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Do democrats understand (1 Viewer)

When countries turn their back on liberalism, they turn their backs on people.

Spoken like a true liberal. So, you're saying that Trump must be investigated and investigated and investigated until you find something to get rid of him for his high crimes of ending liberalism?
That is the case, congress can choose to impeach or not, however, it is their prerogative...

According to Pelosi, we have to wait until they gather/create some evidence.
Do democrats understand the fact to impeach a president he will have had to commit high crimes. We have lunatics like Waters screaming impeach 45 impeach 45. But then she seems to be unable to define what high crimes he has committed.

Making democrats cry because the "her turn" criminal serial liar Hillary got beat by President Trump is not a high crime. Get over it and move on!!!!

Only the Republicans understand!

No we don't.

We want Trump soundly defeated at the 2020 presidential election.

We want Trump to be utterly rejected by the American voter and a landslide victory for whoever the Democrat candidate is.

Then and only then do we want to see criminal charges laid against Trump and his son. No presidential pardon. Trump convicted of multiple felonies (possibly even treason).

We want Trump in an orange jumpsuit, his hands handcuffed behind his back as he's led away to serve the remainder of his natural life behind bars.

Well, in that case, you should call your representative and ask them why they're moving forward trying to impeach Trump. Nadler and Schiff are leading you guys over a cliff. This thing is now looking like persecution as opposed to investigation. There is no legitimate reason why anybody in Congress should be looking at anything Trump did as a private citizen. That is not their responsibility and the more they pursue such things, the more they'll alienate everyone except the fringe. That combined with a strong economy in 2020 will see Trump win handily.
Do democrats understand the fact to impeach a president he will have had to commit high crimes. We have lunatics like Waters screaming impeach 45 impeach 45. But then she seems to be unable to define what high crimes he has committed.

Making democrats cry because the "her turn" criminal serial liar Hillary got beat by President Trump is not a high crime. Get over it and move on!!!!

The term "high crime" can be anything the congress believes it to be. Second, nobody has ever been arrested or is in a prison for breaking the law of high crime. It is just the wording that is outdated for the 21st century but made sense to the 18th century mind.
I suggest you go bitch at someone else and don't respond to my post. Then you'll feel better. All I see you post is meaningless lip service.

Reading your own arguments again.

Well, in that case, you should call your representative and ask them why they're moving forward trying to impeach Trump. Nadler and Schiff are leading you guys over a cliff. This thing is now looking like persecution as opposed to investigation. There is no legitimate reason why anybody in Congress should be looking at anything Trump did as a private citizen. That is not their responsibility and the more they pursue such things, the more they'll alienate everyone except the fringe. That combined with a strong economy in 2020 will see Trump win handily.

You can't possibly defend that as a principle.

Let's take an example - just assume for the sake of argument that Trump did what Manafort and many others did and hid $100 million or $500 million in offshore bank accounts to evade federal income taxes. Well, a person who did that is unfit to lead the executive branch of government that includes the IRS and that has a bunch of laws making that conduct illegal. We might as well welcome a mafia head or drug lord as our President so long as he gave up those positions the day before he was elected. No one is stupid enough to believe that's an appropriate outcome, but we'd have to be just that stupid to buy into your premise.
Do democrats understand the fact to impeach a president he will have had to commit high crimes. ...
Do you understand what an interrogative sentence is and know what be its terminal punctuation? Do you understand the difference between "Democrat" and "democrat?"

