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‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offended (1 Viewer)

Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Here is an article speaking towards one:

Domestic Violence Against Men: Women More Likely To Be 'Intimate Terrorists' With Controlling Behavior In Relationships

Regardless, why is this hard to believe? How often do you hear men say things like "I can't do _____ because my wife doesn't want me to"? When was the last time you heard a woman say anything like "I can't do _____ because my husband doesn't want me to"? I'm going to guess you have heard the former countless times, while you have never heard the later.

Thank you. I will look at this and comment on it when I can.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

It should be noted that studies show that women are more demanding of their spouse. It's almost funny how that controlling spouse rhetoric of feminists is actually a more serious problem for wives. :lol:

No need for studies. The problem is that women don't know how to quit being mothers. When the kids are gone, they turn their motherly energy to the husbands and drive them crazy. Some *****fied men like it and look for that missing lover elsewhere.

Women feel so empowered because they do the laundry for their husbands - just as they used to for their kids.

Yes, generalizations are tricky but they don't exist in a vacuum and for no reason. There is no factory where they make generalizations. Life does it so very well all by itself.

BTW, it's not about me, so efoff with personal attacks.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-feminist. I may not agree with some of the most extreme feminist views, but equality in the workplace should be a goal. There will always be differences in general between men and women which will affect what types of jobs will be filled more by men or women. I have no problem with that. Equality does not mean men and women in general are exactly the same and that differences in size and strength don't matter at all. But they should be treated equally in all jobs where they can compete as equals.

If you put it that way, I also practice equal opportunity. If you're a pain in the butt, I will somehow avoid fixing your stuff. If you don't like me, have your BFF ATTEMPT to fix it. The best way to avoid bad comments from an impossible to please person is not to do anything. Put your efforts where they are appreciated.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Feminism is built on people saying stupid ****. You just needed to restructure that sentence to make it 100% correct.

Feminism is built on the desire for equality in the work place and in society in general.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende


We need sound with that picture:

Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

No need for studies. The problem is that women don't know how to quit being mothers. When the kids are gone, they turn their motherly energy to the husbands and drive them crazy. Some *****fied men like it and look for that missing lover elsewhere.

Women feel so empowered because they do the laundry for their husbands - just as they used to for their kids.

Yes, generalizations are tricky but they don't exist in a vacuum and for no reason. There is no factory where they make generalizations. Life does it so very well all by itself.

BTW, it's not about me, so efoff with personal attacks.

It has little to do with age. Women of all ages are more aggressive and controlling than their male counterparts in relationships. Also, many younger women don't do squat around the house.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Feminism is built on the desire for equality in the work place and in society in general.

Feminists demand equal benefits with unequal effort and risk. Some companies hire more women because they VOLUNTEER to work cheaper. I used to just regurgitate the conservative commentators denial of a pay difference until I learned the nuts-and-bolts how to boost your pay rate. Women tend to "nesters" which means risk averse. They also tend to work by "consensus". Consensus often doesn't cut it. If I see a problem that will make a major system crash, I will dig in my heels even if the consensus it to "sweep it under the rug". I have even accepted getting fired for refusing to produce unusable crap software. I would do the same again if necessary. I also won't tolerate being underpaid nor pressure to put in much uncompensated overtime. I see lots of women tolerate both.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Luckily in my profession the final test is when something breaks and who can fix it. Sure feminists love to shift blame when things break, but system logs and version archives don't lie. Notice there's a song "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong", but there's no well known corresponding song that applies to males?

Sure there is:

Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Equal benefits with unequal effort and risk.

The motto is "Equal pay for equal work." If the work is different but the pay is equal, then that wouldn't qualify for the principle of feminism.

Some companies hire more women because they VOLUNTEER to work cheaper. I used to just regurgitate the conservative commentators denial of a pay difference until I learned the nuts-and-bolts how to boost your pay rate. Women tend to "nesters" which means risk averse. They also tend to work by "consensus". Consensus often doesn't cut it. If I see a problem that will make a major system crash, I will dig in my heels even if the consensus it to "sweep it under the rug". I also won't tolerate being underpaid nor pressure to put in much uncompensated overtime. I see lots of women tolerate both.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

It has little to do with age. Women of all ages are more aggressive and controlling than their male counterparts in relationships. Also, many younger women don't do squat around the house.

Here's a hint to you younger guys for a place to look so you can avoid "that type" of female:

Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

The motto is "Equal pay for equal work." If the work is different but the pay is equal, then that wouldn't qualify for the principle of feminism.

