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Legal Vs Illegal (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Aug 29, 2016
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I hate to beat a dead horse.... but I was just watching something today about the Sanctuary cities....and it made me question,

When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period. Its like they disregard Illegal, Immigration is all the same?

Sorry hate throw it out there like that but thats what it seems like....

What I mean is, My wife came through immigration through a K1 visa, we have been happily married for 5 years now and 2 beautiful children. Things are going great and will continue so for many many many years to come.

But during the Visa process it was LONG, tenuous, cost a lot and we where separated for at least a year. We WENT THROUGH THE IMMIGRATION process...Paid thousands, did interviews and waited separated.

So why should 800,000+ Illegal immigrants, just DACA not including the 14million Illegals already here "Get" a pass?

I just dont get it. I am an American Citizen born and raised, I followed all laws, yet these people that KNOWINGLY committed a crime get a pass. More so the Chain Migration attached to it.... HOW and why does this work?

PLEASE justify this for me?
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I hate to beat a dead horse.... but I was just watching something today about the Sanctuary cities....and it made me question,

When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period. Its like the disregard Illegal, Immigration is all the same?

Sorry hate throw it out there like that but thats what it seems like....

What I mean is, My wife came through immigration through a K1 visa, we have been happily married for 5 years now and 2 beautiful children. Things are going great and will continue so for many many many years to come.

But during the Visa process it was LONG, tenuous, cost a lot and we where separates for at least a year. We WENT THROUGH THE IMMIGRATION process...Paid thousands, did interviews and waited separated.

So why should 800,000+ Illegal immigrants, just DACA not including the 14million Illegals already here "Get" a pass?

I just dont get it. I am an American Citizen born and raised, I followed all laws, yet these people that KNOWINGLY committed a crime get a pass. More so the Chain Migration attached to it.... HOW and why does this work?

PLEASE justify this for me?

There is so much corruption in the immigration system. It amounts to as you yourself put it....those who can pay to go through the process get in...those without the means to buy a spot don't.
There is so much corruption in the immigration system. It amounts to as you yourself put it....those who can pay to go through the process get in...those without the means to buy a spot don't.

OK So when you say corruption, DID I experience it? I didint do anything illegal from my stand point? I submitted all my forms, Did the Biometrics, Did the interviews together. She waited out of country TILL the appropriate forms came in, so she could legally enter the US and we got married. What corruption are you stating?

My best friends wife. Actually got a work visa, and she got naturalized, it took her 5 years, but she did it all legally?

So when you say corruption. exactly what do you mean? If you didnt apply for the visa, whos fault is that? If you didnt go to through your embassy but through a tunnel or a suit case um? Why should you be subsidies?

Please help me understand the "corruption"?

*Edit* when you say pay for a spot....... Well this is the laws set, While reviewing the "fees" associated with the Immigration They were legit to me. I mean its not pennies so everyone can do it. But if YOU have the intent to move from where you were born and have the intent to START a new and live the American dream you can surely follow the laws set forth?

We do NOT have open borders.... fees and registrations are part of the borders? Same with state taxes, drivers license renewals and vehicle registrations. NOTHING in life is free.......If so Why NOT for me as an American Citizen, PAYING taxes did my WIFE not get to come in automatically and free of charge?
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I hate to beat a dead horse.... but I was just watching something today about the Sanctuary cities....and it made me question,

When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period. Its like they disregard Illegal, Immigration is all the same?

Sorry hate throw it out there like that but thats what it seems like....

What I mean is, My wife came through immigration through a K1 visa, we have been happily married for 5 years now and 2 beautiful children. Things are going great and will continue so for many many many years to come.

But during the Visa process it was LONG, tenuous, cost a lot and we where separated for at least a year. We WENT THROUGH THE IMMIGRATION process...Paid thousands, did interviews and waited separated.

So why should 800,000+ Illegal immigrants, just DACA not including the 14million Illegals already here "Get" a pass?

I just dont get it. I am an American Citizen born and raised, I followed all laws, yet these people that KNOWINGLY committed a crime get a pass. More so the Chain Migration attached to it.... HOW and why does this work?

