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Are any of the republican front runners conservative enough? (1 Viewer)

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Your disappointed because you have the teapartys agenda all wrong...they are not about deficit reduction thats a talking point...they are not about smaller govt thats an end to reach their means....they are all about tax reduction for the rich and their donors corporations....

Either way, they do not provide anything even closely related to Conservative values and ideology in their actual governance, therefore they are no better than the Democrats, The Republicans, The Libertarians, the Socialists, the Communists, or the Green Party in my mind.

The teaparty is full of chit....and thats why I am totally against them

ALL Politicians are full of *hit, lpast. In my entire life I have NEVER ONCE found a Politician that I would trust any further than I could throw them. Nor have I ever found a political action committee or political party that I would trust AT ALL. I learned my lesson before I was even able to vote. Do a quick search on Connecticut Governor Lowell Weicker, and the BS he pulled on those of us who worked for his campaign after winning the Governorship in 1990. Many of the people in Bushnell Park burning him in effigy were people who had worked for his campaign.
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Bernie Sanders is too conservative to suit me.
This makes me wonder what the "conservative platform" really is. I've spent eight minutes writing and re-writing this post, and I honestly can't find one position universally espoused by conservatives. So what is it you want a conservative president to do?

The President can't really do much except lead. Congress decides what's going to happen. Right now, I'd like a President who 1.) would produce and provide to Congress a balanced budget that reduces our debt in accordance with the below beliefs; 2.) use his pulpit to encourage the following basic beliefs (in no particular order):

1.) The process of supply and demand is an economic force akin to natural law. We need capitalism to produce from it's own belly. Using the money of some of our citizens to give back to our citizens to spend is ludicrous. If we want our country to prosper, we're either going to have to increase production and purchasing at home or we'll have to take some other country's resources. Redistribution within our own country will not work.
2.) Welfare and most other similar programs are bad. Yes, we can have a safety net, but it should under no circumstances become a hammock. It may be too late to stop the flow of money to those currently getting it, but we can stop giving it to anyone else. The welfare state, if grown too big, will end in revolution or ruin.
3.) Our borders should be secured, otherwise they're not borders. Have discussion on immigration separately. Have discussion on how to treat those already here separately. But, secure the borders. I have better border control in my yard.
4.) Promote individual responsibility.
a.) What belongs to me doesn't automatically belong to you because in your mind you need it. I like to share. I want to share. But, when you take from me, it's stealing. A person can live comfortably in a one room home with a bicycle as long as he has air conditioning, heat, food, and water. He can live without the air-conditioning. If you borrow money up to your eyeballs for things you don't need instead of saving for things you do, it's your fault. If you aren't working at least 60 hours a week at whatever piece of garbage job you can get, then you're not actually trying to improve your economic situation. Once you have a crummy job, then look for a better one. That's how it works.
b.) Behavior problems are not the same as health problems. If you're fat lose weight if it causes problems. If you're not exercising an hour a day and eating healthy food and portions, then you have a behavior problem, not a health problem. If you drink to excess and it causes you to suffer, stop drinking. If your kids get bad grades because they don't study and don't respect the teacher, make them study and respect the teacher. If you don't like your life, take steps to fix it. If you have a kid, take responsibility for it. If you have taken real responsibility over your life and need some help, there are charities to go to first. If they run out of money, we can discuss other ways for our society to help take care of your needs, but they'll require real diligence on your part.
c.) If, for some reason, you think it's ok to commit crimes against fellow citizens, think again. We're going to use every available punishment to disuade you from that kind of thinking. You will be treated fairly and justly, but don't think you'll get away with it without severe punishment or death. If, for some reason, you think it's ok to commit crimes against our citizens and you are not one of us (or legally visiting), you will not be accorded the same treatment our citizens get. You will be treated humanely, of course. But, equal protection applies to our citizenry.
d.) You need to plan for the fact that you will get sick and you will get old. It happens. Again, a short term safety net might be discussed, but you need to invest in insurance for injury and retirement for aging. If you don't, there are charities that can and will help. And, your family should help too. But, if you lived on $40,000/year and could've been living on $30,000/year, then you should have had insurance and some kind of retirement investment. We might help, but don't think the result will be as good as you could've done had you planned ahead just a little.
5.) Unions are bad unless they're dealing in true safety issues (I may get killed, I may go deaf, I may go blind, I may become an amputee by doing my job).
6.) You can do for yourself better than the government. The state and local government can do better for you than the Federal government. The Federal government was not meant to be everything to all people. It was meant to protect our borders, to facilitate world commerce and diplomacy, and to help the states get along. Anything else is waste.

This was just off the top of my head, so some other things may get added later.
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I would like to see all of them combined into a President and his cabinet with maybe the addition of Palin as Secretary of Department of Energy.
I would like to see all of them combined into a President and his cabinet with maybe the addition of Palin as Secretary of Department of Energy.

