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Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $80 Million on the Midterms. His Goal: Flip the House (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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If Democrats take Bloomberg $$$ will you vote for them? Also does this hamper the rumors that he's running for President in 2020?

Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has decided to throw his political clout and personal fortune behind the Democratic campaign to take control of the House of Representatives this year, directing aides to spend tens of millions of dollars in an effort to expel Republicans from power.

NYT | Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $80 Million on the Midterms. His Goal: Flip the House
just what we need in The White House; another asshole from NYC .............
If Democrats take Bloomberg $$$ will you vote for them? Also does this hamper the rumors that he's running for President in 2020?

NYT | Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $80 Million on the Midterms. His Goal: Flip the House

Until we get campaign finance reform as law of the land, I can overlook this. The modern Republican Party is one of the most dangerous organizations on the planet, if you ask me. The Democrats are no less corrupt, but, at least with them, you can say for sure that they oppose migrant baby prisons to encourage turnout from racists.
The American people desperately need to have the GOPs stranglehold on all branches of the US government terminated.

The GOP 115th Congress has abdicated its responsibility of checks and balances. They need to go.
I kind of think it's sick how much money we drop on our elections.

I do also. What would you do about it to limit it?

Do you favor a limited time when a person can campaign like some other nations have?

Do you favor restricting who can donate to a campaign to limit the amount of money available?
Until we get campaign finance reform as law of the land, I can overlook this. The modern Republican Party is one of the most dangerous organizations on the planet, if you ask me. The Democrats are no less corrupt, but, at least with them, you can say for sure that they oppose migrant baby prisons to encourage turnout from racists.
I feel the same way. I will vote for the lesser of two evils as usual.
I do also. What would you do about it to limit it?

Do you favor a limited time when a person can campaign like some other nations have?

Do you favor restricting who can donate to a campaign to limit the amount of money available?

It's hard to say, it's a tough system. I would certainly remove corporations from being able to donate though.
I hope his money gets ZERO results like Soros' did when he funded Queen Hillary's last Prez attempt.

Looks like the Russians had more of an effect on Trumps campaign.
Considering it is the left that is always wailing about starving children, that is ironic. :lol:

I'm not sure you understand the meaning of that word.

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