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De La Cruz(Reds) throws 106mph(?) to first base (1 Viewer)

Chock Full o Nuts

Voting for Pedro!
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2023
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Cincinnati, Ohio
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Libertarian - Right
...may have thrown a baseball harder than anyone has ever thrown a baseball in a Major League Baseball game.
Update: While the broadcaster saw 106.9 on Statcast and it certainly looked like one of the fastest throws ever, there was actually no official reading on the throw according to MLB.com.

Sure, get it there fast, but give him a chance to snag it!
Probably arrived a little quicker than he is accustomed to.:ROFLMAO:

Sure, get it there fast, but give him a chance to snag it!
Probably arrived a little quicker than he is accustomed to.:ROFLMAO:

The batter was about to tag 1st right when the ball arrived, so maybe that extra umph was necessary after all. Either way, holy shitsticks what an amazing feat of athleticism that was. Good for him, and thanks for sharing!

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