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Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars... [W:56] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2012
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I believe this could be the game ender...

Its over for Obama....they openly lied to the American public, trying to take away our free speach in the process.. it was not over " an internet spoof movie on Mohamud"... it was a lie..

Obama is a lie.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

CHILLING!… State Dept. Admits ONLY ONE Security Member Was Guarding Ambassador Stevens During 9-11 Attack (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 12:18 PM
Chilling. Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Programs Charlene Lamb testified at the House Oversight Committee Hearing today that only one security guard was with Ambassador Chris Stevens at the time of the attack on the evening of 9-11.

The security guard fled the smoke-filled building through a window and left the ambassador inside the building.
The ambassador was later found dead by looters and taken to the hospital where US authorities retrieved his body.

Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

House Oversight Chair Issa: Obama Administration “Absolutely” Misled US on Benghazi Attack (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 10:09 AM
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) the chair of the House Oversight Committee was on with America’s Newsroom this morning. Issa told FOX News that “absolutely” the Obama Administration misled the American people on the Benghazi 9-11 attack. Issa will hold a hearing later today on the Benghazi terror attack on 9-11 and security in Libya.can people on the Benghazi 9-11 attack. Issa will hold a hearing later today on the Benghazi terror attack on 9-11 and security in Libya.

Issa also said the committee may call Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify.

Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

I believe this could be the game ender...

Its over for Obama....they openly lied to the American public, trying to take away our free speach in the process.. it was not over " an internet spoof movie on Mohamud"... it was a lie..

Obama is a lie.

free speech


Sorry, the bloody image is too big.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

The account answers some questions and leaves others unanswered. Chief among them is why for several days the Obama administration said the assault stemmed from a protest against an American-made Internet video ridiculing Islam, and whether the consulate had adequate security.

The officials, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter, said Ambassador Chris Stevens arrived in Benghazi and held meetings on and off the consulate grounds on Sept. 10. He spent the night, and then out of prudence spent the whole of the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks meeting people inside the compound, an enclosed area about 300 yards long by 100 yards wide, with a 9-foot outer wall topped by barbed wire and augmented by barriers, steel drop bars and other security upgrades.

When Stevens finished his final meeting of the day, he escorted a Turkish diplomat outside the main entrance of the building. The situation was calm, the officials said, and there were no protests. Five U.S. agents and four local militiamen were providing security.

A little more than an hour later, around 9:40 p.m., everything changed.


State Dept reveals new details of Benghazi attack - Yahoo! News
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Sorry, the bloody image is too big.

Yeah man! You start posting that thing for every typo or misuse of their, there, they're or what have you and it might start to get obnoxious...more than it already is.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Yeah man! You start posting that thing for every typo or misuse of their, there, they're or what have you and it might start to get obnoxious...more than it already is.

First time I think I posted the G-nazi image thingy... and it had to be huge one. Dammit.

I usually don't bother correcting these things and such but this topic is really just another: Omg, OBama is going down post! ... a carbon copy of the other dozen threads that deal with the same issue. I mean, if the OP wanted to make a serious OBAMA IS GOING DOWN BITCHES! thread, he should have listed numerous other reasons aside from this one... God knows there are lots of them.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

free speech


Sorry, the bloody image is too big.

go vote for Obama... you may want to correct obama on the 57 states he visited... BYE...
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Yup, still not changing my mind. Sorry, but Romney is making fantasy land promises to get people to vote for him. He says we can do everything we want while cutting taxes for everyone. There is no idea left unpromised. I simply cannot vote for such a fool, and he cannot deliver everything he promises because he promises everything. So if you believe Romney can give you everything in the world without any cost, feel free to vote romney.

Oh, and duh libya is screwed up after it's overthrow and perhaps thinsg are really confusing to everyone in a pl;ace that doesn't seem to have much of a real dominant government. So I expect some really screwed up things to happen there, and if those guys were in country and did not understand this could happen they were really stupid. I don't think they are stupid so they must have known the danger and stayed anyway. It is what people with hope do. So this whole thing really does not bug me all that much, and maybe you should put a cork in it because it doesn't effect you at all.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

No question that there was a **** up in in security, the buck stops at the president's desk, etc. That said, however ... does anyone really think that any president micromanages to the point of scheduling consular security details? Didn't think so.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

No question that there was a **** up in in security, the buck stops at the president's desk, etc. That said, however ... does anyone really think that any president micromanages to the point of scheduling consular security details? Didn't think so.