PLEASE justify this for me?

my wife is the same....immigrant from Germany

green card, and now a citizen

long process, but of course it is worth it in the long run

some of those on the left think the process is too long, too costly, and too many people wait it seems indefintely

do i think we can streamline the process....yep

do i think that we should "forgive" those who broke the rules? nope
my wife is the same....immigrant from Germany

green card, and now a citizen

long process, but of course it is worth it in the long run

some of those on the left think the process is too long, too costly, and too many people wait it seems indefintely

do i think we can streamline the process....yep

do i think that we should "forgive" those who broke the rules? nope

Sure it was a long process... But in all fairness.... and looking at it logically, It made sense. There are legit immigration and non legit..... I get it. I know where I live we have a lot of Non legit... SO it was the RISK that I had to accept. IF I didnt want to marry an out of country women, I could have chosen a "LOCAL" or NOT got married at all.... THIS WAS MY CHOICE.....

So for people to demand a FASTER process or an automatic process its hypocritical no? I mean why have a VISA/Immigration process in the first place. Doesnt it NOT devalue the system by allowing people Illegally circumvent the laws?

I am ALL FOR Immigration again, I was a product of it and I was VERY lucky to find the LOVE of my life...... So why circumvent it?
I hate to beat a dead horse.... but I was just watching something today about the Sanctuary cities....and it made me question,

When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period. Its like they disregard Illegal, Immigration is all the same?

Sorry hate throw it out there like that but thats what it seems like....

No need to be sorry. This is exactly how it is. The left tries to lump illegal immigration in with legal immigration so that they can claim bigger better numbers (because legal immigrants are a net gain for America while illegal ones are a net drain) and also to make the claim that conservatives are against legal immigrants also in order to push a "racist xenophobic and paranoid" agenda in order to make them seem as bad as possible.

The reason the right harps specifically about illegal immigration is because the right has no problem with legal immigration and, like liberals, wouldn't mind streamlining the process.

What I mean is, My wife came through immigration through a K1 visa, we have been happily married for 5 years now and 2 beautiful children. Things are going great and will continue so for many many many years to come.

But during the Visa process it was LONG, tenuous, cost a lot and we where separated for at least a year. We WENT THROUGH THE IMMIGRATION process...Paid thousands, did interviews and waited separated.

So why should 800,000+ Illegal immigrants, just DACA not including the 14million Illegals already here "Get" a pass?

I just dont get it. I am an American Citizen born and raised, I followed all laws, yet these people that KNOWINGLY committed a crime get a pass. More so the Chain Migration attached to it.... HOW and why does this work?

PLEASE justify this for me?

Those that received DACA and DAPA help shouldn't have. Period.
No need to be sorry. This is exactly how it is. The left tries to lump illegal immigration in with legal immigration so that they can claim bigger better numbers (because legal immigrants are a net gain for America while illegal ones are a net drain) and also to make the claim that conservatives are against legal immigrants also in order to push a "racist xenophobic and paranoid" agenda in order to make them seem as bad as possible.

The reason the right harps specifically about illegal immigration is because the right has no problem with legal immigration and, like liberals, wouldn't mind streamlining the process.

Those that received DACA and DAPA help shouldn't have. Period.

This is why I scratch my head, Any prudent person I would assume can distinguish the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL right? Thats what I thought.... But Sanctuary cities refuse to Accept it? Why is is that.....What is the actual justification? As again I HAVE gone through the Legal process..... what justification does the "Illegal"/Sanctuary cities have that I am not understanding?
There is so much corruption in the immigration system. It amounts to as you yourself put it....those who can pay to go through the process get in...those without the means to buy a spot don't.

What, exactly, do you mean by corruption?

Naturally, a BGC and the associated immigration paperwork processing costs are going to be charged as user fees - we do that for citzens that wish to gain legal permission to carry a handgun, drive a vehicle on public roadways or to get a US passport.
I hate to beat a dead horse.... but I was just watching something today about the Sanctuary cities....and it made me question,

When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period. Its like they disregard Illegal, Immigration is all the same?

