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Can McCain Win California? (1 Viewer)

Polls are showing by a slim margin that Californians support gay marriage now.

I really don't think it is a wedge issue ultra conservatives should rely on any more.

Yeah but your poll is from the Peoples Republic of San Francisco so it does not count...........Did you know that they got over 2 million signatures to get that on the ballot........All they needed was 500K and they were not even trying after that......Stay tund.........
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I would LOVE McCain to think he has any shot here. Let him spend millions of dollars....it would be money thrown into the fire....but hey....McCain supporters...convince him to do it....
Thats pretty much the case throughout California....unless you are in the rural areas. With everything else to worry about these days....the mess that the Republicans and GWB have left the next President with....most Californians are worried about their pocketbook and the loved ones that are dying for Bush's lies......who somebody loves and wants to marry is down the list of most of our concerns.

I guess you an thank us Texans for that mess. But as a 5th generation Texan I consider the Bush family carpet baggers. And calling some one a carpet bagger is a real insult in this neck of the woods.
I guess you an thank us Texans for that mess. But as a 5th generation Texan I consider the Bush family carpet baggers. And calling some one a carpet bagger is a real insult in this neck of the woods.

I guess you won't be voting for the carpetbagger Obama then because he is not from Illinois.......
I guess you won't be voting for the carpetbagger Obama then because he is not from Illinois.......

And McCain isn't from Arizona. ;)
I guess you an thank us Texans for that mess. But as a 5th generation Texan I consider the Bush family carpet baggers. And calling some one a carpet bagger is a real insult in this neck of the woods.

I don't blame Texans for Bush.....all you have to do is look at the theatrics around his so-called ranch to know that Bush is no Texan....no....I blame the uneducated and ill-informed people of this country.....Jeb Bush and Harris who altered the election....but most of all the Supreme Court that annoited Bush President when the results showed otherwise.
I don't blame Texans for Bush.....all you have to do is look at the theatrics around his so-called ranch to know that Bush is no Texan....no....I blame the uneducated and ill-informed people of this country.....Jeb Bush and Harris who altered the election....but most of all the Supreme Court that annoited Bush President when the results showed otherwise.

After all Bush 41 was the head of the CIA for a bit. Wadda you expect? :2wave:
Yeah but your poll is from the Peoples Republic of San Francisco so it does not count...........Did you know that they got over 2 million signatures to get that on the ballot........All they needed was 500K and they were not even trying after that......Stay tund.........

Wrong. The poll was from McClatchy Enterprises, the second largest newspaper company in the nation, which is based in Sacramento. And I really doubt they skewed the poll. Navy, you're not from here, you don't know the lay of the land. The initiative is going to lose. Just about everyone in San Francisco and LA is going to be voting against it, and the rural areas aren't as big as they used to be. We've changed a lot since Reagan's day.
Wrong. The poll was from McClatchy Enterprises, the second largest newspaper company in the nation, which is based in Sacramento. And I really doubt they skewed the poll. Navy, you're not from here, you don't know the lay of the land. The initiative is going to lose. Just about everyone in San Francisco and LA is going to be voting against it, and the rural areas aren't as big as they used to be. We've changed a lot since Reagan's day.

I may know a hell of a lot more about that then you do........I know a few short years ago 61% which is huge voted against gay marriage and I doubt very seriously that public opinion has changed that much.......
I may know a hell of a lot more about that then you do........I know a few short years ago 61% which is huge voted against gay marriage and I doubt very seriously that public opinion has changed that much.......

Explain why you think you know more about the political climate here? I at least have the advantage of living here. And what about the poll's methodology do you find suspect?

The reason things have been changing so much is because the youth generation is incredibly accepting compared to the older generation that has been dying off, and due to general acceptance across the board.
Explain why you think you know more about the political climate here? I at least have the advantage of living here. And what about the poll's methodology do you find suspect?

The reason things have been changing so much is because the youth generation is incredibly accepting compared to the older generation that has been dying off, and due to general acceptance across the board.

The vote wasn't that long ago and as kids get older, get married and have families they grow much more conservative in their thinking.....

2,000,000 signatures on that referendum is huge.........Usually you have to scrap to get the minimum.........they got 4 times to minimum without even trying......People don't want gay marriage jammed down their throat............They are for equal rights and they believe civil unions can accomplish that.........Gay marriage is another matter...........
I may know a hell of a lot more about that then you do........I know a few short years ago 61% which is huge voted against gay marriage and I doubt very seriously that public opinion has changed that much.......

It was almost a decade ago Navy......and a lot changes in that amount of time.

I think the biggest change will be that gay marriage has now been occurring for a couple weeks here.....and heterosexual marriages are not collapsing in droves as the anti-gay folk would have you believe. By the time November rolls around people will see that gay marriage really hasn't changed anything in their lives...which is why this proposition is fighting an uphill battle.
It was almost a decade ago Navy......and a lot changes in that amount of time.

I think the biggest change will be that gay marriage has now been occurring for a couple weeks here.....and heterosexual marriages are not collapsing in droves as the anti-gay folk would have you believe. By the time November rolls around people will see that gay marriage really hasn't changed anything in their lives...which is why this proposition is fighting an uphill battle.

I don't think you would understand in a million years why people are against gay marriage............
I don't think you would understand in a million years why people are against gay marriage............

I don't think I would either.
I don't think you would understand in a million years why people are against gay marriage............

I figure it's because they want to force their religion on others.
I figure it's because they want to force their religion on others.

Thats a given.....thats the agenda of the radical right-wing who will not be content until their perverted brand of "christianity" is practiced in every school, governmental office and public arena.

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