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‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional[W:304] (1 Viewer)

Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

The Obama Administration has statistically had less scandals than any administration in decades.

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Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

President Business has conquered America, and the best his supporters can come up with is "good." What a goddamned travesty we've become.

We deserve Trump. We deserve P.T. Barnum as president. This country has become this ****ing stupid.
Where have you been for at least the past 50yrs cronyism has been a tradition of american politics. In the grand scheme of things the accusations are relatively benign comparitivly speaking to some of the deals past afministrations have orchastrated. Not to mention the fact that he isnt even potus yet and isnt bound by those ethical standards until after he is inaugurated.

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Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

The guy in the Oval Office has an R next to his name, so the answer is "never. Not in a million years."
Why do expect you republicans to start acting as unethical as democrats when history has proven otherwise?

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Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

They are basically saying that only career politicians can hold office. If you own anything your violating constitutional law.

Correct me if im wrong but isnt he owner in name only. Didnt he turn control of holdings over to his children to manage while he is in office so there wouldnt be any conflict of interest?

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Handing control of the business over to one's family isn't in any way a "blind trust."

The US federal government recognizes the "qualified blind trust" (QBT), as defined by the Ethics in Government Act and related regulations.[1] In order for a blind trust to be a QBT, the trustee must not be affiliated with, associated with, related to, or subject to the control or influence of the grantor (the political official). The trustee should not be a current or former investment advisor, partner, accountant, attorney, or relative. [2] The assets initially placed in the QBT, because they are known to the grantor, continue to pose a potential conflict of interest until they have been sold (or reduced to a value less than $1,000). New assets purchased by the trustee will not be disclosed to the grantor, so they will not pose a conflict.

Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

While Trump's temper tantrum regarding the recount or his comments on removing citizenship for people exercising their first amendment rights are all very amusing, I believe a more genuine threat is the unnerving relationship between the office of the Presidency and his business. At what point do establishment Republicans become too uncomfortable with the optics of the glaring conflict of interest to ignore it? At what point is there a genuine "Constitutional crisis?"

This thread is not about Clinton.

None, unless you can show it to be against the law.

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Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

Where have you been for at least the past 50yrs cronyism has been a tradition of american politics. In the grand scheme of things the accusations are relatively benign comparitivly speaking to some of the deals past afministrations have orchastrated. Not to mention the fact that he isnt even potus yet and isnt bound by those ethical standards until after he is inaugurated.

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How he's already used his new office to benefit his business notwithstanding, there's also no political demand to force him to put his business in a blind trust. His supporters will support him in everything he does, Congressional Republicans are too terrified of him to do anything, and Democrats simply don't have the numbers. Therefore, the fact that he is not potus yet is irrelevant.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

None, unless you can show it to be against the law.

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Emoluments Clause, and as has already been covered, that is indeed difficult to prove.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

While Trump's temper tantrum regarding the recount or his comments on removing citizenship for people exercising their first amendment rights are all very amusing, I believe a more genuine threat is the unnerving relationship between the office of the Presidency and his business. At what point do establishment Republicans become too uncomfortable with the optics of the glaring conflict of interest to ignore it? At what point is there a genuine "Constitutional crisis?"

This thread is not about Clinton.


Here is the last guy who had a "Trumpian attitude". What happened to him?

Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

Here is the last guy who had a "Trumpian attitude". What happened to him?

What he was referring to specifically was actually not wrong, though in the context of this thread, I'll just say that the primary difference between then and now is that if you told Nixon's voters that he intended to use his office to enrich himself they would not have said "good." It was a different time.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

"They" will say, do and threaten ANYTHING to attempt to disenfranchise the American people. Please find me a law that the President would be breaking by owning his companies . . . And, for that matter, a law applying to the POTUS re conflicts of interest with same.

Edit...here...let me help...

Best not to believe our crappy media...

The standard you are accepting is that the President can freely use his position to push his own business interests and enrich himself and his family. Even if it is legal can you honestly say it is ethical?
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

I never said it was

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You said, "Didnt he turn control of holdings over to his children to manage while he is in office so there wouldnt be any conflict of interest?"

A blind trust is the thing that would have prevented the conflict of interest. Without the blind trust then there's the conflict of interest.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

The standard you are accepting is that the President can freely use his position to push his own business interests and enrich himself and his family. Even if it is legal can you honestly say it is ethical?

I think it CAN be riding the edge. But.

Just because a POTUS has business interests should not mean he is automatically in conflict. Take it back 250 years. Presidents owned farms. Owned slaves. They didn't divest themselves of those business interests.

Abraham Lincoln owned a general store. Lord in heaven! It failed and the assets were seized by the sheriff.
President Harding owned a successful newspaper.
FDR owned the Warm Springs Institute. Fundraiser for it while in office.
Jimmy Carter owned a very large successful international peanut business.