They do this in order to fraudulently claim you are anti-immigration,xenophobic or racist if you are against amnesty or legal status for illegals. Its a tactic to try to silence the opposition to illegal immigration. After all most of the left are for relaxed or open borders.Controlled and restricted immigration gets in the way of that goal.
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There is so much corruption in the immigration system. It amounts to as you yourself put it....those who can pay to go through the process get in...those without the means to buy a spot don't.

A million people a year come into the US legally each year. We naturalize over 650,000 to almost 780,000 immigrants a year and we have at least 12.6 million green card holders.So the idea that the system is corrupt or that we need to streamline it more is absurd.
Naturalization Fact Sheet | USCIS
Green Card Holders and Legal Immigration to the United States | migrationpolicy.org
Marco Rubio says U.S. admits 1 million immigrants a year, far more than any nation | PolitiFact Florida
This is why I scratch my head, Any prudent person I would assume can distinguish the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL right? Thats what I thought.... But Sanctuary cities refuse to Accept it? Why is is that.....What is the actual justification? As again I HAVE gone through the Legal process..... what justification does the "Illegal"/Sanctuary cities have that I am not understanding?

Would you like to hear their justification or would you like to hear reality? The two are not the same on this subject.
They do this in order to fraudulently claim you are anti-immigration,xenophobic or racist if you are against amnesty or legal status for illegals. Its a tactic to try to silence the opposition to illegal immigration. After all most of the left are for relaxed or open borders.

Ok so then my questions as a lefty. What is the point of relaxed or open borders? What benefits does the "left" get from it? So like California, they are a sanctuary city. What benefits are they gaining from opening up the borders?? Is it purely on morals? Or Do they provide something I do not know about?

I mean my wife was specialized in Adult Care. So when she came here, She got a job in the same field? She pays taxes like I do? I mean She is contributing. Are the illegals doing the same? Can they say that legitimately?
There is so much corruption in the immigration system. It amounts to as you yourself put it....those who can pay to go through the process get in...those without the means to buy a spot don't.

Naturalized citizen here, source for that claim? What the **** are you talking about?
Would you like to hear their justification or would you like to hear reality? The two are not the same on this subject.

LOL! Well I guess I just dont understand.... So if someone that supports it can give me a coherent response. Especially to one (myself) that did the LEGAL immigration process? When they can legitimately justify it, justify my Tax dollars...... I just want to understand what goes on in their head
I hate to beat a dead horse.... but I was just watching something today about the Sanctuary cities....and it made me question,

When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period. Its like they disregard Illegal, Immigration is all the same?

Sorry hate throw it out there like that but thats what it seems like....

What I mean is, My wife came through immigration through a K1 visa, we have been happily married for 5 years now and 2 beautiful children. Things are going great and will continue so for many many many years to come.

But during the Visa process it was LONG, tenuous, cost a lot and we where separated for at least a year. We WENT THROUGH THE IMMIGRATION process...Paid thousands, did interviews and waited separated.

So why should 800,000+ Illegal immigrants, just DACA not including the 14million Illegals already here "Get" a pass?

I just dont get it. I am an American Citizen born and raised, I followed all laws, yet these people that KNOWINGLY committed a crime get a pass. More so the Chain Migration attached to it.... HOW and why does this work?

PLEASE justify this for me?

Umm, the right opposes K1 visas. They also oppose Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status visas, and want to lower the quotas for legal immigration. None of these immigrants broke the law and they are all here legally.

Please justify why you are saying the right does not oppose legal immigration when that is an obvious lie
Ok so then my questions as a lefty. What is the point of relaxed or open borders?What benefits does the "left" get from it? So like California, they are a sanctuary city. What benefits are they gaining from opening up the borders?? Is it purely on morals? Or Do they provide something I do not know about?

More future voters. Votes from the people who aid illegal immigrants, have relatives who are illegal immigrants or financially benefit from illegal immigrants. Plus If you are a globalist then wouldn't controlled or restricted immigration be contrary to that idea?

