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China's 'Sovereign Internet' (1 Viewer)


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China’s ‘Sovereign Internet’ | The Diplomat

A new report in People’s Daily interviewed five Chinese experts on Internet security and political thought, including Fang Binxing (credited with creating China’s “Great Firewall”). The report focuses on the idea of “Internet sovereignty” — the idea that each country has the right to control its domestic internet space. Yet by moving from a discussion of China’s rights to talk of international law, the report moves beyond a defense of China’s internet censorship to outlining China’s vision for global internet governance.

The idea of China’s “Internet sovereignty” is a high-profile resurrection of a concept first rolled out in a 2010 white paper called “The Internet in China.” The white paper explained the “Internet sovereignty of China” as meaning that “within Chinese territory the Internet is under the jurisdiction of Chinese sovereignty.” All persons and organizations operating within Chinese territory are expected to follow China’s Internet laws and regulations, the white paper said.

Weren't we just talking recent about Obama giving up US control of the Internet? What does China want to encode in international law? It want to challenge US dominance is the way I read it.
It`s just doing a cricle jerk together with Iran, Russia and North Korea, with whom they share those ideas.

The rest of the world (which matters) doesnt care.
China’s ‘Sovereign Internet’ | The Diplomat

Weren't we just talking recent about Obama giving up US control of the Internet? What does China want to encode in international law? It want to challenge US dominance is the way I read it.

Any dictator worth his salt wants control of information distribution and spin. That is the business, the strength and the weakness
They took everything else over from us, why not the internet too? Subscribe to www.china.red

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