There are more. Look them up.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

You said, "Didnt he turn control of holdings over to his children to manage while he is in office so there wouldnt be any conflict of interest?"

A blind trust is the thing that would have prevented the conflict of interest. Without the blind trust then there's the conflict of interest.

Ridiculous. Do you know what a blind trust is? It's for investments...stocks etc. Its not for business ownership. You explain to me how a blind trust would do any good for one of his golf courses. Ridiculous.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

How he's already used his new office to benefit his business notwithstanding, there's also no political demand to force him to put his business in a blind trust. His supporters will support him in everything he does, Congressional Republicans are too terrified of him to do anything, and Democrats simply don't have the numbers. Therefore, the fact that he is not potus yet is irrelevant.
In the begining i was not a supporter of him but i have become one so while i can not speak for all of his supporters i can speak as one of them.

The problem i have is that there is no proof to back up the accusation. So even if you put the legal aspect aside and only focus on the ethical aspect of it. Theres no proof to back up the accusation being made about him.

I will also tell you as one of his supporters i have no problem with you and others raising this question about him using the influence of the office for self profit. If you bring me something credible i will be right there with you condemning it and if its egregious enough calling for his impeachment.

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Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

I think it CAN be riding the edge. But.

Just because a POTUS has business interests should not mean he is automatically in conflict. Take it back 250 years. Presidents owned farms. Owned slaves. They didn't divest themselves of those business interests.

Abraham Lincoln owned a general store. Lord in heaven! It failed and the assets were seized by the sheriff.
President Harding owned a successful newspaper.
FDR owned the Warm Springs Institute. Fundraiser for it while in office.
Jimmy Carter owned a very large successful international peanut business.

There are more. Look them up.

So are any of those examples commensurate to this...

Trump tweeted about Scottish wind farm 60 times - POLITICO

If the UK were to continue with the wind farms and as a result Trump decided privately to punish them by raking them over the coals when they negotiate trade deals with the U.S. after Brexit, would that still be on the line?
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

Ridiculous. Do you know what a blind trust is? It's for investments...stocks etc. Its not for business ownership. You explain to me how a blind trust would do any good for one of his golf courses. Ridiculous.

By that, do you then support that he should liquidate his investments and stocks and put them into a blind trust?
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

the same people that voted for Clinton talk about integrity :lamo
liberal hypocrisy is alive and well.

you guys should probably clean your own yard first.

i infer from your post that you believe tRump voters are not concerned about the integrity of public servants
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

In the begining i was not a supporter of him but i have become one so while i can not speak for all of his supporters i can speak as one of them.

The problem i have is that there is no proof to back up the accusation. So even if you put the legal aspect aside and only focus on the ethical aspect of it. Theres no proof to back up the accusation being made about him.

I will also tell you as one of his supporters i have no problem with you and others raising this question about him using the influence of the office for self profit. If you bring me something credible i will be right there with you condemning it and if its egregious enough calling for his impeachment.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

There is the appearance of quid pro quo, the examples of which were listed in the OP. I'm careful to use the word "appearance" because legally speaking, you have to be extremely careful to prove the "pro" part in the "quid pro quo." That he has not set up a blind trust nor has shown any inclination for doing so results in a situation in which it is impossible not to see a quid pro quo, and that he is using the office of the Presidency for the expressed purpose of enriching himself.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

So are any of those examples commensurate to this...

Trump tweeted about Scottish wind farm 60 times - POLITICO

If the UK were to continue with the wind farms and as a result Trump decided privately to punish them by raking them over the coals when they negotiate trade deals with the U.S. after Brexit, would that still be on the line?

I'm not going to play games with you. If you don't think a president should own any business interests, CHANGE THE DAMNED LAW.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

There is the appearance of quid pro quo, the examples of which were listed in the OP. I'm careful to use the word "appearance" because legally speaking, you have to be extremely careful to prove the "pro" part in the "quid pro quo." That he has not set up a blind trust nor has shown any inclination for doing so results in a situation in which it is impossible not to see a quid pro quo, and that he is using the office of the Presidency for the expressed purpose of enriching himself.

Please explain how a blind trust would work with one of Trump's resorts. Your seeming expert opinion about something of which you QUITE OBVIOUSLY know NOTHING is chilling.
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

I'm not going to play games with you. If you don't think a president should own any business interests, CHANGE THE DAMNED LAW.

Nobody's saying that owning business interests is against the law. The problem is that sans a blind trust he has a greater chance of running afoul of the Emolument Clause and public trust in his motives and decisions is weakened.
Last edited:
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

By that, do you then support that he should liquidate his investments and stocks and put them into a blind trust?

Why are you asking me? I'm not the one suggesting he put his businesses into a blind trust. YOU explain it. You are purporting to be an expert after all...
Re: ‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisi

Excuse me, but as trump said "the President cannot have any conflicts of interest".

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