I mean my wife was specialized in Adult Care. So when she came here, She got a job in the same field? She pays taxes like I do? I mean She is contributing.
Are the illegals doing the same? Can they say that legitimately?
No they can't.Most illegals work for substandard wages so very little taxes are taken out by the employer(in this scenario they would have be using a fraudulent ID and fraudulent social security card), work under the table so that no taxes are taken out or they work as contract labor so that no taxes are taken out by the employer.
Umm, the right opposes K1 visas. They also oppose Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status visas, and want to lower the quotas for legal immigration. None of these immigrants broke the law and they are all here legally.

Please justify why you are saying the right does not oppose legal immigration when that is an obvious lie

dreamers.....i hate that term

makes it sound so inviting and wonderful

until you get to exactly what they are, and why they are here in the first place

did THEY do anything wrong? nope

did their parents? yep

can i hold them accountable for their parents actions? not really

but here is the side that i wont budge on....if the dreamers stay, they WANT their parents to stay too

nope...not happening...they are the ones that caused the issue in the first place

they dont get a pass....
Umm, the right opposes K1 visas. They also oppose Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status visas, and want to lower the quotas for legal immigration. None of these immigrants broke the law and they are all here legally.

Please justify why you are saying the right does not oppose legal immigration when that is an obvious lie

Obvious lie? Well, again per my statement, Why do they oppose the K1 vise? Because the K1 visa has been abused, again my STATE has had horrible situations with the K1 visa, this is why my VISA took MUCH longer, the Interview process was much stricter from what I hear others stated before me.

Sure it was a long process... But in all fairness.... and looking at it logically, It made sense. There are legit immigration and non legit..... I get it. I know where I live we have a lot of Non legit... SO it was the RISK that I had to accept. IF I didnt want to marry an out of country women, I could have chosen a "LOCAL" or NOT got married at all.... THIS WAS MY CHOICE.....

So SURE if they want to revoke the K1 visa because of its abuse. Why would I fight that? If I loved my wife, and my wife, was the women of my dreams, the K1 visa was NO longer allowed I would then Get married and then apply legitimately for a K3 visa Which would then be a MARRIED visa not a FIANCE VISA. And go through the LEGAL immigration process yet again?

There are all legal and proper process?

So DACA does what? It was a "nice" thing to do? So how about this. I will stop paying taxes until I am Caught, When I am caught then I will propose a one time exemption for breaking law based on the DACA? Does that make sense?

As for Temporary Protected Status Visa, Key word? "Protected" Nothing again for those that LEGITIMATELY apply and have the intent to become a true immigrant or naturalized citizen.
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When people TALK immigration, The Right Seems to harp specifically on "Illegal" immigration.

The Left never brings up Illegal Just Immigration period.
Yeah, I don't know how you got this impression.

Some people on the right (as well as some traditional Democratic constituencies, namely unions) are unhappy with immigration in general. In some cases, illegal immigration becomes the primary culprit, because some of these people realize that it's not really acceptable to attack legal immigrants. There is, from what I can tell, a small but vocal group of nativists (mostly on the right, and including white supremacists) who want to dramatically reduce all immigration.

The attitude of the left is different. Along with some people who actually understand economics (and are on the right and left), and groups that rely heavily on immigrant labor (particularly farmers), leftists are in favor of immigration in general. For these groups, illegal immigration is a problem, but not a serious detriment (let alone to the US. The focus is more on finding some way to provide those individuals with a path to legalization.

So why should 800,000+ Illegal immigrants, just DACA not including the 14million Illegals already here "Get" a pass?
They shouldn't.

For example, the 2014 proposal was to put the undocumented immigrants at the back of the line, slap them with a fee, and go through a process. If they committed a felony, then they were not eligible to stay.

There are lots of ways to handle this that gives undocumented immigrants a route to citizenship or permanent residence, that is fair to the people who used the full process.

I am an American Citizen born and raised, I followed all laws, yet these people that KNOWINGLY committed a crime get a pass. More so the Chain Migration attached to it.... HOW and why does this work?
Well, we can start with the premise that we don't allow enough immigration into the US. Immigrants are economically beneficial for our economy, and we need a lot more immigration to push economic growth, and do work that native-born Americans don't want to do. There is some evidence that low-skilled immigrants compete with native-born low-skill workers; however, legitimizing those immigrants would force employers to pay minimum wages, which erodes the economic incentives to break the law.

