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Climate activist mark zuckerberg buys $300 million super-yacht. (1 Viewer)


Just read it.

As soon as you do you will understand your mistake.

Why the resistance?
I have read it. Maybe you can tell me what I missed, and I will tell you why you are wrong.

Did you read the link to footnote 2?
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has reaffirmed the position of its Board of Directors and the leaders of 18 respected organizations, who concluded based on multiple lines of scientific evidence that global climate change caused by human activities is now underway, and it is a growing threat to society.
“The vast preponderance of evidence, based on years of research conducted by a wide array of different investigators at many institutions, clearly indicates that global climate change is real, it is caused largely by human activities, and the need to take action is urgent,” said Alan I. Leshner, chief executive officer of AAAS and executive publisher of the journal Science.
Yes, largely caused by human activity, which include land use changes, pollution, etc. Not just greenhouse gasses.
Really? You don't think its proof that billionaires engage in solely performative activism while actually being exploitative and perpetuating the status quo they benefit from?
What it is proof of is we are not taxing the rich enough. This opulence of the 1% is result of multiple tax cuts that have enabled them to become filthy rich at the expense of the middle class. Zuckermann is not alone in this either
What it is proof of is we are not taxing the rich enough. This opulence of the 1% is result of multiple tax cuts that have enabled them to become filthy rich at the expense of the middle class. Zuckermann is not alone in this either
The uber rich have the ability to move their finances elsewhere, to get taxed less. That would then result in a loss of money here, and do more damage than good.
It’s on the government to force this man not to buy super polluting boats. It’s not on him.
It is on him when he goes around preaching the dangers of climate change and wants to be taken seriously.
Nice of you to try and give him a free pass though.
The uber rich have the ability to move their finances elsewhere, to get taxed less. That would then result in a loss of money here, and do more damage than good.
Bla bla bla. We didn't have the 1% making 25% of all the income in the US when we had punitive FIT rates. It is a myth that there is no way to tax them. Anyone making over a million $ a year should be paying 75% of that in taxes.
I don't think he thinks it's a scam, more that it's the typical for thee and not for me rich-person crap.
Your posts prove you havent.
Then where did the quote in my post 102 come from?

Do you always believe the narrative without looking at the source material?

How foolish......
Then where did the quote in my post 102 come from?

Do you always believe the narrative without looking at the source material?

How foolish......
You have no idea what narrative, you didn't read the article, and previously misrepresented what the consensus was on.
I didn't say that though, so take that up with the OP.

What this does lend itself to proving is that even the most ardent supporters of something find it beneath them to have to make the changes necessary to further the cause.

If those ardent supporters cannot, how could they possibly expect anyone else to do so?
Are you sure he's that attend of a supporter?
Oh my aren't you judgmental.
We are all judgemental.

Hipocrisy is one of the things in life that constantly astounds me with the ability of others to excuse it in people they care about, and highlight in those they don't (which coincidentally also shows their hypocrisy)
I don't think he thinks it's a scam, more that it's the typical for thee and not for me rich-person crap.
I'd likely agree with you.

My question is still though, for all the others looking in. Are those others going to make the necessary changes when they see 'the rich' or the vocal' or the supporters NOT doing the necessary things?

A good example is the US: We have cut and talk about cutting more, saving, going green, when we look directly at China which is the largest contributor who will do nothing to curtail their uses.

Why not just open and read the citation?
I did, to see if it changed. It is still the same misdirection.

My quote came from the link source that they lie about. I asked you is you looked at note 2. I quoted the first two sentences. It does not say what the material above claims.

Tis is why I asked if you read it.

It is you who assumes and does not read the materiel
I don't believe you did. Your post demonstrated you didn't know what was in it.
See post 101 and 102.
I know what is in it. It is regarding the consensus and organizational statements.
I don’t recycle because it’s not mandated by law. I think recycling should be mandated by law though.
So you are incapable of doing things that you know are right unless big daddy government forces you to.
Not sure that is the super strong argument you think it is.

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