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After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent [W: 307] (1 Viewer)

Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

Just pulled this from demo underground regarding the same woman. See how close Vesey st. is.


Witness at WTC says she witnessed WTC6 explode before WTC2 fell - Democratic Underground

As I was running up Vesey, the first car blew up on me on the corner of Vessey and the West Side Highway. That set my turnout coat on fire, that set my hair on fire. I kept running. I ended up running through this park, and I couldn't even see where I was running anymore. I kept running North through North Park. As I was running up here, two or three more cars exploded on me. They weren't near any buildings at that point, they were just parked on the street.

Stuff is still blowing up behind me, as I'm running. I can hear stuff exploding. I could hear rumbling, the street under me was moving like I was in an earthquake. I've been in those, so I know what they feel like. It felt like an earthquake. There was no where safe to go. As I was running north in this park, and then I could start seeing again a little bit, and I just kept looking in the sky.

(according to her statement, it seems like WTC6 exploded a few minutes before WTC2 fell-while she was running through North Park)

I think there are other fireman statements relevant to this.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

It doesn't get erased. It moved behind the north tower. A plane could not do that and still impact the southeast corner of the south tower.

I think your problem is that you've been duped, along with most people, into thinking there was actually an attack on the Twin Towers.

There wasn't. They're still standing where they've always been.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

Nothing to see here, people. More 9/11 Truther nonsense.

You're no fun.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

I think your problem is that you've been duped, along with most people, into thinking there was actually an attack on the Twin Towers.

There wasn't. They're still standing where they've always been.

That Romulan cloaking device is a piece of work ain't it?
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

That thing filmed by chopper 4 came directly from west of the towers. That could not be a plane because of the impossible turns it could not perform.


It's a plane. Whatever turns it made don't matter. That is most definitely a plane.

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Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

You're ignoring this evidence which is better than any evidence for any explosion on 911. It is the most authentic looking and feeling. It at the very least raises reasonable doubt about planes crashing into buildings.

Your wrong. The vid you posted is old. Viewing it , I do not come to the same conclusions as you. If you really had anything you would provide other sources that back up what you state.

I see a plane. I see the vid of poor quality.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

15 years of delusional stupidity.


Yep that about sums it up.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

It's a plane. Whatever turns it made don't matter. That is most definitely a plane.

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It may not matter to you, but to a fact finding mission it's essential. A plane could could not have been between the rear of the towers from that direction unless it had crashed into the west side. The story has always been that it impacted the southeast corner. That object went between the buildings and made turns, not any plane or chopper. Unbelievable is an understatement.

8:47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY1D6HHL94E

"There you see the plane...between the two buildings...and then you see the explosion...right there, unbelievable."
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

It may not matter to you, but to a fact finding mission it's essential. A plane could could not have been between the rear of the towers from that direction unless it had crashed into the west side. The story has always been that it impacted the southeast corner. That object went between the buildings and made turns, not any plane or chopper. Unbelievable is an understatement.

8:47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY1D6HHL94E

"There you see the plane...between the two buildings...and then you see the explosion...right there, unbelievable."

A true fact finding mission would declare "that's clearly a plane", because it is. And that would be plenty to destroy your premise.

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Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

A true fact finding mission would declare "that's clearly a plane", because it is. And that would be plenty to destroy your premise.

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A plane did not go between the towers, therefore it wasn't a plane. That is reasonable doubt and really much more. It would find that chopper 4 did not capture a plane because it was coming from the wrong direction.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

A plane did not go between the towers, therefore it wasn't a plane. That is reasonable doubt and really much more.

Yes, and as they have for years, your grainy GIFs more than prove that point. Case closed! You can stop now, I'm fully convinced.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

A plane did not go between the towers, therefore it wasn't a plane. That is reasonable doubt and really much more. It would find that chopper 4 did not capture a plane because it was coming from the wrong direction.

You can argue all you want but that was a plane. Anyone not blinded by their personal agenda can see that.

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Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

You can argue all you want but that was a plane. Anyone not blinded by their personal agenda can see that.

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I'm not arguing anything and could not care less if you are convinced one way or another. That wasn't a plane and my pointing the reasons why is more than enough. It only takes one person.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

I'm not arguing anything and could not care less if you are convinced one way or another. That wasn't a plane and my pointing the reasons why is more than enough. It only takes one person.

No it definitely takes more than one person when everyone else or most people see a plane. All it shows is that you are either ignoring the facts or are mistaken. Most people will not look at that and say "what's that object, it couldn't be a plane" simply because you say so and especially not from your posted video.

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Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

Who was the doofus who argued that the second plane was "clearly" a hologram? That's actually SANE compared to this thread and the OP.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

Who was the doofus who argued that the second plane was "clearly" a hologram? That's actually SANE compared to this thread and the OP.

Remembering September 11, 2001​

Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

Who was the doofus who argued that the second plane was "clearly" a hologram? That's actually SANE compared to this thread and the OP.

According to these people, the plane that hit the Pentagon was also an illusion because the hole it created didn't look like a plane. I'll never forget hearing that one --- they actually think the plane should've left a plane-shaped hole like it's a cartoon.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

According to these people, the plane that hit the Pentagon was also an illusion because the hole it created didn't look like a plane. I'll never forget hearing that one --- they actually think the plane should've left a plane-shaped hole like it's a cartoon.

I still hear about it. Someone on Facebook posts "Where is the Plane?" probably once a month. It always gets worse about now, though.
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

You cant fix stupid
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

Who was the doofus who argued that the second plane was "clearly" a hologram? That's actually SANE compared to this thread and the OP.

The author of this thread insists the South Tower was struck by a giant amorphous blob of unknown composition and origin (which I have tentatively identified as the infamous and elusive Flying Spaghetti Monster) based on a single piece of evidence - the absolute lowest quality video taken from the farthest distance and the worst angle he could possibly find, while rejecting every other piece of evidence, film and video as "fake".

Nuff said.

Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

The OP vid had been posted before and discussed. 15 years and nothing new. Just rehash of old misinformation. Even groups like AE911T admit the jets hit the towers.

Some will continue to feed and support the CT industry. There is nothing that can be done to convince those who believe what the OP posted as the "truth".
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

No it definitely takes more than one person when everyone else or most people see a plane. All it shows is that you are either ignoring the facts or are mistaken. Most people will not look at that and say "what's that object, it couldn't be a plane" simply because you say so and especially not from your posted video.

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What you believe is of no consequence to the accurate facts of what WNBC aired live from a helicopter. Most people would never say the object was a plane because it wasn't. They would claim the other footage shows a plane and claim IDK about the ball. People like you have horrific CGI and a discernable floating ball.

Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

What you believe is of no consequence to the accurate facts of what WNBC aired live from a helicopter. Most people would never say the object was a plane because it wasn't. They would claim the other footage shows a plane and claim IDK about the ball. People like you have horrific CGI and a discernable floating ball.


You really need to make it even fuzzier it still looks too much like a plane
Re: After 15 years of delusional stupidity flights 11 and 175 were still absent from

What you believe is of no consequence to the accurate facts of what WNBC aired live from a helicopter. Most people would never say the object was a plane because it wasn't. They would claim the other footage shows a plane and claim IDK about the ball. People like you have horrific CGI and a discernable floating ball.


I would. I can make out both wings during the last three seconds or so of the video. But then I am a pilot and having spent decades reading NTSB accident reports and watching accident footage - it's an occupational hazard - I kind of am used to looking at crappy video footage.

And it is crap. The entire thing is out of focus and smacks of someone who very hurriedly pointed the camera at the scene - just like much accident footage.

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