President ... Voltron

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The problem is that the Tea Partiers are either unwilling or unable to actually bring those concepts about in their own ACTIONS. Where is the LEGISLATION to defund the Dept. of Education? Where is the LEGISLATION to do away with MANY of the current Federal Gun Laws? Where is the WALK for all the TALK?
As much as it shocks me, I actually agree with Tigger on these points. The Tea Party has thus far been long on rhetoric and short on action.
People pray during catastrophes such as droughts and floods all the time and across the country. Rick Perry wasn't praying any differently than other folks who pray, at least not in my experience.

He was using his position as an elected representative to tell his constituents to practice religious rituals. Separation of church and state matters.
As much as it shocks me, I actually agree with Tigger on these points. The Tea Party has thus far been long on rhetoric and short on action.

Do you have an example where they have taken on these positions at all? Seems to me that the majority fall into one of two catagories. They either complain that they do not take up their pet causes or they get blamed for anything anyone doesn't like.

Their beef is with the debt. What that has to do with guns, I have no clue. I don't imagine they would have a big problem with the DoEd if they would be funded to fit into a balanced budget.
Do you have an example where they have taken on these positions at all? Seems to me that the majority fall into one of two catagories. They either complain that they do not take up their pet causes or they get blamed for anything anyone doesn't like.

Welcome to democracy. People will either complain that nothing is getting done or they will complain because something is getting done.
Do you have an example where they have taken on these positions at all? Seems to me that the majority fall into one of two catagories. They either complain that they do not take up their pet causes or they get blamed for anything anyone doesn't like.

Their beef is with the debt. What that has to do with guns, I have no clue. I don't imagine they would have a big problem with the DoEd if they would be funded to fit into a balanced budget.

So in your mind for them to be good leaders they have to just run congress for their PET cause and screw the rest of what the country wants....it does NOT work that way perry....and it shouldnt
Theres many issues in this country and its not just cutting taxs for the rich and corporations.
So in your mind for them to be good leaders they have to just run congress for their PET cause and screw the rest of what the country wants....it does NOT work that way perry....and it shouldnt

Of course it does and should. If you believe that the debt is a bad thing it's absolutely correct to not vote for more debt.

Theres many issues in this country and its not just cutting taxs for the rich and corporations.

Sorry, I've made it clear that I have no desire to discuss your biases. I notice nobody provided any of the examples I asked for.
As much as it shocks me, I actually agree with Tigger on these points. The Tea Party has thus far been long on rhetoric and short on action.

I disagree with tigger and you. Since the tea party has been elected go congress (as they were instrumental in our latest election), they have done lots with their representatives. Unfortunately, their hard line is not good for a country that needs to get stuff done in a timely manner.
Quick question, are any of the republican candidates conservative enough to suit you?

Right now i am seeing accusations of liberalism slung at all of them.

How are we defining conservatism? The classical type built upon small government and no state building or the new type which is big government, big spending, big deficit, big war and big brother?
How are we defining conservatism? The classical type built upon small government and no state building or the new type which is big government, big spending, big deficit, big war and big brother?

I think that should be up to those who answer. I am neither defining this criteria nor the one used when I see the complaints about the current crop of candidates. I am only reporting what behaviors I see.
Well mitt can be conservative....and he can change his views to be liberal. He has both sides covered! :3
NO. None of them are anywhere near Conservative enough to get MY vote, or the votes of the Conservatives that I know. They're not even close for the most part. Hell, at least one or two of them aren't even of the proper GENDER. One was the Governor of a LIBERAL state and moved that state further LEFT during his administration. None of them are capable of WALKING the TALK.

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Actually, I'm coming to realize that most Republican candidates may not be conservative enough, but they're mostly too damn neoconservative.
Huh? Who would pay more taxes than legally required? That's idiotic! :roll:

Carry on.

You believe they should do all these things. Why do you want others to pay for them?
Haters. That's from a mind that isn't bright enough to grasp what conservatism is. How much additional in taxes do you pay Pinko over and above the amount you are required? I thought so. ZERO. So now who is the hater?

Moderator's Warning:
Knock off the personal attacks.
There are two candidates who are conservative enough to me -- Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum. Rick Perry may sound conservative, but his crony-capitalism with Merke ticks me off.
Quick question, are any of the republican candidates conservative enough to suit you?

Right now i am seeing accusations of liberalism slung at all of them.

I wouldn't say they're liberal, but they aren't conservative, either. Not what conservative used to mean, anyway.
I wouldn't say they're liberal, but they aren't conservative, either. Not what conservative used to mean, anyway.

What positions do they have that are not conservative to your mind, that are key to being conservative?

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