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Trumpsters, get behind me, I'll save you from the terrible and dangerous caravan!!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.
Thank you for your anti-capitalist, socialist rant.
Are you expecting to lose on Tues?
Scared? Nobody is scared. Smart thinking people don't want to have to pay for illegals coming here and breaking our laws. Duh. Why should I have to spend my hard earned money paying for a bunch of illegal aliens? Dumb.
I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.

Neo-libs want to bring in this low IQ filth to become new voters and depress wages so their corporate donors make more profit.

Not only can I smell the fear on you but you need to try harder too.
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What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.

Seems to me YOU are the one who is scared that your beloved illegals will be kept out of the country.
What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.

Obvious projection is obvious. Securing the border and enforcing laws is no political stunt.

Mostly women and children? Source for that claim?

This is no measure to protect the rich, the rich LOVE illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants lower wages, especially for poor Americans. I would suggest that you don't care about them.
Scared? No. Seriously pissed off at traitorous democrats and their ilk. Yes.
Neo-libs want to bring in this low IQ filth to become new voters and depress wages so their corporate donors make more profit.

Not only can I smell the fear on you but you need to try harder too.

You're not fooling a soul. Folks here can spot a POE like you at the jump.

Why don't you be at least honest enough to adjust your lean correctly.
What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.

I doubt anyone squawking about the military being deployed to the border would last 10 minutes any where along our southern border.
There seems to be a true fear about losing on Tuesday? Rants and raves here nothing else.
What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.


What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.

You're right, many Repubs are irrationally fearful and xenophobic. Of the two emotions Trump is spreading, hate and fear, hate is the worst but most effective in getting their vote out. Trump minions aren't scared, but they're willing to waste our military resources, violate any civil norm (like separating kids from their parents) and pass whatever regulation is necessary to put teeth into their hate.

Politics also plays a large part of what motivates them. They and their leaders know well that the majority of our non-white citizens and immigrants vote Democratic. It's misplaced priorities, they happily pay for a tax cut to help the top 1%, but for the rest of us common folk? Repubs support the few, not the many.

Scared? Nobody is scared. Smart thinking people don't want to have to pay for illegals coming here and breaking our laws. Duh. Why should I have to spend my hard earned money paying for a bunch of illegal aliens? Dumb.

I rest my case...
You're right, many Repubs are irrationally fearful and xenophobic. Of the two emotions Trump is spreading, hate and fear, hate is the worst but most effective in getting their vote out. Trump minions aren't scared, but they're willing to waste our military resources, violate any civil norm (like separating kids from their parents) and pass whatever regulation is necessary to put teeth into their hate.

Politics also plays a large part of what motivates them. They and their leaders know well that the majority of our non-white citizens and immigrants vote Democratic. It's misplaced priorities, they happily pay for a tax cut to help the top 1%, but for the rest of us common folk? Repubs support the few, not the many.

I rest my case...

What nonsense, on all counts.

Actual conservatives realize that the flooding our of nation with unskilled, unvaccinated, ILLEGAL ALIENS in not a good thing.

And you'd best review the TAX CUTS; the largest % personal income tax cuts (3-4%) went to MIDDLE INCOME EARNERS, and the cut in capital gains taxes have led to an EXPLOSION of SMALL BUSINESS EXPANSIONS and START UPS.

You're about as "Real Conservative" as Lenin....
What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.

So, you actually think that there is nothing wrong with thousands of illegal aliens flooding across the border as long as it is "mostly women and children." Your TDS is showing.
Thank you for your anti-capitalist, socialist rant.
Are you expecting to lose on Tues?

And where did I say anything anti=capitalist or socialism. Are you too stupid to read my OP?
Scared? Nobody is scared. Smart thinking people don't want to have to pay for illegals coming here and breaking our laws. Duh. Why should I have to spend my hard earned money paying for a bunch of illegal aliens? Dumb.

You are going to pay over 50 million dollars for what, NOTHING. That is what the troops will do, NOTHING. Our border patrol is more than capable of taking care of the few people who actually show up. And the closet group is hundreds of miles away and may not get there for months. So why send troops there now, you know, to ramp up his stupid followers. If you don't understand, then no one can get you to do so.
Neo-libs want to bring in this low IQ filth to become new voters and depress wages so their corporate donors make more profit.

Not only can I smell the fear on you but you need to try harder too.

Can you be dumb enough to believe all of the crap Trump puts out there. He does lie a little you know, over 5,000 lies since he came into office. And how many of the caravan will actually make it to our country? And they will not be here for months. this is nothing but a political stunt and our troop swill be the ones paying for trumps folly. But as a GOper you don't care about the troops and their families, only about your lord and master Trump.


