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DACA deportations: Who's fault? (1 Viewer)

DACA deportations: Who's fault? Where should the blame be placed?

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But does that get rid of birth right citizenship for these people? Does this redefine American birth right citizenship?

Birth right citizenship cannot be redefined without amending the Constitution.
Mix of parent's and kid's faults. The parent's brought them here (and themselves) illegally and the kids knowingly stayed as adults. The government a small bit for being so lax on illegal immigration and basically permitting it.

When you were brought here as a 3 year old and this is the only country that you have ever known and loved, I would "knowingly stay" as an adult as well...rather than go to a country that I have never known.
When you were brought here as a 3 year old and this is the only country that you have ever known and loved, I would "knowingly stay" as an adult as well...rather than go to a country that I have never known.

We have a dreamer at the company where I work. He was brought here when he was a baby. He doesn't even know any Spanish. Best worker we have too.
I think Trump will get a DACA deal, by which DACA recipients can stay in the United States as legal residents in exchange for funding the border wall. 80% of DACA recipients were born in Mexico but at least 20,000 of them are Koreans, who were brought to the US by their parents, pretending to be tourists.
DACA deportations: Who's fault? Where should the blame be placed?

- The government?
- The parents?
- The kids themselves?
- Mix-and-match?
- Someone else?

Congress has refused for years to reform a broken immigration system. All else is secondary to that.
Apparently you don't know the law, or you wouldn't be bringing up Cruz. Reich wing? Childish.

Yes, I do know the Law--I am pointing out the HYPOCRISY.

Yes, I do know the Law--I am pointing out the HYPOCRISY.

How knuckleheaded, there is a difference between people born in the US to non citizens and a child born overseas to a US citizen on a work visa. You apparently don't know the law, nationalization and naturalization, figured out the difference yet?
How knuckleheaded, there is a difference between people born in the US to non citizens and a child born overseas to a US citizen on a work visa. You apparently don't know the law, nationalization and naturalization, figured out the difference yet?

You & Trump were attacking Obama, then when he produced an AMERICAN birth certificate it didn't stop you from saying it was FAKE. Then Ted Cruz comes along who was actually born in a Foreign country--and all of a sudden you're O.K. with that.


What astounds me about you right wingers, is you NEVER look beyond the tips of your noses. If Cruz became the nominee--what in the hell do you think Democrats would have done with this? Do you actually believe that they wouldn't have pulled Cruz through a knot hole over and over again because of this?

Paybacks are hell. And they'll make certain you get them. Alan Grayson threatened a law suit should Cruz become the nominee.
Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

You can color Ted Cruz GONE in 2018 anyway. The DNC has announced they are running candidates for every single congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz's opposition is gaining ground there. And the legal voting population of that state is 40% Hispanic.
There's A Democrat Running For Every Texas Congressional Seat Next Year | KUT
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You & Trump were attacking Obama, then when he produced an AMERICAN birth certificate it didn't stop you from saying it was FAKE. Then Ted Cruz comes along who was actually born in a Foreign country--and all of a sudden you're O.K. with that.

What astounds me about you right wingers, is you NEVER look beyond the tips of your noses. If Cruz became the nominee--what in the hell do you think Democrats would have done with this? Do you actually believe that they wouldn't have pulled Cruz through a knot hole over and over again because of this?

Paybacks are hell. And they'll make certain you get them. Alan Grayson threatened a law suit should Cruz become the nominee.
Alan Grayson Threatens Lawsuit on Citizenship Grounds if Ted Cruz Is the GOP Nominee - Breitbart

You can color Ted Cruz GONE in 2018 anyway. The DNC has announced they are running candidates for every single congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz's opposition is gaining ground there. And the legal voting population of that state is 40% Hispanic.
There's A Democrat Running For Every Texas Congressional Seat Next Year | KUT

So for Democrats, their all important inclusiveness is a scam and not a value?
We have a dreamer at the company where I work. He was brought here when he was a baby. He doesn't even know any Spanish. Best worker we have too.

Thats my experience as well. Most dreamers I know are more American and love the United States more than most of this trumptards.
DACA deportations: Who's fault? Where should the blame be placed?

- The government?
- The parents?
- The kids themselves?
- Mix-and-match?
- Someone else?

In some cases, partly the parents, particularly when their childrens' paperwork was never in order to begin with. Some DACA kids weren't here illegally initially, but perhaps became so when something changed. Trust me, I have lived through the moving target of trying to keep yourself legal, and I can't imagine how I would have done it if I wasn't highly educated and exceptionally fluent in the native language, so I understand sometimes these things happen even to the earnest and well-intended who are trying as hard as they can.

But in all cases, the government shares some of that blame. It's a frankly disgusting mess of flip-flopping, limping pseduo-policy from the weakest, most incompetent government I've seen in my lifetime. These are people's lives -- in many cases, people who are paying their damn salaries. And more particularly, these are people they are sworn to serve. It's digusting.

I truly don't understand how anyone considers it the child's fault. That's like throwing a child in prison because their parent committed a robbery. It just makes no sense to me at all. If anything, these kids are showing a desire to follow the law and, apparently, at their own personal risk. They've gone out of their way to remedy a problem with their status that wasn't even their fault to begin with, and jumped through an awful lot of hoops for the pleasure, only to be put at risk of being deported anyway.

Basically, America is saying they don't want law-abiding citizens. What?
Where do you report a Dreamer who is currently serving in the US Senate? Mr Cruz Sr. overstayed his visa..
Where do you report a Dreamer who is currently serving in the US Senate? Mr Cruz Sr. overstayed his visa..

Ted cruz is an illegal alien that should have been deported. He didnt even renounce is canadian citizenship until he ran for president. What happened to all the birthers?
Even Obama said an executive order could be overturned by the next president. Of course, thinking Hillary would be that next president, he never guessed it actually would be overturned. He said legislation was needed. Yet when he had a Democrat controlled Congress he never got a bill on his desk.

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