Obama's whole circle is a cluster **** of morons.. much like Obama.. a loser..

Get rid of them all... Obama needs to be jail with Holder..
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Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Yup, still not changing my mind.

No surprise there, T. No surprise at all.

No question that there was a **** up in in security, the buck stops at the president's desk, etc. That said, however ... does anyone really think that any president micromanages to the point of scheduling consular security details? Didn't think so.

Almost a surprise here! Adam, so close! It's the lie, Adam. The lie. YouTube video my lily white.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Yup, still not changing my mind. Sorry, but Romney is making fantasy land promises to get people to vote for him. He says we can do everything we want while cutting taxes for everyone. There is no idea left unpromised. I simply cannot vote for such a fool, and he cannot deliver everything he promises because he promises everything. So if you believe Romney can give you everything in the world without any cost, feel free to vote romney.

Oh, and duh libya is screwed up after it's overthrow and perhaps thinsg are really confusing to everyone in a pl;ace that doesn't seem to have much of a real dominant government. So I expect some really screwed up things to happen there, and if those guys were in country and did not understand this could happen they were really stupid. I don't think they are stupid so they must have known the danger and stayed anyway. It is what people with hope do. So this whole thing really does not bug me all that much, and maybe you should put a cork in it because it doesn't effect you at all.

You gotta be joking... Obama is not a fool??? .. hes a loser marxist scumbag idgit.. who couldnt start a Co if his life depended on it.. he cant even hold Mitts notebook to class.. Obam is the most vile jackass ever.. a scumbag

who helped other throw Libya? who green lighted the ned of Mubarak?

Your post are senseless Obama gruel..devoid of logic..

How does the loss of life of our citizens not effect me?... and just a little FYI I witnessed 9/11 In NYC... so you may want to tell your BS to some fleab lib that will buy your BS.. My life was changed.. my Co was effected.. my friends and family, my community.. Im involved in the rebulild of NYC...sorry that doesnt "effect you"... shoudk I have sstayed aways fromt eh WTC after the first attack that Clinton did nothing on and put us jeopardy..

Get real..your posts are nonsense..I will bite my tongue on your post.. if you want go to the basement and I will tell you what I really think..

Thanks for showing us what an Obama voter is all about.. I truly thank you..
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Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Yup, still not changing my mind. Sorry, but Romney is making fantasy land promises to get people to vote for him. He says we can do everything we want while cutting taxes for everyone. There is no idea left unpromised. I simply cannot vote for such a fool, and he cannot deliver everything he promises because he promises everything. So if you believe Romney can give you everything in the world without any cost, feel free to vote romney.

Oh, and duh libya is screwed up after it's overthrow and perhaps thinsg are really confusing to everyone in a pl;ace that doesn't seem to have much of a real dominant government. So I expect some really screwed up things to happen there, and if those guys were in country and did not understand this could happen they were really stupid. I don't think they are stupid so they must have known the danger and stayed anyway. It is what people with hope do. So this whole thing really does not bug me all that much, and maybe you should put a cork in it because it doesn't effect you at all.
What happened in Libya was entirely preventable. In the months prior to the attack security was drawn down at the embassy in a symbolic attempt to give people the feeling that things were returning to normal. Two separate requests for additional security went unanswered and another was denied. And then, after the assassination of our ambassador, it was all blamed on a "spontaneous protest" in an effort to cover up the fact that it had really been a terrorist attack. So to be clear, "those guys" who were in Libya DID FULLY UNDERSTAND THE DANGERS and requested additional security... which was not provided... all in the name of creating a false illusion... by... you guessed it...
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

House Oversight Chair Issa: Obama Administration “Absolutely” Misled US on Benghazi Attack (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 10:09 AM
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) the chair of the House Oversight Committee was on with America’s Newsroom this morning. Issa told FOX News that “absolutely” the Obama Administration misled the American people on the Benghazi 9-11 attack. Issa will hold a hearing later today on the Benghazi terror attack on 9-11 and security in Libya.can people on the Benghazi 9-11 attack. Issa will hold a hearing later today on the Benghazi terror attack on 9-11 and security in Libya.

Issa also said the committee may call Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify.


