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Are you trying to be chosen for modship? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Are you trying to be chosen for modship?

I've noticed a few mods have retired.

Are you jockeying into position so the powers that be will think of you as a potential replacement mod?

I'm not.

I'm not interested in the job but some of you, no doubt, are.

Fess up.
How exactly does one jockey into position to become a mod?

I'd probably do it if I were offered, but I doubt my silly ass would qualify. I think mods are supposed to be smart.
How exactly does one jockey into position to become a mod?

I'd probably do it if I were offered, but I doubt my silly ass would qualify. I think mods are supposed to be smart.

One way MIGHT be to show that one is willing to criticize one's ideological fellows. Like being a maverick. Or being willing to step on them to get a leg up.
One way MIGHT be to show that one is willing to criticize one's ideological fellows. Like being a maverick. Or being willing to step on them to get a leg up.

What if you are like me and don't really have any ideological fellows?
I've got my fingers crossed.

I would do it, I am around often enough, though I would have to change my style a bit..... :lol:
bhkad said:
Are you jockeying into position so the powers that be will think of you as a potential replacement mod?

I've been trying to seduce the powers that be, but I keep getting an error message. I must not be in the right position. :cool:
I've been trying to seduce the powers that be, but I keep getting an error message. I must not be in the right position. :cool:

"Mistressery of the Dungeon" doesn't do it for ya?
No. Admitting the GOP and Dems are Socialists is just way radical, crazy and extremist. Maybe in the future the hordes can accept it as mainstream, maybe not. Let's see a vid on the cool-accepted mainstream society:

YouTube - Hippies Wail For Dead Trees
If the planet Mars calls for moderator nominees I'd send your post.

The irony of using the planet named for the God of War in response to a post that has a video showing a bunch hippies crying for a tree is fantastic, regardless of if it was intentional or not. :mrgreen:
The irony of using the planet named for the God of War in response to a post that has a video showing a bunch hippies crying for a tree is fantastic, regardless of if it was intentional or not. :mrgreen:

It was inspired by an intuitive nudge, I think.
I want to take my whipping powers to a whole other level ;)

That sounds like a great S&M Dominatrix name.

Whipping Powers.

Or the name of her organ.

god no. Thankless job with no pay? I already get that in my family life.
no way. who wants to attempt to be fair and judicial ... on an internet forum?!? no fun in that.
How does one even become a mod? Did you current mods get a message from vague or what?
I was a moderator because I had something to offer to Debate Politics, and not just my wit!
Back in the day I used to make signatures for people who donated to the site. It was a great incentive, and It might have done some good for the site.

hint hint.
How does one even become a mod? Did you current mods get a message from vague or what?

You have to go through an arduous screening process, which includes but is not limited to: Repentance for any prior infraction, a credit check, multiple anal probes, and you must purchase and wear NCFYs gay shirt.
You have to go through an arduous screening process, which includes but is not limited to: Repentance for any prior infraction, a credit check, multiple anal probes, and you must purchase and wear NCFYs gay shirt.

Would one have to endure these two items at the same time? :mrgreen:

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