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Morgan Freeman says 'we are at war' with Russia (1 Viewer)

quote--will we be able to influence their presidential elections next year--

I say don't, we should be people of principal and not act like they do,

and further be of such strong character, and to wack the fingers of

those here who aided it and let it happen to us..Ed
quote--will we be able to influence their presidential elections next year--

I say don't, we should be people of principal and not act like they do,

and further be of such strong character, and to wack the fingers of

those here who aided it and let it happen to us..Ed

*burns his Shawshank Redemption DVD*

What do you guys think?

I don't care what a movie star says... bloated self worth ego maniacs. Just shut up Morgan.

Something most of our administration and congress won't...........

And everybody knows it is the truth.....

except brainwashed volunteer and paid, russian trolls...Ed
Investigation into Russia’s involvement is rapidly spreading from a focus on the Trump campaign, also includes Clinton/Obama, and more generally to the whole American business/political establishment, some of whose members have shown themselves interested in gaining wealth at any price, the Russian analyst says.

That has discredited the American elite, Shevtsova continues, but this is not the end of the story.

On the one hand, the Russian scandal is spreading to Europe where 29 governments have already
demanded the release of information about anonymous investors from Russia in businesses there.

And on the other, she says, it is sparking developments within the American elite as well as within
the Russian elite as the members of both try to figure out ways to save themselves even if
they have to sacrifice those with whom they were all too ready to cooperate in order
to enrich themselves in the recent past.

The post-1945 world order is coming to an end, in no small part because of Vladimir Putin’s successful use of hybrid war, one of whose “most important components” is “the export of corruption” in the form of enormous amounts of illegally obtained money and the values underlying it, according to Arkady Babchenko.

“The world is changing,” the Russian commentator says. The post-1945 settlement is coming to an end and the world is moving toward war. “I fear that we are entering into an era of new global changes and a re-division of the world order,” in large part because of Putin’s hybrid wars and use of corruption.

At the present moment, Babchenko says, “Russia has again taken the course toward imperialism and again transformed itself into a xenophobic and aggressive imperialist country, only this time for the achievement of its goals, it is using not tank divisions but the subversive influence” of corrupt Russians who travel to other countries on a regular basis.

“Arriving in countries of the first world, they bring with them not only their money but also their worldview. They also influence the practice of business and politics in the societies of those countries which accept them. And what is still worse, [these corrupt Russians] then pervert them.”

The first result of this process is that people in Western countries “try to close their eyes to the origin of this [Russian] money, which in the overwhelming majority of cases was obtained by criminal means.” Then, because those who have it come to be treated as respected figures, some in the West then conclude the best and shortest “path to success” is theft and corruption.”
I don't care what a movie star says... bloated self worth ego maniacs. Just shut up Morgan.

Why not? Sometimes they get elected to high office, even President.
You may not care what a singer or athlete or comedian or pro rassler says either but in the US it matters. Any one of them, Morgan Freeman included, is liable to be on a ballot and elected into a legislature. Hell, even trash TV stars can get elected.
That's what fascination with celebrity leads to.
Why not? Sometimes they get elected to high office, even President.
You may not care what a singer or athlete or comedian or pro rassler says either but in the US it matters. Any one of them, Morgan Freeman included, is liable to be on a ballot and elected into a legislature. Hell, even trash TV stars can get elected.
That's what fascination with celebrity leads to.

The Rock is seriously considering running in 2020...

*burns his Shawshank Redemption DVD*

What do you guys think?

Looks like they are looking for somebody to blame the global economic weakening, inequality and poverty of meddle class caused by Corporatism and decades of failure of politics from such "Democratic Nations", that we didn't see before because of the rise of technologies from the 90's to mid 2000's and its economic rises, but now it cooled we see what is left.

Make people afraid of something from outside is an old strategy to have people control and reunited at certain extended. Specially now a day with all the social divided conflicts blaming each other for their social problems.
The post-1945 world order is coming to an end, in no small part because of Vladimir Putin’s successful use of hybrid war, one of whose “most important components” is “the export of corruption” in the form of enormous amounts of illegally obtained money and the values underlying it, according to Arkady Babchenko.

“The world is changing,” the Russian commentator says. The post-1945 settlement is coming to an end and the world is moving toward war. “I fear that we are entering into an era of new global changes and a re-division of the world order,” in large part because of Putin’s hybrid wars and use of corruption.

At the present moment, Babchenko says, “Russia has again taken the course toward imperialism and again transformed itself into a xenophobic and aggressive imperialist country, only this time for the achievement of its goals, it is using not tank divisions but the subversive influence” of corrupt Russians who travel to other countries on a regular basis.

“Arriving in countries of the first world, they bring with them not only their money but also their worldview. They also influence the practice of business and politics in the societies of those countries which accept them. And what is still worse, [these corrupt Russians] then pervert them.”

The first result of this process is that people in Western countries “try to close their eyes to the origin of this [Russian] money, which in the overwhelming majority of cases was obtained by criminal means.” Then, because those who have it come to be treated as respected figures, some in the West then conclude the best and shortest “path to success” is theft and corruption.”

So it is the Russian fault that London is by far the biggest financial corruption center in the world?

Why nobody blames Switzerland and London to accept and protect dirty money from all over the world including Russia?

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