Do you see how my QUALITATIVE analysis wouldn't be reflected in statistics? In my scenario anyone regardless of gender would earn less if they don't invoke shrewd career management tactics. Risk and career management tactics are NOT factored into the statistics. "Equal pay" legislation just makes it harder to pressure a company into more pay. I have had managers/HR departments after acing all the interviews reject my pay demands explicitly because accepting would run afoul of that state's "equal pay" guidelines. Hence, they limp along with poorly functioning systems managed by consensus.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Feminists demand equal benefits with unequal effort and risk. Some companies hire more women because they VOLUNTEER to work cheaper. I used to just regurgitate the conservative commentators denial of a pay difference until I learned the nuts-and-bolts how to boost your pay rate. Women tend to "nesters" which means risk averse. They also tend to work by "consensus". Consensus often doesn't cut it. If I see a problem that will make a major system crash, I will dig in my heels even if the consensus it to "sweep it under the rug". I have even accepted getting fired for refusing to produce unusable crap software. I would do the same again if necessary. I also won't tolerate being underpaid nor pressure to put in much uncompensated overtime. I see lots of women tolerate both.

Great post.

That "They also tend to work by "consensus" is so spot on. It's seen so often on the TV talking heads panels. Women always look sideways to seek approval of their views from the other talking heads.

Men look straight ahead at the host. The more controversial and unique they are, the greater the chances of being invited again because consensus is boring.

As noted above, consensus is the graveyard of progress.

Why is it that so few women are in engineering? It's because engineering is based in the notion that what we have is not good enough.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Here is an article speaking towards one:

Domestic Violence Against Men: Women More Likely To Be 'Intimate Terrorists' With Controlling Behavior In Relationships

Regardless, why is this hard to believe? How often do you hear men say things like "I can't do _____ because my wife doesn't want me to"? When was the last time you heard a woman say anything like "I can't do _____ because my husband doesn't want me to"? I'm going to guess you have heard the former countless times, while you have never heard the later.

I have the same problem with this study as I do with earlier studies that put more blame on men. They are all based on surveys, not on actual behavior. This is one of the great weaknesses in the field of psychology. Unfortunately, because people have privacy, a true study of human behavior may not be possible. But a survey may or may not correspond with the actions people take.

The only thing this survey may point out is that women are just as capable of being violent in relationships as men. It is not a study of female behavior across the board. I have no problem accepting that women can be controlling and violent in a relationship. My issue is the over-reaction of men who want to swing the blame entirely on women. I don't think we have the data to come up with actual percentages that would prove either men or women are more to blame or behave in certain ways.

But I don't base my view on women or men on popular cultural expressions like "all men are pigs' or "men don't listen" or "men are stupid". I hear these all the time too and I don't think they apply to me. I like to have more actual physical evidence to back that up, and that does not include surveys given to a limited and select sample of people. So if it make you feel any better, I don't blame men any more than women either. I simply don't have enough evidence to know either way.
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Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

It has little to do with age. Women of all ages are more aggressive and controlling than their male counterparts in relationships. Also, many younger women don't do squat around the house.

The study you cited was of a group with an average age of 24. There are lazy younger men as well.
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Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

I'm a woman who supports equality for women, who likes to have a guy do something nice for her every once in a while and one who reciprocates more often than not. I'm not easily offended but also not afraid to tell someone how I feel in return. I'm often barefoot in the kitchen - just thankfully not pregnant. I run a business probably better than my spouse, if I do say so myself, but I let him believe he's the President of the said company. I'm not sure what that makes me. I'd call myself a feminist simply because I'm a female and one who likes being a female but also feels I'm as good as any man - but I don't because people tend to have a negative image of feminists.

I do agree that the youth of today (and others) need to get on with their lives and stop being offended by the world around them. If I had a child in college that was behaving in such a manner, I'd yank their butts out of college and let them be offended in the job market or serving burgers at McD's. Personally, I blame the parents of these little monsters.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Hey feminists: You built that.
OK then. How many devout Christians like the idea of someone insulting Jesus?

Are you too young to know about the massive waves of offense over Last Temptation of Christ? (Hint: They weren't upset over Harvey Keitel's accent.)

How many conservatives and devout Christians were so deeply offended by the works of artists like Mapplethorpe, Serrano and Ofili that they wanted to block any public display of their art?

In 1994, the Smithsonian planned an exhibit on the Enola Gay, which included a discussion of the consequences of the bombing, and subsequent nuclear proliferation. Wanna guess who threw a rod over that one?

You do know that many of those same objectors also expressed deep and serious offense over Maya Lin's Vietnam memorial, in part over the design, and in part because she was Asian?

How many conservatives defended the religious rights of Muslims, when they wanted to build a community center a few blocks away from the World Trade Center?

How many conservatives enthusiastically defend the rights of Communists to express their points of view, and change our political system?