Democrats ken:

  1. "High crimes and misdemeanors" are "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."
  2. Democrats understand "impeachment and impeachment trial are not judicial activities. That is, they are devices designed to resolve an essentially political question: shall this person continue to hold this office to which he was elected or appointed? It uses a political forum: the Congress. And, upon conviction, its sanction is political: removal from office and disqualification from further office." As Publius wrote, "The subjects of [impeachment's] jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself."
  3. Today sits a comportmentially and temperamentally reprobate POTUS who stands as an unindicted, due to DoJ policy, FEC law violator, and a Senate comprised of "tools of ... faction."
  4. The Founders intended POTUSes be "independent for his continuance in office" and eschew temptation "to sacrifice his duty to his complaisance for those whose favor was necessary to the duration of his official consequence."
  5. Impeachment's authoritative sources are:
    1. the language of the Constitution itself;
    2. the intentions of the founding generation as revealed in the debates of the convention and thereafter in the debates on ratification;
    3. the body of precedent created by prior American impeachment proceedings, of which there are 16 instances -- 12 judges, a senator, a Secretary of War and two presidents;
      • Moreover, impeachment precedent is merely informative for the legislature's lacking the stare decisis doctrine, the impeachment decisions of one Congress are not binding on subsequent Congresses. Understanding that precedential absence is why Ford qualified his remark with "at a given moment in history."
    4. the analysis of jurisprudential scholars; and
    5. considerations of reason, common sense, and sound public policy.
  6. Re: imposing a criminality criterion for impeachment, ones mandating so are they who oppose the POTUS' removal from office.
  7. Democrats understand that during the Constitutional Convention debates in 1787:
Do democrats understand the fact to impeach a president he will have had to commit high crimes.

He has. Obstruction of justice, bank fraud, money laundering, campaign finance violations, just to name a few. And that's just the stuff we're 100% sure of. God only knows what he has done in his spare time.
He directed Cohen to lie to Congress about his Moscow tower deal. Cohen's statement to Congress was reviewed by Trump's lawyers. Cohen's statement to Congress matched what Trump was saying.

Is that crime enough for you?

There is no crime enough for them.

When Trump said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they'd still support him? He was right. Trump supporters, every single last one of them, are utterly fucked in the head.

It is a cult. These people are diseased.
The degree to which Trump's abuses of power are now not just leaking but gushing out of the WH and Administration is remarkable. Speaks volumes.

No matter how much the Trump gang tries to cover its tracks now (Kushner shutting the diplomatic corp out of meetings with MBS, Trump ORDERING Sessions to open an investigation into HRC), the fact of it is leaked as quickly as is reasonable and then ultimately exposed in depth.

This Presidency has been and is a dangerous dangerous charade and there are obviously people in both the WH and the Administration that understand that.
You can't possibly defend that as a principle.

Let's take an example - just assume for the sake of argument that Trump did what Manafort and many others did and hid $100 million or $500 million in offshore bank accounts to evade federal income taxes. Well, a person who did that is unfit to lead the executive branch of government that includes the IRS and that has a bunch of laws making that conduct illegal. We might as well welcome a mafia head or drug lord as our President so long as he gave up those positions the day before he was elected. No one is stupid enough to believe that's an appropriate outcome, but we'd have to be just that stupid to buy into your premise.

You don't think the IRS has been going over Trump's finances with a fine tooth comb for years? The Dems going on a fishing expedition against Trump is no different than the Ken Starr investigation and we know how you all felt about that.
You don't think the IRS has been going over Trump's finances with a fine tooth comb for years? The Dems going on a fishing expedition against Trump is no different than the Ken Starr investigation and we know how you all felt about that.

Great - there is no principle involved except you don't want Democrats looking at Republicans/Trump. Got it. You should have said so the first time.
Great - there is no principle involved except you don't want Democrats looking at Republicans/Trump. Got it. You should have said so the first time.

No, because it is not their job. Their only concern should be what Trump does as POTUS, not some business deal he had 15 years ago. As I said, the Dems all howled about Ken Starr looking at Whitewater and other things from way before Clinton became president yet now they support the same type of fishing expedition against Trump.
No, because it is not their job. Their only concern should be what Trump does as POTUS, not some business deal he had 15 years ago. As I said, the Dems all howled about Ken Starr looking at Whitewater and other things from way before Clinton became president yet now they support the same type of fishing expedition against Trump.

BUTWHATABOUTBILLCLINTON!! It's not fair to do the same thing to REPUBLICANS!!!

You're coming up with solid arguments here. :lamo

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