I listened to the testimony of Charlene Lamb. She said a security team was near by. One agent inside the building. There was more than one security member there. Distroting the truth only makes Republicans look desperate.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Yup, still not changing my mind. Sorry, but Romney is making fantasy land promises to get people to vote for him. He says we can do everything we want while cutting taxes for everyone. There is no idea left unpromised. I simply cannot vote for such a fool, and he cannot deliver everything he promises because he promises everything. So if you believe Romney can give you everything in the world without any cost, feel free to vote romney.

Oh, and duh libya is screwed up after it's overthrow and perhaps thinsg are really confusing to everyone in a pl;ace that doesn't seem to have much of a real dominant government. So I expect some really screwed up things to happen there, and if those guys were in country and did not understand this could happen they were really stupid. I don't think they are stupid so they must have known the danger and stayed anyway. It is what people with hope do. So this whole thing really does not bug me all that much, and maybe you should put a cork in it because it doesn't effect you at all.

DOH - this is about intentional lying to the nation about a serious matter and attempting to cover up his involvement in a foreign policy disaster - for purely political appearance reasons.

Sort of like Nixon lying about a 2-bit burglary at the DNC headquarters in Watergate. A truly non-issue as far as importance to 'you' in terms of the economy. But it had big repercusssions in terms of integrity and honesty.

This crap Obama is trying to cover up is far more important as a real issue than a burglary. And it shows a much more sinister lack of integrity and honesty by your 'dear leader.'

Obama can now match Nixon in the 'liar liar pants on fire' award.

I'll bet you still use Nixon as the penultimate liar, but you want to 'move on' about Obama's more sinister lies.

Liberals like you live in a fantasy land where up is down and truth is a lie. Everything is scored according to how it fits your ideology - nothing else matters. You ignore mathematical certitude when it benefits your world view, but assign the worst of intentions to GOP for any manufactured 'issue' you can imagine.

Sad existence it must be to live in such denial of truth.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

What happened in Libya was entirely preventable. In the months prior to the attack security was drawn down at the embassy in a symbolic attempt to give people the feeling that things were returning to normal. Two separate requests for additional security went unanswered and another was denied. And then, after the assassination of our ambassador, it was all blamed on a "spontaneous protest" in an effort to cover up the fact that it had really been a terrorist attack. So to be clear, "those guys" who were in Libya DID FULLY UNDERSTAND THE DANGERS and requested additional security... which was not provided... all in the name of creating a false illusion... by... you guessed it...

Oooops. Things get overlooked and people die in volatile countries. It isn't like Obama missed reports detailing plans for terrorists to hijack planes and fly them into really tall buildings or something like that.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

I listened to the testimony of Charlene Lamb. She said a security team was near by. One agent inside the building. There was more than one security member there. Distroting the truth only makes Republicans look desperate.

again.. Obama lied..

get a grip..
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

No surprise there, T. No surprise at all.

Almost a surprise here! Adam, so close! It's the lie, Adam. The lie. YouTube video my lily white.

Oh please. They didn't want to admit that it was a terrorist attack until they had conclusive evidence, so they dragged their feet for a few days. BFD.
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Oooops. Things get overlooked and people die in volatile countries. It isn't like Obama missed reports detailing plans for terrorists to hijack planes and fly them into really tall buildings or something like that.

our embassy is considered part of the USA..

what did Clinton do to stop AQ aafter the first attack on the WTC...tell me..

oooops.. you voted for a loser scumbag...
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

I listened to the testimony of Charlene Lamb. She said a security team was near by. One agent inside the building. There was more than one security member there. Distroting the truth only makes Republicans look desperate.
Distorting the truth? I mean, yeah.... blaming the whole thing on a movie trailer is sooooooo not distorting the truth.:roll:
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

our embassy is considered part of the USA..

what did Clinton do to stop AQ aafter the first attack on the WTC...tell me..

oooops.. you voted for a loser scumbag...

It was the consulate that was attacked -- not the embassy. :roll:
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Oh please. They didn't want to admit that it was a terrorist attack until they had conclusive evidence, so they dragged their feet for a few days. BFD.

and lied ..they made up the BS on a youtube to try to take away our free speech...to deflect from his **** up..

or to lie till after the election..big deal right? you do know there is early voting.. Obama needs to go to jail..
Re: Benghazigate... its over for Obama's pack of liars...

Distorting the truth? I mean, yeah.... blaming the whole thing on a movie trailer is sooooooo not distorting the truth.:roll:

Yeah, that is soooo much worse than blaming 9/11 on Saddam Hussein ... and then pushing the country into a major war based on the lie.

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