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What if Epstein spills his guts (1 Viewer)

Look closely at this site and most Libs and Moderate want EVERYONE who has anything to do with this case locked up, while most Cons and Trumpsters just keep screaming Clinton and excusing Acosta and Trump..

That speaks volumes about Trumpsters and current politics in this country.

Fox news is calling these kids 'underage women'... 14 YO's are women?

Moderates and Dems better wake the F'up.. They're still trying to take the high road and play fair. Trumpsters and the Alt-right and their allies on Fox are playing dirty, nasty in the gutter politics. Anyone and everyone should be disgusted and revolted by this Epstein case, but as we see here and on Fox, many Cons aren't... That should be a major wake-up call for the Dems and moderates.

It wasn’t just Fox that used the stupid term “underage women”. Daily Beast and other publications also used it.
I didn't speculate anything.

Yes you did speculate;

"there is no indication that Trump has ever gone to that island where it all happened."

What does that mean exactly? What would be an indication? Would it be his man on Epstein's flight log maybe? Would it be some hair follicles left on a hair brush in one of the bathrooms? Would it be somebody saw Trump entering one of Epstein's sex shops? By saying 'there is no indication' is pure speculation on your part.

Describe for me your meaning of the word "indication".
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mara Lago. I don't know exactly why, but he's not on Trump's buddy list.
If Mr. E. implicates some SUPER bigwigs, then the laws would be changed so that it will require more proof than simply the word of an alleged victim to arrest someone on such a charge.

For example, if some SUPER bigwig were ever sentenced to prison, s/he would become a prison reformer (to stop prison rapes and murders).

On a more mundane level, when there is an electricity outage, the elevators trap people inside them for hours. I was told many years ago that there are now elevators that will automatically go to the next floor and open its doors in case of an outage. But building owners do not want to spend the money to retrofit their elevators. If some SUPER bigwig were ever trapped in an elevator by him-, herself, you can be sure that a law would require retrofitting.

The bigwigs do not care about John or Jane Doe -- until it happens to IMPORTANT people like those bigwigs.
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People talk a lot about how this is bad for Trump, but there is no indication that Trump has ever gone to that island where it all happened.

It's called "grasping at straws".

Nothing else has panned out, so they are all hoping this will yield something to feed their Anti-Trump hatred. I expect their heads will explode when all is revealed and Trump isn't among the list.

Let me know when you have anything more than speculation...you know, like evidence.

THAT'S when I'll say Trump should be worried. (Like Clinton is right now.)

They don't need evidence to make an accusation. They proved that last September.
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mara Lago. I don't know exactly why, but he's not on Trump's buddy list.

How old were Trumps daughters then........
Yes you did speculate;

"there is no indication that Trump has ever gone to that island where it all happened."

What does that mean exactly? What would be an indication? Would it be his man on Epstein's flight log maybe? Would it be some hair follicles left on a hair brush in one of the bathrooms? Would it be somebody saw Trump entering one of Epstein's sex shops? By saying 'there is no indication' is pure speculation on your part.

Describe for me your meaning of the word "indication".

That means exactly what I said...there is no indication...etc. That is a fact, as I know it. I'm not "guessing" whether he went or not. I'm not "speculating" whether he went or not. I've seen no indication that he ever went. I didn't say a word about "how" he might have gone there...whether by Epstein's plane or his own plane. I said there is no indication he ever went.

Now...if you have evidence that Trump went to any of Epstein's places, trot it out. Until then, anything you might have is nothing but speculation.
He committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 5 times.

Sounds as plausible as Seth Rich being shot in the back and left with his personal possessions.
Look closely at this site and most Libs and Moderate want EVERYONE who has anything to do with this case locked up, while most Cons and Trumpsters just keep screaming Clinton and excusing Acosta and Trump..

That speaks volumes about Trumpsters and current politics in this country.

Fox news is calling these kids 'underage women'... 14 YO's are women?

Moderates and Dems better wake the F'up.. They're still trying to take the high road and play fair. Trumpsters and the Alt-right and their allies on Fox are playing dirty, nasty in the gutter politics. Anyone and everyone should be disgusted and revolted by this Epstein case, but as we see here and on Fox, many Cons aren't... That should be a major wake-up call for the Dems and moderates.