Second, we should note that illegal immigrants do run risks that naturalized citizens do not -- namely, they can be deported at almost any time.

Third, as above, the key is to decide first what to do, then keep the system fair to those who have followed the process.
Obvious lie? Well, again per my statement, the K1 visa has been abused, again my STATE has had horrible situations with the K1 visa, this is why my VISA took MUCH longer, the Interview process was much stricter from what I hear others stated before me.

So SURE if they want to revoke the K1 visa because of its abuse. Why would I fight that? If I loved my wife, and my wife, was the women of my dreams, the K1 visa was NO longer allowed I would then Get married and then apply legitimately for a K3 visa Which would then be a MARRIED visa not a FIANCE VISA. And go through the LEGAL immigration process yet again?

There are all legal and proper process?

So DACA does what? It was a "nice" thing to do? So how about this. I will stop paying taxes until I am Caught, When I am caught then I will propose a one time exemption for breaking law based on the DACA? Does that make sense?

As for Temporary Protected Status Visa, Key word? "Protected" Nothing again for those that LEGITIMATELY apply and have the intent to become a true immigrant or naturalized citizen.

you are lying again

The right does not oppose K1 because they are being abused. Dreamers are not illegal immigrants who have been caught - they cant be caught because they broke no laws. And everyone with a Temporary Protected Status Visa is legitimate.

Be honest. Just admit the right is against both legal and illegal immigration.
So DACA does what? It was a "nice" thing to do? So how about this. I will stop paying taxes until I am Caught, When I am caught then I will propose a one time exemption for breaking law based on the DACA? Does that make sense?
DACA is for children who were brought to the US as minors. They didn't have a choice, and they grew up in the US. It is a bit cruel to treat them as criminals when they did not make that choice.

Further, the program said to those children than in exchange for identifying themselves, they would not be deported. Now they are at risk, because they tried to follow a process that was offered to them.
Yeah, I don't know how you got this impression.

Some people on the right (as well as some traditional Democratic constituencies, namely unions) are unhappy with immigration in general. In some cases, illegal immigration becomes the primary culprit, because some of these people realize that it's not really acceptable to attack legal immigrants. There is, from what I can tell, a small but vocal group of nativists (mostly on the right, and including white supremacists) who want to dramatically reduce all immigration.

The attitude of the left is different. Along with some people who actually understand economics (and are on the right and left), and groups that rely heavily on immigrant labor (particularly farmers), leftists are in favor of immigration in general. For these groups, illegal immigration is a problem, but not a serious detriment (let alone to the US. The focus is more on finding some way to provide those individuals with a path to legalization.

They shouldn't.

For example, the 2014 proposal was to put the undocumented immigrants at the back of the line, slap them with a fee, and go through a process. If they committed a felony, then they were not eligible to stay.

There are lots of ways to handle this that gives undocumented immigrants a route to citizenship or permanent residence, that is fair to the people who used the full process.

Well, we can start with the premise that we don't allow enough immigration into the US. Immigrants are economically beneficial for our economy, and we need a lot more immigration to push economic growth, and do work that native-born Americans don't want to do. There is some evidence that low-skilled immigrants compete with native-born low-skill workers; however, legitimizing those immigrants would force employers to pay minimum wages, which erodes the economic incentives to break the law.

Second, we should note that illegal immigrants do run risks that naturalized citizens do not -- namely, they can be deported at almost any time.

Third, as above, the key is to decide first what to do, then keep the system fair to those who have followed the process.

All great points. Again sorry for my generic statement, as I know it goes deeper, just based on the Generic news that I saw and got a generic point.

I think many do agree about illegal vs legal on both sides of the aisle, but. and this is a big BUT.... society and cost.

You bring up a great point about, low wage low skill workers. American Society is Truly to blame ,in my opinion. We as american have LOTS of capable people. But our society says low skilled low wages is beneath them. Millennials especially expect, $50,000 starting wages out of college and would never lower themselves to burger flipping and pulling potatoes (not all but a good portion) if we as a society became less dependent on jersey shores and the Kardashians, we wouldnt need, $50,000+ a year salaries.