The reality is that intolerance and hyper-sensitivity are not limited to one specific ideology. It's a human tendency, and it operates across the political spectrum. You're just less likely to notice when "your side" is doing it, especially when your side is too weak to use that tactic effectively. So it goes.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

The feminazis and their male co-conspirators in the federal government made it profitable for women to lie about sexual assaults. They get paid when they report them and after they testify as witnesses. When caught lying, the lying bitches suffer no consequences, and are not required to return the money. Ask Kobe if you don’t believe it.

As Keith wrote on Yahoo.com:

There is a MASSIVE problem in America that is ignored and NEVER addressed in these situations. Women that LIE and make false charges of rape and child molestation against men, simply because they are mad about a relationship break up or divorce. Many men are falsely accused every day across America, and the issue is NEVER confronted and there are ZERO consequences for the women who do it. It was done to me in a divorce. I was notified by my attorney of the allegations of molestation and I was totally stunned! I absolutely could not believe such horrible lies and how a woman can do such a thing, but they do it all the time. I began speaking to many men about their divorces and discovered many of them also had been falsely accused of sexual crimes. I knew a police officer who was accused of raping a woman in the back seat of the patrol car. He was immediately relieved of duty, badge confiscated and under intense investigation for an entire year. Of course, he had to get a lawyer and was under massive levels of stress. He was married with two children. After an entire year of hell, the woman finally admitted she made it up to try and get money from a lawsuit against the police department. NOTHING was done to her. ZERO consequences. The court system is completely geared toward the benefit of women and against men. All a woman has to do is say you raped her and you are going to jail. Period. True or not, it doesn’t matter. It's your problem, not hers. As the man, you have serious problems from these LIES and false charges, but the woman simply walks away snickering.

Here is another Yahoo.com post. Stephanie wrote:

A good friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend and about two months later she saw him driving with his new girlfriend and went down to the police station and filed charged against him.... saying he had raped her SIX MONTHS AGO when they were still together. She said he didn't physically force her, but had asked to have sex, and she wasn't in the mood and then asked later that night and she said ok and fully participated in the act.... So they said he raped her by coercion. He doesn't even remember that night or if it even happened. He is now serving over TEN years in prison... JUST ON HER WORD, no evidence.

Having read the above, next time you are horny, ask her before you jump into sack to give you a signed and notarized consent letter, hire an off-duty cop to watch and record the session until she actually leaves the room and testifies on camera that everything went as she wished and agreed to.

Insane? Yes, just like our one-sided, men-hating justice system.

To be on the safe side, never be the one who breaks up; just let her catch you watching gay porn or quit brushing teeth, taking showers and changing underwear for a month and she will gladly do it for you.

Their crowning achievement in the art of lying: I tried to kill myself ten times. To be sure that their attempts are futile, women take sleeping pills, but never jump off the nearest bridge. Later, they will tell everyone how they wanted to die, so, next time you hear bulls*** like this, save that “Oh, poor you!” for a better occasion, and ask if she considered jumping from a high elevation to end her unbearable suffering. They never do because all that suicide talk is just about getting attention.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Is this supposed to be something new? The irony is more that women taking offense to things is more traditional than not. Swooning isn't exactly a new thing, fainting when you hear something offensive. I just can't help but think of what people weren't supposed to talk about in front of "ladies" hundreds of years ago because they might faint due to being so delicate in their constitution.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

George Carlin said of the feminist movement "Have you ever noticed those screaming the most about abortion are the ones you wouldnt want to **** in the first place?"

Only thing more sad than a woman feminist is a male in name only gender type feminist.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

After reading some of the posts on the last few pages I feel like I walked into a meeting of the ****ing he-men women haters' club.

Women are mean! Women are lazy! Wives say no! Wives want to mother their husbands! Wives are husband beaters!

Wut the ****.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

George Carlin said of the feminist movement "Have you ever noticed those screaming the most about abortion are the ones you wouldnt want to **** in the first place?"

Only thing more sad than a woman feminist is a male in name only gender type feminist.

There is actually something sadder but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

There is actually something sadder but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand.
I really think this is the inappropriate forum for you to discuss your tiny penis.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

Ain't gonna happen. Self deprecation works only among friends.

I am not single. That's how know men-women things.

I guess that is a bit self-deprecating, the grammar, though it might not be intentional.

Do you think self-deprecation can include unintentional mistakes that make a person seem less intelligent than they actually are?

I'm not so sure.
Re: ‘Generation Snowflake’ – hysterical young women who can’t cope with being offende

I guess that is a bit self-deprecating, the grammar, though it might not be intentional.

Do you think self-deprecation can include unintentional mistakes that make a person seem less intelligent than they actually are?

I'm not so sure.

I always thought that self-deprecation must be (1) deliberate and (2) intended to be funny.
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