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Do you care about the Russia Noise? (1 Viewer)

Is the Russia thing important?

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DP Veteran
Jan 5, 2008
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All this coverage about how Russia interfered with our election.
Basically they allegedly distributed propaganda to attempt to influence how people vote in the election. So what. Do you really think our country is fragile enough that this will bring us down? They didn't hack into voting machines, they didn't threaten voters, they didn't do anything except express their opinions about a candidate over another candidate. I think it's unimportant and just noise to attempt to keep some controversy going against Trump presidency. Smoke and mirrors.
Assuming that Trump did piss on a bunch of prostitutes and Russia knew about it and used that and other information to manipulate Trump while also leading a coordinated hacking campaign with the collaboration of Trump’s campaign...

Trump's supporters would still support him.

So what does it matter?
All this coverage about how Russia interfered with our election.
Basically they allegedly distributed propaganda to attempt to influence how people vote in the election. So what. Do you really think our country is fragile enough that this will bring us down? They didn't hack into voting machines, they didn't threaten voters, they didn't do anything except express their opinions about a candidate over another candidate. I think it's unimportant and just noise to attempt to keep some controversy going against Trump presidency. Smoke and mirrors.

So you have no questions about why they supported Trump or if Trump is somehow beholding to Putin now that they helped him get elected? That seems a bit naive to me. Or maybe you are one of those Russian trolls.
There is nothing going on here with Russia that hasn't already been going on since 1946.
There is nothing going on here with Russia that hasn't already been going on since 1946.

Russia has steered an American election toward their preferred candidate before?
My vote:

Other: I'm an American and it's vitally important that we suss this out.
Please explain specifically how they did that.

This has been explained to you in every thread by countless people on the topic.
GOPoliticians and GOPosters have been playing the 'russian' and 'Patriot' cards since 1980.

Now they're reduced to being GOPrussians .
Assuming that Trump did piss on a bunch of prostitutes and Russia knew about it and used that and other information to manipulate Trump while also leading a coordinated hacking campaign with the collaboration of Trump’s campaign...

....and if Trump was on the receiving end of the stream?

Trump's supporters would still support him.


So what does it matter?

I guess it doesn't......those Trump supporters are a kinky bunch aren't they?
All this coverage about how Russia interfered with our election.
Basically they allegedly distributed propaganda to attempt to influence how people vote in the election. So what. Do you really think our country is fragile enough that this will bring us down? They didn't hack into voting machines, they didn't threaten voters, they didn't do anything except express their opinions about a candidate over another candidate. I think it's unimportant and just noise to attempt to keep some controversy going against Trump presidency. Smoke and mirrors.

The Russian activities were illegal. So, yes it was disturbing that a large enemy country broke our laws in our own country.

But the main goal was not a Trump victory. That would have been a fine nice to have. But the main goals are sowing distrust, destabilisation of our society and delegitmising of democratic order. The Russians are at war with us and this is only one of the battle grounds.
This has been explained to you in every thread by countless people on the topic.

So, in other words, you can't even put two sentences together to explain it? I think I have my answer.
All this coverage about how Russia interfered with our election.
Basically they allegedly distributed propaganda to attempt to influence how people vote in the election. So what. Do you really think our country is fragile enough that this will bring us down? They didn't hack into voting machines, they didn't threaten voters, they didn't do anything except express their opinions about a candidate over another candidate. I think it's unimportant and just noise to attempt to keep some controversy going against Trump presidency. Smoke and mirrors.

What should I answer? I don't lean. ;)
I lean left and think it is important to investigate. If it is important when Sony gets hacked it is important when our political parties get hacked.
That doesn't mean I think the hack invalidates Trump's win. It isn't like voting machines were hacked.
Do you really think our country is fragile enough that this will bring us down?

That's not why I have a problem with it. Russia hacking an email server won't "bring us down" - but information can easily bring a candidate down. In fact, it doesn't take much to take a candidate down... remember the "Dean Scream" of '04? Sure, that wasn't the sole reason for his loss, but that's easily what I remember being covered in the News at that time.

The point is that 1) Russia broke the law. 2) Russia had intents on bringing down a US Presidential candidate and 3) Yes, it really could be that easy to change the mind of fickle voters.
trump and his posters aren't gaining any new votes with their lies, denials, and deflections.

The party in power loses seats in mid-terms and DEMs are now organizing for Congressional District remapping in 2021.

The faces of tillerson, trump, bannon, sessions, etc. should be enough to energize and motivate the DEM base in 2018 to go after the House and the States .
Assuming that Trump did piss on a bunch of prostitutes and Russia knew about it and used that and other information to manipulate Trump while also leading a coordinated hacking campaign with the collaboration of Trump’s campaign...

Trump's supporters would still support him.

So what does it matter?

4chan has said they fabricated the pissing story. fake news strikes again.
The Russian activities were illegal. So, yes it was disturbing that a large enemy country broke our laws in our own country.

But the main goal was not a Trump victory. That would have been a fine nice to have. But the main goals are sowing distrust, destabilisation of our society and delegitmising of democratic order. The Russians are at war with us and this is only one of the battle grounds.

Why it was not the goal - even they thought Trump would not win.
Did it influence people from voting in the election, or increase voter turnout for Trump??
But their interference in the election is serious, has as mentioned divided America. So even on this board where people, say oh shucks, or defend Trumps attacks on the Intelligence Agencies and whatever, just proves how well they have done their job.
don't shoot the messenger used to be a saying. Apparently when the messenger harms the gradual march left, it is ok to shoot the messenger
Please explain specifically how they did that.

Apparently, Russia mind-controlled the Democrats into picking a giant POS as a candidate, using unethical means. They also forced Hillary to violate multiple laws, constantly lie, and obstruct justice.

The Russian activities were illegal. So, yes it was disturbing that a large enemy country broke our laws in our own country.

But the main goal was not a Trump victory. That would have been a fine nice to have. But the main goals are sowing distrust, destabilisation of our society and delegitmising of democratic order. The Russians are at war with us and this is only one of the battle grounds.

How so? I don't see disseminating information to people as illegal.
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All this coverage about how Russia interfered with our election.
Basically they allegedly distributed propaganda to attempt to influence how people vote in the election. So what. Do you really think our country is fragile enough that this will bring us down? They didn't hack into voting machines, they didn't threaten voters, they didn't do anything except express their opinions about a candidate over another candidate. I think it's unimportant and just noise to attempt to keep some controversy going against Trump presidency. Smoke and mirrors.

Mostly not important. They are all just trying to find an excuse for a loss and act like Russia Today hosting 3rd party candidates was the cause of it.
The Right-Wing Outrage Machine(TM) would be running at full speed ahead had Obama or Hillary become Putin's little bitch.

Hypocrisy at its finest.
This has been explained to you in every thread by countless people on the topic.

No, it's been claimed. We're simply noting that nobody has proven those claims to be factually true or problematic. Russia got the truth out there. They didn't falsify anything, they just let the DNC's secrets out of the bag. How is that "steering the election"? Maybe if the DNC hadn't been dishonest in the first place, they wouldn't have had anything to release?
There is nothing going on here with Russia that hasn't already been going on since 1946.

Please show with citations the exact election, other than 2016, where Russia or the USSR interfered.

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