And what does having troops do at the border except ramp up Trump voters. And ask yourself why now, right before the election. Most experts say they will not be here for months and the numbers when they reach the border will be small. You and I both know it is all about the election and once again our troops will be away from home so that Trump can win points with his cult members. No Goper who supports this should ever say they support our troops, as they don't.
So, you actually think that there is nothing wrong with thousands of illegal aliens flooding across the border as long as it is "mostly women and children." Your TDS is showing.

Do you actually think it requires 15,000 American soldiers to prevent 4,000 Honduran civilians from illegally entering the country?
Neo-libs want to bring in this low IQ filth to become new voters and depress wages so their corporate donors make more profit.

Not only can I smell the fear on you but you need to try harder too.

I heard Trump tell his followers that the caravans were arriving in rockets made of petrified fried chicken.
Even our military can't stop illegal alien rockets made from petrified fried chicken.
I hope you understand that those fried chicken rockets travel at three miles an hour.
What a bunch of scared p*ssies! Scared of a bunch of mostly women and children. I think Trump voters must be scared of their own shadows. And then to take our troops away from their homes and families after doing so for years for the wars started by the same GOP for a political stunt is the really damning thing about this whole keep them scared tactic by Trump. Yeah, the Trumpsters really love the military as they are willing to use them for a political stunt to win a few votes as the military families expense. I have always said that the new GOP cares nothing except for winning so they can make the rich richer no matter who else gets hurt.
Our military have no holidays, not when it comes to protecting America... thats jussssssst plain silliness.
You are going to pay over 50 million dollars for what, NOTHING. That is what the troops will do, NOTHING. Our border patrol is more than capable of taking care of the few people who actually show up. And the closet group is hundreds of miles away and may not get there for months. So why send troops there now, you know, to ramp up his stupid followers. If you don't understand, then no one can get you to do so.

What is there to understand? Illegal aliens are marching to our border and want to gain access, illegally, into the USA. Even a chimpanzee can tell allowing them in is an idiotic idea.
I think Ben Franklin would advise us to consider the easiest, cheapest usually wisest way as to how we do our defense...

That being an unbeatably strong offense. It costs a lot less to overspend on a military as opposed to the never ending, the historical nation bankrupting trend of long wars. We need leaders that keep us out of those; but also do whatever necessary during and after... if we are required in one.

All out war all out peace.

Sending a massive message, as Trump is methodically doing, is the best defense against an unmitigated, this slenderman instigated multiudiness onslaught of "asylum" seeking children dragging along their parents... or being pushed by narcotics/human traffickers.

Message sent: We will not hesitate to send more Trump troops than necessary to overwhelm whatever the odds, we will do whatever is necessary AND will build a wall so that next time even this i will be unnecessary. But done as a symbol that if even by slim chance, and being perpetually proven we know its more than mere slim chance without the wall,that this wall is ever truly necessary.

Cheaper, better safe than sorry.

Messages are much much better than violence. War destroys, maims, pyscho terrorizes, kills and should be avoided at the cost required, because it is always a lesser... being acknowledged that some wars are just unavoidable as not all leaders/power brokers are rational, reasonable or honest, cultures differ, agendas abound.

Those that still come at us are the warriors. No sane person, certainly no true guardians of children would go further now that Trump has cut off all angles. No birthright, nobody gets in UNTIL we have granted that right, those that use underhanded methods will be severely penalized, violence will be met with overwhelming determined force... rock, bottle fist knife... whatever violent method will not go unsanctioned on par with the level of force to unequivocably counter, stop whatever.

Thats how its smartly done, thats exactly how Trump is doing it.

Sorry folks, dem da rules. Abide because we are now in enforcement mode.
Can you be dumb enough to believe all of the crap Trump puts out there.

I voted for him, so yeah;)

He does lie a little you know, over 5,000 lies since he came into office.

Orange Man Lies! Yes we know what you people consider to be "lies" and its hilarious to listen to y'all cry about it.

And how many of the caravan will actually make it to our country? And they will not be here for months. this is nothing but a political stunt and our troop swill be the ones paying for trumps folly.

I couldn't care less how many will make it, how long it will take them, who's in the group, what their situation is or what Trump has to say about it. I want don't this group or any group of retards coming to the boarder and demanding asylum.

But as a GOper you don't care about the troops and their families, only about your lord and master Trump.

That's correct, the government issue slaves are just pawns for our glorious orange leader.

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