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Anyone with a logical reason for outing the whistleblower other than to punish him? (1 Viewer)

Nice headline on the article from the ever so reliable Breitbart. :roll:

"No testimony"? Seriously? What universe are you hiding in?

When a hack calls the Washington Post "far left", the rational person will go "Woah!" and after reading any such writer's words will either search for verification or decide never to read such crap in the future as it has the potential to cause brain damage.

Yep, Trump continues to poll below 42% approval with 47% in favor of impeachment.

Biden and Sanders - two old white guys - are tied at 15% approval in one Iowa poll, while the same poll has the gay fellow with 25%, followed by the woman at 16%. What will the bigots do?

You do a lot of name calling.

Breitbart linked to WaPo.

And, yes, WaPo is far left in any rational journalistic assessment. I can hardly complain about Wapo's journalistic standards, though. If they didn't have double standards, they'd have none at all.

After they gleefully rejoiced at the courage and wisdom employed by Obama in the killing of the terrorist bin Laden, they seemingly mourned the death the "austere religious leader" al-Baghdadi at the hands of the evil Trump.

WaPo is nothing more or less than a propaganda rag for the Democrat-Socialist Party. It gives me no joy to say this. There are many blatant facts that give no joy. This is one of them.

Media Coverage of Baghdadi's Death Exposes Double Standard
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You do a lot of name calling.

Breitbart linked to WaPo.

And, yes, WaPo is far left in any rational journalistic assessment. I can hardly complain about Wapo's journalistic standards, though. If they didn't have double standards, they'd have none at all.

After they gleefully rejoiced at the courage and wisdom employed by Obama in the killing of the terrorist bin Laden, they seemingly mourned the death the "austere religious leader" al-Baghdadi at the hands of the evil Trump.

WaPo is nothing more or less than a propaganda rag for the Democrat-Socialist Party. It gives me no joy to say this. There are many blatant facts that give no joy. This is one of them.

Media Coverage of Baghdadi's Death Exposes Double Standard

I used the words "nice headline" because many politically-biased media outlets know that many will only read the headline and maybe the first paragraph. I have found on both left and right websites that the headlines aren't always supported by the words in the attached story.

If you see the Washington Post as "far-left" there is no world in which a rational person can have a discussion with you.

Please provide evidence that the Post "seemingly mourned" the death of al-Baghdadi.

Actually there is a Democratic Socialist Party, but no "Democrat-Socialist Party except in the minds of the non-rational. Oh, and by the way, the Democratic Socialist Party is not part of the Democratic Party to which Democratic Congress critters and presidential candidates belong.

The whole refusal to use the adjective "Democratic" has been almost exclusively used by Republicans in a disparaging manner since at least the 1940s.
not surprising you would criticize the use of analysis to help steer a process in the correct direction

Analysis? What the Democrat-Socialists are doing is trying to figure out what to name their product.

In many procedures involving evidence and statement of fact, the folks in charge will employ evidence to make statements of fact.

The Democrat-Socialists are breaking new wind with their efforts in this.
I used the words "nice headline" because many politically-biased media outlets know that many will only read the headline and maybe the first paragraph. I have found on both left and right websites that the headlines aren't always supported by the words in the attached story.

If you see the Washington Post as "far-left" there is no world in which a rational person can have a discussion with you.

Please provide evidence that the Post "seemingly mourned" the death of al-Baghdadi.

Actually there is a Democratic Socialist Party, but no "Democrat-Socialist Party except in the minds of the non-rational. Oh, and by the way, the Democratic Socialist Party is not part of the Democratic Party to which Democratic Congress critters and presidential candidates belong.

The whole refusal to use the adjective "Democratic" has been almost exclusively used by Republicans in a disparaging manner since at least the 1940s.

Taking the last points first, today's Democrat Party includes Socialists. Actually, the Socialists seem to be holding sway in many policy areas. Ignoring them seems ride. We don't want to offend sensibilities, do we?

"Democratic" has an actual, specific meaning. Funny as it seems, all words do. Also funny is that Democrats from the Political Party reject this notion. They make up crap and assign that imaginary crap as a meaning to real words.

[h=2]dem·o·crat·ic[/h] (dĕm′ə-krăt′ĭk)adj.1. Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy: democratic government; a democratic union.
2. Of or for the people in general; popular: a democratic movement; democratic art forms.
3. Believing in or practicing social equality: "a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords" (George duMaurier).

Lately, the Democrat Party seems consumed by the efforts of their leaders to shut down conversation, limit thought, burn down the market place of ideas and move power so far away from the people that they can't even see it anymore.

The Democrat Party is actively trying to eliminate democratic principles from our governance. So, no, the Democrat party is NOT democratic. They don't even allow a fair unbiased primary to select a candidate. They're a joke.

Is the Washington Post a liberal rag with a biased point of view always asserting the leftist ideas popular at any particular moment? Yes.

I put forth their coverage of the killing of bin-Laden and of al-Baghdadi.

According to Wapo bin-Laden was "[FONT=&quot]chief architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States"[/FONT]. According to Wapo, al-Baghdadi was an "austere religious scholar". C'mon, man!

Both led terror organizations. al-Baghdadi was also a rapist and a worked extensively on this hobby with minors he could round up and later put to death.

However, these two were killed under orders from different Presidents. Obama: Good! Trump: Bad! This Tarzan level, dichotomous presentation of the world is troubling.

Sadly, it infiltrates EVERYTHING they publish. It's just their way of catering to the Lynch mob(s) in front of which they frantically scramble, pretending to lead. It's a wag the dog kind of a dance at this point.

WaPo is not alone in this. Coverage of Trump's very successful Presidency is routinely getting around 90% negative coverage. Even the al-Baghdadi killing got 64% negative coverage. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

Astonishingly, many people don't even know that they are being lied to. Astonishing!

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