I know lots of people that went on unemployment... after losing their $50,000+ a year job and refused to take the $8.50 a hour job because its beneath them. So illegals and those WILLING to work for low wages will fill the gaps. WE created our own monster..... And the need for "low wage" under the table workers.

So again... I say to those sanctuary cities....they are perpetuating the horrible cycle, I look at California and all those "hipsters" thinking they can get rich quick........ yeah....get a real job and develop then you would never have to worry about loosing it to someone else...
you are lying again

The right does not oppose K1 because they are being abused. Dreamers are not illegal immigrants who have been caught - they cant be caught because they broke no laws. And everyone with a Temporary Protected Status Visa is legitimate.

Be honest. Just admit the right is against both legal and illegal immigration.

I am not sure if I am lying or not, as I dont KNOW what true republicans that do oppose it. This is my Opinion and NOT fact... for the K1, can you tell ME factually that because the right does not want ANY immigration why they choose only the K1, NOT the K3, not the H1B, Not the J1? but the K1 only?

Dreams, Vicariously broke the law, Not intent-fully. SURE I can accept this, I am going to continue the response below for this,

As for the Temporary Protected visa, let me do some research to try to be "responsible" of my response! bear with me I am learning and asking questions. I am NOT demanding or stating fact...I am trying to come up with facts...

DACA is for children who were brought to the US as minors. They didn't have a choice, and they grew up in the US. It is a bit cruel to treat them as criminals when they did not make that choice.

Further, the program said to those children than in exchange for identifying themselves, they would not be deported. Now they are at risk, because they tried to follow a process that was offered to them.

So let me ask this questions per above..... (continuation)

We are a nation of laws and as quickly as Obama Signed it into whatever it was? (Was it a law or was it an EO - dr google one second) It can easily be repealed or replaced?

Secondly and this is the biggest one. SO if the DACA were given a chance, WHY have the NOT gone through any VISA immigration process? So they acknowledge themselves? When they did so, what is stopping them from going to the Embassy, or going to a Government building and grabbing some forms and apply? This is also what I dont understand?
you are lying again

The right does not oppose K1 because they are being abused. Dreamers are not illegal immigrants who have been caught - they cant be caught because they broke no laws. And everyone with a Temporary Protected Status Visa is legitimate.

Be honest. Just admit the right is against both legal and illegal immigration.

Edit - Just did some quick searching..... Many people (GOP/Trump) opposed the K1 visa, due to the San Bernardino attacks as a failure of security. Sorta the same as demands to ban guns when there is a gun related death. So while over zealous in my opinion, there "could" be a potential flaw in the system. But does NOT indicated that republicans dont want ANY immigration JUST because and focused on the K1 visa just because?
OK So when you say corruption, DID I experience it? I didint do anything illegal from my stand point? I submitted all my forms, Did the Biometrics, Did the interviews together. She waited out of country TILL the appropriate forms came in, so she could legally enter the US and we got married. What corruption are you stating?

My best friends wife. Actually got a work visa, and she got naturalized, it took her 5 years, but she did it all legally?

So when you say corruption. exactly what do you mean? If you didnt apply for the visa, whos fault is that? If you didnt go to through your embassy but through a tunnel or a suit case um? Why should you be subsidies?

Please help me understand the "corruption"?

*Edit* when you say pay for a spot....... Well this is the laws set, While reviewing the "fees" associated with the Immigration They were legit to me. I mean its not pennies so everyone can do it. But if YOU have the intent to move from where you were born and have the intent to START a new and live the American dream you can surely follow the laws set forth?

We do NOT have open borders.... fees and registrations are part of the borders? Same with state taxes, drivers license renewals and vehicle registrations. NOTHING in life is free.......If so Why NOT for me as an American Citizen, PAYING taxes did my WIFE not get to come in automatically and free of charge?

I'm not saying that you did anything illegal....but it is a system that is full of abuse and many can buy their way in.....still for others it can be very costly. Beyond the means of many which is why we have the issues with undocumented that we do.

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