacking him without adequate provocation.

Deal with it and move forward
Martin is dead because he did commit an act of violent force against Zim, by attacking him without adequate provocation.

Deal with it and move forward

Well, its a good thing that George's injuries were minor.
Martin is dead because he did commit an act of violent force against Zim, by attacking him without adequate provocation...

we don't know that, YOU don't know that, and the Prosecutor's client...being the State of Florida, has a case.

GZ's injuries do not justify the use of deadly-force.

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