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Using DACA Data to Deport (1 Viewer)

I see a long fight challenging the Constitutional merits of the action.

Heh, interesting take. Essentially, the Obama Administration potentially being derelict in their duty to duly inform and educate those who were engaging in the deferred action (which, by the very name, is an indication that action can occur in the future) about the realities of the situation could end up screwing over future administrations attempts to clean up the mess this congressional end around created. On one hand, that'd be an extremely sly and rather impressive means of essentially "protecting" his action. On the other end, it's an absolute abandonment of ones oath of office regarding faithfully executing the laws and upholding the constitution if they knowingly went about not informing people of the full legal realities of what they were engaging in. Hmm, could be interesting to see how it plays out if arguments are made in that fashion.
How is this a violation of the 5th? They were offered benefits in exchange for their admission of guilt, so to speak. Entry into such a system was not forced and was entirely voluntary. They were never told that they were being given permanent immunity; indeed, it was clearly labeled simply as DEFERED action, not terminated action. If they were falsely sold a pie in the sky promise that they'd never again have to worry about being deported, than that was the fault of those who arrogantly just assumed that they would sweep into control and be able to keep this Temporary measure on the books in a neigh-permanent fashion.

It sure is playing out that way.
Not to take them away

I think he meant that this example of "weaponizing" a registration list by the government is an example of why people are against such registration of firearms.
Yet here you are seeing a registration list used in the same manner... you wonder why we oppose it?

By your side.
I think he meant that this example of "weaponizing" a registration list by the government is an example of why people are against such registration of firearms.

Projection, and DACA proves that the Right certainly will do just that.

You are aware that in a civil case, if you use the 5th Amendment it can be used against you. The constitutional privilege against self-incrimination does not apply in any civil proceeding.
You are aware that in a civil case, if you use the 5th Amendment it can be used against you. The constitutional privilege against self-incrimination does not apply in any civil proceeding.

Well, the lawsuits begin. 16 states filed one today based on Constitutional concerns. Albeit concerns I did not state in the OP, which makes sense since I am not a lawyer.

Attorneys general in blue states sue Trump over DACA - CNNPolitics

The groups laid out five different constitutional arguments against Trump's move, saying it was motivated by discriminatory reasons, that it violated due process by being "fundamentally unfair," and that it violated laws that dictate procedures for federal regulations.
Well, the lawsuits begin. 16 states filed one today based on Constitutional concerns. Albeit concerns I did not state in the OP, which makes sense since I am not a lawyer.

There are some that will file a lawsuit for anything that President Trump does. They know he is allowed to do it constitutionally but they will file anyway. They hope for a liberal judge to issue an order halting it being enacted while waiting for the case to be heard. Expect this to be the new norm no matter who is in power.

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