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Trump & Porn Star - True Or Fake (1 Viewer)

Trump and Porn Star

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Post #11, Page 1.

The last post on page 1 is by Fearandloathing and it is Post#10. My post, #11, appears as the first one on page 2.

Post #22, Page 2.

Quote Originally Posted by camlok View Post
Your honesty is much appreciated. See how good honesty can feel.

Said honesty was in reference to her stating her sexual preference and my remark was me saying that that kind of honest admission was/is a very good thing.

You really shouldn't make unwarranted assumptions, Superfly.
Yes, I'm fairly certain it's true, but I don't really care.

I believe that it's not the worst thing he's done, far from it, and that is what I care about, and how that has and will continue to affect this country.
Other, I do not know if she embellished the stories she told then, but that the 2 had an affair sounds/feels truthful.
Quote Originally Posted by camlok View Post
Your honesty is much appreciated. See how good honesty can feel.

Said honesty was in reference to her stating her sexual preference and my remark was me saying that that kind of honest admission was/is a very good thing.

You really shouldn't make unwarranted assumptions, Superfly.

And by saying so, you implied that she was normally untruthful. Why would you be the one to tell her that honest admission was a good thing? She has never said or implied anything other than the truth - that she was gay. Are you supposed to be the moral compass now for a girl who doesn’t need one?
There's something very ironic about being lectured by someone who unquestioningly supports and holds the water of the world's most powerful man who can't stop acting like an 8th grader.

Look inside your own moral compass and that of your hero in the Oval Office and keep your opinions about anonymous message message board posters in the dark recesses of your mind.

Are you an adult or not?
Did Trump have a sexual tryst with a porn star about a year after getting married to third wife Melania?

Getting spanked with Forbes magazine?????

Or is it all fake, lies, and more lies?

Based on his past history of assorted trysts, he likely was involved with her nd others. You typically don't pay someone 130K for nothing.
He cheated on his first wife so why would he not cheat on this one?

I don't really think anyone is really shocked by this.

Now, if the porn star claimed Vice President Pence had rode her like a rental that would be out of the ball park shocking.
Speaking of his underwear drawer, why do you think he strips his sheets every morning before his staff comes in to make his bed?

Do you think it's because he stays up til 3 am eating KFC and the sheets are full of crumbs and greasy chicken bones?

Or could it be something else?

Now my breakfast is all over my keyboard. Thanks, you ****ing bee-atch!
Did Trump have a sexual tryst with a porn star about a year after getting married to third wife Melania?

Getting spanked with Forbes magazine?????

Or is it all fake, lies, and more lies?

Absolutely. The real question is was his payment of hush money via a shell company, perhaps by using campaign money, illegal? And, to that, I say, yes.
trump on a break.jpg
when Trump engages the planet in WWIII and billions of people end up dead, no one will remember that he bragged about grabbing *****, was married to multiple wives, paid for hookers & porn stars, got whipped with a copy of Forbes, and became POTUS .................
Did Trump have a sexual tryst with a porn star about a year after getting married to third wife Melania?

Getting spanked with Forbes magazine?????

Or is it all fake, lies, and more lies?

I think there is a good chance of it being true but my vote is still "who cares"? Trump has never acted like he was some kind of paragon of chivalry.
Did Trump have a sexual tryst with a porn star about a year after getting married to third wife Melania?

Getting spanked with Forbes magazine?????

Or is it all fake, lies, and more lies?

Who knows and who cares. The libruls during the Clinton administration taught us that extra marital affairs are not supposed to matter.
And by saying so, you implied that she was normally untruthful. Why would you be the one to tell her that honest admission was a good thing? She has never said or implied anything other than the truth - that she was gay. Are you supposed to be the moral compass now for a girl who doesn’t need one?

Still with your unwarranted assumptions, Sf. You've already been wrong on so much but still you soldier on. I don't follow TG and I really don't give two hoots about people's social condition. That last sentence of yours is a real doozy. As I said, you have been wrong about everything.
Still with your unwarranted assumptions, Sf. You've already been wrong on so much but still you soldier on. I don't follow TG and I really don't give two hoots about people's social condition. That last sentence of yours is a real doozy. As I said, you have been wrong about everything.

Just because you say I am wrong over and over, doesn’t make you right. It’s pretty clear what you meant to do.

I’m not going to go any further with this ridiculous back and forth. All anyone has to do is follow your conversation with the Guv to see what you meant.

If you need the last word, you can have it. I am finished here.
Did Trump have a sexual tryst with a porn star about a year after getting married to third wife Melania?

Getting spanked with Forbes magazine?????

Or is it all fake, lies, and more lies?

She sounds believable. Do I care? No.

Maybe Melania doesn't care, either. After all, she and donny have seperate bedrooms. Seems like Melania may have only signed up to be a public trophy, not a wife.
This is a Christian server, ma'am. Please refrain from swearing.


They baptized the server? ;) Which kind of christian is he? Catholic? Protestant? Lutheran?

And how did the server survive being dunked in water or was it just sprinkled with holy water? :lol:

How does a server go to holy communion?

And she did not swear, there were ***** instead of bad words

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