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Which team should ‘blow it up’? (NBA) (1 Viewer)


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Give me convenience or give me death
DP Veteran
Jan 24, 2017
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Which team should ‘blow it up’? Trade everybody, overhaul the roster, and go into full blown rebuild cycle.

I think the Clippers and the Suns are at that point.

Just an embarrassing exit for the Suns. I never had faith in that big 3 and drawing Minnesota didn’t help
I don't think the Warriors blow it up until Steph retires. They would probably trade Klay and Wiggins though. Clippers have run their course. I don't think Miami makes another finals in the Jimmy Butler era. Lakers should blow it up if Lebron leaves or retires. I don't think the Suns or Bucks blow it up yet
Which team should ‘blow it up’? Trade everybody, overhaul the roster, and go into full blown rebuild cycle.

I think the Clippers and the Suns are at that point.

Just an embarrassing exit for the Suns. I never had faith in that big 3 and drawing Minnesota didn’t help

Not that there is anything to blow up but my Nets are insane. They signed Cam Johnson to a number he never deserved and continue to insist on building a team around Bridges, 4th option on a championship aspiring team.
Meantime them seem inclined to resign Claxton who is no more than adequate and depend on defenseless Cam Thomas to carry the scoring.

Talk about a lost team.
Not that there is anything to blow up but my Nets are insane. They signed Cam Johnson to a number he never deserved and continue to insist on building a team around Bridges, 4th option on a championship aspiring team.
Meantime them seem inclined to resign Claxton who is no more than adequate and depend on defenseless Cam Thomas to carry the scoring.

Talk about a lost team.

One of those lost in mediocrity teams. I do like Mikal Bridges tho!!
One of those lost in mediocrity teams. I do like Mikal Bridges tho!!

Enough to build a team around?
The guy is a number 1 option and averages 19 a game.
You can like him, you can't build a contending team around him as a 1st or second option.
Enough to build a team around?
The guy is a number 1 option and averages 19 a game.
You can like him, you can't build a contending team around him as a 1st or second option.

Yeah, he needs a Batman to his Robin

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