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Is Cohen lying now, or was he lying before? (1 Viewer)

That's a reasonable comment and Trump's racism may be thought of as petty by some. By others it's a little too public. However if it really is not such a great sin measured against his achievements (and his other more serious alleged crimes) then Cohen's opinion of it should hardly be used as a litmus test for whether he's telling the truth in these hearings.

His assertion of Trump's racism may be disputed. His assertion that they committed campaign finance violations together is a matter of court record.

Since Trump doesn't represent my interests as such, I'll be dispassionately interested to see whether or not the check to Cohen proves to be the "smoking gun" that the Left has been lusting after for the past two years.

However, Cohen loses points with me-- even as he gains them with the Left-- through his testimony on Trump's alleged racism, which are immaterial to any campaign finance crimes.
Since Trump doesn't represent my interests as such, I'll be dispassionately interested to see whether or not the check to Cohen proves to be the "smoking gun" that the Left has been lusting after for the past two years.

I'd say on the campaign finance violations he, and the other evidence is pretty much a smoking gun. What's in question is bipartisan the political will to pursue it.

On Collusion he has so far claimed not to know much about what went on there and can only provide small pieces of the puzzle.
Well it isnt fair that cohen is going to jail for lying to congress when clapper, brennan, comey, mccabe, strzok, and most of congress go off about their business freely.
Well it isnt fair that cohen is going to jail for lying to congress when clapper, brennan, comey, mccabe, strzok, and most of congress go off about their business freely.

The congress and DOJ at the time should have pursued it then.

But I do think a correction of the wording is in order. If those other names are guilty of the same or similar crimes (campaign finance violations and lying to congress) then it isn't fair that they're not going to jail as well. As I said maybe that should have been pursued at the time.

However Cohen has been found guilty however of both campaign finance crimes and lying to congress and the courts. We have a smoking gun (testimony), spent shell casings (checks and paper trail) and fingerprints (his and the Trump Crime Syndicate's signed checks). Regardless of what happens to those others it is 100% fair that Cohen goes to jail for his crimes. End of story.
The congress and DOJ at the time should have pursued it then.

But I do think a correction of the wording is in order. If those other names are guilty of the same or similar crimes (campaign finance violations and lying to congress) then it isn't fair that they're not going to jail as well. As I said maybe that should have been pursued at the time.

However Cohen has been found guilty however of both campaign finance crimes and lying to congress and the courts. We have a smoking gun (testimony), spent shell casings (checks and paper trail) and fingerprints (his and the Trump Crime Syndicate's signed checks). Regardless of what happens to those others it is 100% fair that Cohen goes to jail for his crimes. End of story.

Non disclosure agreements are common and not illegal just fyi.

I think many in congress are arguably prosecutable during their daily bloviations as well.
Given the entirely different testimony Cohen is giving this time, it seems to me that if he lied before, he's telling the truth now. Or, he told the truth before (and was wrongly accused) and is lying now. Trump wants to paint him as a liar, which may be fair...but which time? It wasn't both.

It's kind of like the news. To a Trumper, any news not complimentary to Comrade Trump is fake news. Any news that gives Trump praise and glory, good journalism.

When Cohen lied for Trump, (and got himself convicted as a result,) he was a hero and was telling the truth.

Now that Cohen has felt the hard sting of lying and has decided to "tell the truth" to a Trumper, he's a liar.

Cohen would be a fool to keep lying after what happened to him last time.
The congress and DOJ at the time should have pursued it then.

But I do think a correction of the wording is in order. If those other names are guilty of the same or similar crimes (campaign finance violations and lying to congress) then it isn't fair that they're not going to jail as well. As I said maybe that should have been pursued at the time.

However Cohen has been found guilty however of both campaign finance crimes and lying to congress and the courts. We have a smoking gun (testimony), spent shell casings (checks and paper trail) and fingerprints (his and the Trump Crime Syndicate's signed checks). Regardless of what happens to those others it is 100% fair that Cohen goes to jail for his crimes. End of story.

I don't consider Cohen's testimony to be any sort of smoking gun. The Trump check is the closest thing the Left has to a smoking gun. However, I'm not sure how they can prove that Trump signed the check purely to benefit his campaign, given that he's allegedly signed other checks in the past simply to keep his marriage intact.

While Cohen's remarks on Trump's racism strike me as preaching to the choir, I think that it is interesting that he refused to malign Trump's relationship with his wife, stating that he did not believe the Prez beat his wife. Whether that was the absolute truth, or simply Cohen's attempt to keep clear of that particular hornet's nest, may never be known.
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that a sleazy lawyer could be a liar. What's the world coming to when an man charged with a felony can't be trusted?

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