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If only, then it would be (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2016
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In a parallel universe the election is Hillary won any predictions of how 2017 ends. Mine are:

Loyal resistance claims fraud and Russian interference, but dismissed as laughable idea it is not defended as the Truth just lacking all the proof.

Obamacare is about same without fanfare of repeals. Their would be push for better times in 18 just vote D.

Economy would be the same except "better than" expected numbers aren't talked down while "lower than" are presented as good news.

Cities would be suing Feds to enforce inauguration laws verse other way around.

A senseless gun control law would be stalled with bipartisan support on No vote and bunch of but but the other guy excuse.

We would be under propaganda War on how if US supports TPP we can avoid conflict on NK. Kim Jung whatever really just wants Levis not a nuke.

We would still have a president under FBI investigation and a special prosecutor appointed.

Resistance to the Authoritarian Big Brother would be labeled as sexist instead of Democracy freedom fighters

Net neutrality would be in effect with loopholes added for humanitarians that Donated to Clinton Corp getting their way.

Instead of keeping $15 of my " hard earned money"a month I would be expected to part with 20 more a week as " my fair share "

Any thoughts?
In a parallel universe the election is Hillary won any predictions of how 2017 ends. Mine are:

Loyal resistance claims fraud and Russian interference, but dismissed as laughable idea it is not defended as the Truth just lacking all the proof.

Obamacare is about same without fanfare of repeals. Their would be push for better times in 18 just vote D.

Economy would be the same except "better than" expected numbers aren't talked down while "lower than" are presented as good news.

Cities would be suing Feds to enforce inauguration laws verse other way around.

A senseless gun control law would be stalled with bipartisan support on No vote and bunch of but but the other guy excuse.

We would be under propaganda War on how if US supports TPP we can avoid conflict on NK. Kim Jung whatever really just wants Levis not a nuke.

We would still have a president under FBI investigation and a special prosecutor appointed.

Resistance to the Authoritarian Big Brother would be labeled as sexist instead of Democracy freedom fighters

Net neutrality would be in effect with loopholes added for humanitarians that Donated to Clinton Corp getting their way.

Instead of keeping $15 of my " hard earned money"a month I would be expected to part with 20 more a week as " my fair share "

Any thoughts?

People under 26 would be having a meltdown. You mean real a job.......and paying fortheir own healthcare?
-Economy essentially the same
-Net Neutrality still active
-TPP "renegotiated" and passed
-Relations with the U.N. stable
-Various environmental regulations from Obama era kept in place
-Possible bipartisan agreement on an infrastructure bill, but most likely Obama era stalling from Congress on everything
In a parallel universe the election is Hillary won any predictions of how 2017 ends. Mine are:

Loyal resistance claims fraud and Russian interference, but dismissed as laughable idea it is not defended as the Truth just lacking all the proof.

Obamacare is about same without fanfare of repeals. Their would be push for better times in 18 just vote D.

Economy would be the same except "better than" expected numbers aren't talked down while "lower than" are presented as good news.

Cities would be suing Feds to enforce inauguration laws verse other way around.

A senseless gun control law would be stalled with bipartisan support on No vote and bunch of but but the other guy excuse.

We would be under propaganda War on how if US supports TPP we can avoid conflict on NK. Kim Jung whatever really just wants Levis not a nuke.

We would still have a president under FBI investigation and a special prosecutor appointed.

Resistance to the Authoritarian Big Brother would be labeled as sexist instead of Democracy freedom fighters

Net neutrality would be in effect with loopholes added for humanitarians that Donated to Clinton Corp getting their way.

Instead of keeping $15 of my " hard earned money"a month I would be expected to part with 20 more a week as " my fair share "

Any thoughts?

Okay, I'll play.

1. Trump voters would be disappointed, but there would be no "resistance" marches, "screaming at the sky" gatherings, nor any "leaks" from "former and current government officials," because the Right would accept the results as a valid election process.

2. Russian hacking would be low-key news, since the Progressive-Left would argue it had no effect on the election and the MSM would give it minimal airplay.

3. Comey would still be fired, but by Hillary; and her supporters would say he deserved it for trying to torpedo their candidate.

4. There would be some noise about the DNC undermining of Bernie, and attempts by some Congressmen to make an issue of normal political saws...but nothing comes from it.

5. Obamacare would be tweaked to make sure more people are covered at the expense of other taxpayers, and taxes would increase as a result.

6. GDP would stagnate (and possibly go down) as new anti-business regulations were imposed, either via Congress or Executive Orders.

7. Immigrations rules would remain relaxed, and/or immigration laws made easier for anyone to get in (in keeping with the new Globalist agenda).

8. Attempts would be made to echo Canada's Bill C-16 to control free speech and prevent "offense" via arguments they claim fit under the old "fighting words" SCOTUS ruling...the first of many "Hate speech" attacks on Free Speech.

9. Taxes would go up, social services would increase...the economy would suffer from an influx of immigrants competing in the workforce for lower wages...

I could go on...but you get the picture.
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  1. Taxes would go up...again...for everyone.
    1. This would cause the GDP to continue to stagnate. Unemployment would continue to keep pace with job growth.
    2. Toyota, Mazda, SunBank and others would not be creating jobs in the USA. They'd hire people away from the USA.
    3. More companies would expatriate their headquarters overseas out of self-preservation.
  2. The Paris Climate Agreement would cost the United States billions, while countries like China and Russia would pay pennies on the (American) dollar.
  3. (NOT legal, but) Illegal immigration would continue to be a plague on our economy. As long as they vote "democrat," Hillary would look away.
  4. Wasteful spending would increase like a valley girl with mommy's credit card. Zero accountability. More bridges to nowhere.
  5. Big middle finger to military veterans.
    1. No Veterans Education Assistance Act
    2. No Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act
    3. No Veterans Accountability Act
  6. Being the most corrupt president of all time, Hillary would definitely refuse to audit the Feds, the Pentagon, or anyone else whose hands might be in her pockets.
  7. More sanctuary cities.
No indictments, no guilty pleads

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