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Recent content by HangLow

  1. HangLow

    What three things should a person avoid once they are past 70 years old?

    It is always a pleasure to hear from YOU, my friend... -Peace
  2. HangLow

    We the jury find trump guilty of something but we don't know what.

    Trump was convicted Thursday of 34 felony counts of falsifying business documents, the first time a former U.S. president was ever convicted of a crime... He has appealed the ruling...
  3. HangLow

    Okay MAGA's, tell us how the judge "rigged" the jury?

    Economic data under Obama (2008-12) - rigged 2016 GOP nomination campaign - rigged 2016 Dem nomination campaign - rigged 2016 General Election - rigged Investigation into Hillary Clinton - rigged Trump-Russia investigation - rigged Social media news site stories (2017-20) - rigged Online search...
  4. HangLow

    (Reuters) Exclusive: One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

    Hint, Hint... Old and stale rePukelican Talking Point... Cultist Gotta Cult... -Peace
  5. HangLow

    (Reuters) Exclusive: One in 10 Republicans less likely to vote for Trump after guilty verdict, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

    Great Post... And remember; "ROWvember will be GREAT"... -Peace
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