Democrats have been bringing a pillow to the fight for decades now and then they discover its actually a fight which required a uzi. And this time they are doing it again while the GOP rolls out the tanks they appropriated from the July 4th shindig. They will never learn.
It's called "grasping at straws".

Nothing else has panned out, so they are all hoping this will yield something to feed their Anti-Trump hatred. I expect their heads will explode when all is revealed and Trump isn't among the list.

It seems a little off that whenever news of a politician possibly doing some **** breaks, certain people will insist that we doubt everything we hear (if on 'their team') or act like guilt is proven (if on 'other team').

Was Bill on the island? Or was it just on the airplane? Dershowitz? How about we ....just wait before insisting on guilt or innocence?
Epstein gains nothing by ratting out Clinton. He could, however, earn a reduced sentence by offering the SDNY information on Trump. He could flat out lie about Trump but if those lies provide a basis to investigate Trump's participation it gets the "resistance" the TV time they want.

Never EVER forget that this is as much about the 2020 election as it is about Epstein, Acosta and dozens of abused girls.

Bingo. That there is some hopefulness of tying Trump to it is always to be expected, especially out of NY.
What if Epstein spills his guts to get a better deal and a shorter sentence? On the 26 flights to pedophile island that Clinton was on, it is reported there were underage girls on them!!!

Looks bad for zipper boy Clinton.

So what?
Then Bubba's in trouble again, only this time for a damn good reason.
Clinton is history. He's not president, he's not running for anything, so I could care less and it means nothing if he is implicated in anything. Which I'm not buying.

Trump is president, trump admits to grabbing *****, Trump has a history of walking in on underaged girls. Trump has stated his attraction to his daughters friends when he was younger. Trump was friends with Epstein. Acosta protected Epstein and is part of Trumps admininstration.

Project away right wingers, nobody is buying it

So, if Clinton committed crimes, they don't matter because he's not POTUS but if Trump did, they do matter, even though he wasn't even a politican, much less POTUS at the time? Sounds about like what we'd expect out of lib logic. Flight records put Clinton on Epstein's plane 26 times even though he says 4 times. I wonder how many of those trips had Hillary along.:lamo
So, if Clinton committed crimes, they don't matter because he's not POTUS but if Trump did, they do matter, even though he wasn't even a politican, much less POTUS at the time? Sounds about like what we'd expect out of lib logic. Flight records put Clinton on Epstein's plane 26 times even though he says 4 times. I wonder how many of those trips had Hillary along.:lamo

ALL people who participated in these crimes should be prosecuted.

ALL persons who violated the public trust by blowing this trial and sentence the first time around should be called to justice and made to pay for violating the victims rights.
Epstein gains nothing by ratting out Clinton. He could, however, earn a reduced sentence by offering the SDNY information on Trump. He could flat out lie about Trump but if those lies provide a basis to investigate Trump's participation it gets the "resistance" the TV time they want.

Never EVER forget that this is as much about the 2020 election as it is about Epstein, Acosta and dozens of abused girls.


Trump's own hand-picked chrony U.S. Attorney for SDNY just approved an indictment of a well-known child predator with long-standing ties to (and a social/partying history with) Trump (and many others)....because this is about 2020.

Do they serve room service in that reality bubble where so many Trump acolytes live?
What if Epstein spills his guts to get a better deal and a shorter sentence? On the 26 flights to pedophile island that Clinton was on, it is reported there were underage girls on them!!!

Looks bad for zipper boy Clinton.

Or procurement Trump and enabling Right Wingers like Acosta, Deshowitz and Ken Starr. :roll:
That means exactly what I said...there is no indication...etc. That is a fact, as I know it. I'm not "guessing" whether he went or not. I'm not "speculating" whether he went or not. I've seen no indication that he ever went. I didn't say a word about "how" he might have gone there...whether by Epstein's plane or his own plane. I said there is no indication he ever went.

Now...if you have evidence that Trump went to any of Epstein's places, trot it out. Until then, anything you might have is nothing but speculation.

If you have any evidence he did not, start trotting.
If you have any evidence he did not, start trotting.



The concept of "innocent until proven guilty" escapes you, doesn't it?

You are dismissed.
Jesus. And Americans make fun of Canada and Trudeau because he wore glitter socks. SMH.
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