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Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save DACA (1 Viewer)

Exactly---zero democrats voted against our Texas Brothers and Sisters, compared to 17 GOP Senators and 99 GOP house members ...
Alright man, you keep it up and you'll get me coming back my roots maybe.

But you're right. And look what those pricks did after Sandy! :doh
Exactly---zero democrats voted against our Texas Brothers and Sisters, compared to 17 GOP Senators and 90 GOP house members ...

Yep, because rasing the debt ceiling was not for those Texas brothers and sisters yet it was tacked on to that "emergency" bill just so folks like you could say nonsense like this.
Trump is showing us the skills that made him the best of the best.
Yep, because rasing the debt ceiling was not for those Texas brothers and sisters yet it was tacked on to that "emergency" bill just so folks like you could say nonsense like this.

Rhetorically shooting messengers because you don't like the truth is certainly moronic nonsense.

GOP nonsense is putting the 18-month debt ceiling on Harvey, a Mitch/Paul ruse to get past the election next year, just as they did in late 2013. Fool me once, remember?

Why don't you GOPs like stand-alone VITAL bills ???
Suppose the republicans in Alabama pick Moore as their candidate, who is extreme even among conservatives?

I think that Doug jones's previous experience as a civil rights lawyer who successfully prosecuted the culprits behind the 1963 bombing of a Birmingham church may help him win in Alabama.

Maybe in some other state. But not Alabama. Especially not in a federal election where this could potentially tip the Senate to the Democratic side after 2018. It would be much more possible to win a local election. And Moore's won statewide before, so he definitely isn't automatically a bridge too far for Alabama.
Rhetorically shooting messengers because you don't like the truth is certainly moronic nonsense.

GOP nonsense is putting the 18-month debt ceiling on Harvey, a Mitch/Paul ruse to get past the election next year, just as they did in late 2013. Fool me once, remember?

Why don't you GOPs like stand-alone VITAL bills ???

I would prefer that all members of both parties stop packaging unrelated bills together and vote against any attempt to do so. Your false choice of do you want little extra unrelated nonsense included or a lot of extra unrelated nonsense included is ridiculous.
Maybe in some other state. But not Alabama. Especially not in a federal election where this could potentially tip the Senate to the Democratic side after 2018. It would be much more possible to win a local election. And Moore's won statewide before, so he definitely isn't automatically a bridge too far for Alabama.

If the subject of race relations comes up, I think Doug jones has a chance to win over law and order voters.
The President has chosen to work with Chuck and Nancy because he can't stand Paul and Mitch, not to mention the GOP do-nothing Congress that has stalemated Trump's 'conservative' agenda ...

I think it may be more of Trump going back to his lifelong held more liberal political views. Besides, Schumer received more Trump donations than any other elected official of either party. One must remember that before Trump became a Republican for the third time in 2012 he had donated twice as much to Democrats than Republicans. Perhaps going back to his roots.
Agree with this 100%. The whole campaign I would listen to him talk then go to Donald Trump on the Issues and think to myself "They know he's not a republican right?"

I think you and I had done something unique. We went to issues and checked. We just didn't take Trump or probably any other candidate's stump speech to heart and become an instant believer.
I think it may be more of Trump going back to his lifelong held more liberal political views. Besides, Schumer received more Trump donations than any other elected official of either party. One must remember that before Trump became a Republican for the third time in 2012 he had donated twice as much to Democrats than Republicans. Perhaps going back to his roots.

I think it's more like Trump is obviously pissed that the GOP clearly doesn't want to advance his agenda, thus he's playing nice with the Democrats to spite them.

We'll see how long that lasts though. I will admit it's amusing to see Trump single handily causing the GOP to implode in front of our very eyes.
I think you and I had done something unique. We went to issues and checked. We just didn't take Trump or probably any other candidate's stump speech to heart and become an instant believer.

If you want to judge a candidate's true ideology you need to look at their stance on the issues before they become a candidate not during.
I think it's more like Trump is obviously pissed that the GOP clearly doesn't want to advance his agenda, thus he's playing nice with the Democrats to spite them.

We'll see how long that lasts though. I will admit it's amusing to see Trump single handily causing the GOP to implode in front of our very eyes.

I had a similar thought.
I thought maybe what Trump did was a shot over the heads of Ryan and especially McConnell.
Get your act together and stop focusing on your own elections the way you always have.

On the plus side, he can say that he was willing to work with the other Party but they wouldn't compromise.
It's inevitable that they won't.
They all have the same Democratribo Nucleic Acid and compromise just isn't in their genes.

I wonder if Trump realizes that any deal with Schumer & Pelosi would be possible only if he accepts their terms.
I don't really feel like I'm getting the whole story here. Such as, for example, what the Democrats ceded in getting this deal.

Here is what should have happened. Nancy and Chuck accept Donald's invitation to dinner knowing that nothing of substance will be accomplished and knowing that for good reason Donald's word rhymes with turd.

Prior to the dinner meeting Nancy and Chuck agree to preempt Donald. At post dinner interviews Nancy and Chuck proclaim the dinner meeting a breakthrough in bi-partisan collaboration with Donald. According to Nancy and Chuck, Donald agrees to work with Democrats to resolve DACA in a manner favorable to Deamers while not making it contingent on funding Donald's Wall.

Of course Nancy's and Chuck's post dinner public responses are all a heaping mound of bull**** but it puts Donald in a precarious position and confuses and infuriates Donald's alt right base.

That likely didn't happen, but it should have. Nothing Trump says is worth a grain of salt. How valuable can a dinner meeting be with a man who is renowned for being untrustworthy? Why not make the fecker a feckee for a change? I'd do it!
I would prefer that all members of both parties stop packaging unrelated bills together and vote against any attempt to do so. Your false choice of do you want little extra unrelated nonsense included or a lot of extra unrelated nonsense included is ridiculous.

My sensible choice of wanting ZERO unrelated nonsense added to VITAL bills such as hurricane relief is the only sensible way to legislate going forth.

This is certainly the opposite direction of you charging that this is a ridiculous position, since you accused me of nonsense to start this discussion ...
As long as he gets additional funding for border security (wall or no wall) he can claim a victory and the trumpeters here will come in and sing "he never meant a physical wall in the first place."


So every time he says we are going to build the wall he is lying, right? Fits well because he lies constantly.

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