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Where do entitlements end? (1 Viewer)

How So? Last time I checked no conservatives are lobbying for higher tax rates on the middle class.

Everytime a conservative whines about "half our population doesn't pay income tax" they are suggesting that we should raise the tax rate on the lower middle class, which most assuridly would increase the tax rate on the upper middle class.

Evertime a conservative wants to "flatten" our tax rate it about increasing taxes on the middle class. Every time a conservative proposes a consumption tax it is conservative code for "higher taxes on the midde class".

Yes, the class warriors are waging battle against the middle class every day. They just don't admit to it publicly.
Income tax is just one of many taxes, it shouldn't be surprising to find out that unemployed people, like those who are retired, often don't pay a penny in income tax.

Personally, I think it is a good thing that almost half our population doesn't have to pay income taxes. There was a time when NO one paid income taxes, I would like to see it like that again one day. So do you really think that it is a good thing for everyone to have to pay a bunch of money in taxes? Are you some type of big government person?

Federal income taxes are the single largest source of income for federal revenue, last I read. Perhaps something has changed, but I have my doubts.

Of course I don't think it's a good thing, however I do think it's a necessary thing, because the wealthy in this country couldn't touch meeting our federal debts and mandatory spending requirements even if they were taxed at a 100% rate.
Not necessarily, but most of the time. The more that a rich person has to pay in taxes, the less that someone else has to pay,

Mm no I'm pretty sure that's not so. Not with the deficits we're running.

Also, lets say that a famous movie start decided not to star in as many movies because he has to pay too much in taxes. Do you really think that there would be a great loss to humanity?

No singular example is that great a loss to humanity. That's not the issue. The original claim is that when you tax the rich more, it results in higher incomes for the less-rich. I don't think this example translates.

Thats why redistribution has to be constant and modist. What we are trying to avoid is cataclismic mass redistribution.

I'm trying to avoid incrementalist redistribution while encouraging people to feel able to organize to solve their own problems (i.e., not appointing an already-corrupt government to solve their problems). So many people are bleating for the government to redistribute money from the rich back to them, and meanwhile they spend tons of their money on the stuff rich people produce. The People are redistributing their own money to the rich, and then whining that government isn't counter-redistributing it back to them for no reason other than the observation that the wealth gap is increasing.

I understand that you would prefer a true democracy and not a representative democracy, but can you identify any succesful true democracies? Or how about libertarian economies (other than Somolia)? I'm always hoping someone will come up with a good example. Havn't seen one yet.

True democracy is only possible in small groups. Communism is also only possible in smallish groups. I just prefer a rule of law that protects individual liberties and doesn't leave room for vote-seekers to overstep their job duties by pandering to the needy. Success and failure are necessary incentives to learn and grow. Both need to be left alone.
Federal income taxes are the single largest source of income for federal revenue, last I read. Perhaps something has changed, but I have my doubts.

Most Americans think that income tax is the majority of government revenues. But thats not accurate.

Federal income taxes bring in about 42% of the federal revenue, but payroll taxes (which is different that income tax and effects 100% of all employees) is very close at 40%. Yes, taxes on earnings of $92,000 or less just about matches all income taxes put together, including the taxes paid by the rich. It's staggering that most of the tax burdon is on the backs of the middle class, especially during a time where middle class incomes are not even keeping up with inflation.
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OK, I understand, you aren't a big fan of history. So what happens? I guess we shrink the size of government, or either increase the tax rate that the richest Americans pay. Either way works.

IMO, it's time to downsize gov't. It would be very complicated. Every gov't agency would be cut by the same %. No one is cut more than the other dept. That doesn't mean we cut 10% of the jobs at the State Dept and they hire contractors to pick up the slack. I mean you cut the jobs, and they don't come back.

It's sorta like how you work in your personal life; when your checkbook doesn't have enough for the family to go out to eat, you eat at home. IMO, we'd see more of the "shrimp on a treadmill" programs go to the wayside.
Owners of the means of production make money from the labors of others. I go to work and my boss gets richer off of my labor. In a free market capitalisic society, thats the way it should be. What makes the owners worthy of someone elses labor? Capitalism, the free market, and entrapanurial endevor.

You have a lot to learn about basic economics and the way business works.

So why should the wealthy person pay more in taxes? A zillion reasons. First of off, because the wealthy CAN pay more. Secondly, becaused they benefit more from our government and society, thus they pay in relationship to what they benefit. Thirdly because if we don't have some redistribution in our economy, like a game of monopoly we play only until one person ownes everthing and then our economy would end.

By the way, I am a small business owner. I don't quite make $250k, but my family income is far more than average. I don't mind paying more income taxes because I know that is my responsibility. It's just part of the deal. When you are successful, you pay up, and it's no sweat because the taxes I pay don't take any food off my table, I have plenty thank you.

Since you don't mind paying more in income tax, how much "more" have you been contributing over and above what you have to pay? I hear lots of folks say this, but I haven't see one say they paid their tax bill in April and added an extra $1K because they didn't mind paying a little more.
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You are making the assumption that they recieve the same goods and services. That is incorrect, they recieve much more. Their wealth is much higher, thus not only have they benefited more than the average citizen they also have more to protect. Not only is it not unfair for them to pay more (much more), it's an absolute necessity. You know how some people are always complaining that the top 1% pay 30% of the income tax? What if their rate was lowered to zero? Our gov would be bankrupt and our entire system would collapse. The rich have to pay their bills, just like anyone else, and the tax man is a bill collector.

Sure they get the same goods and services from the govt. But if you have an example of the rich taxpayer getting, oh, . . . . lets say a bigger and better road, or possibly better police and fire protection, then I'd like to hear about it.

Our gov't is going bankrupt for the same reason most folks go bankrupt. They need to stop spending, cut back on all gov't programs.
Owners of the means of production make money from the labors of others. I go to work and my boss gets richer off of my labor. In a free market capitalisic society, thats the way it should be. What makes the owners worthy of someone elses labor? Capitalism, the free market, and entrapanurial endevor.

You have a lot to learn about basic economics and the way business works.

So why should the wealthy person pay more in taxes? A zillion reasons. First of off, because the wealthy CAN pay more. Secondly, becaused they benefit more from our government and society, thus they pay in relationship to what they benefit. Thirdly because if we don't have some redistribution in our economy, like a game of monopoly we play only until one person ownes everthing and then our economy would end.

By the way, I am a small business owner. I don't quite make $250k, but my family income is far more than average. I don't mind paying more income taxes because I know that is my responsibility. It's just part of the deal. When you are successful, you pay up, and it's no sweat because the taxes I pay don't take any food off my table, I have plenty thank you.

You know I am not talking about a person's employer. I'm talking about this "99%-1%" and the fact that 48% of federal tax payers get back everything they've paid in and then some get back money the didn't pay in.

Again, since you personally are doing well, how much above your required taxes have you contributed, since you seem to be a true believer?
So many people are bleating for the government to redistribute money from the rich back to them, and meanwhile they spend tons of their money on the stuff rich people produce.

You make an assumption that "rich people" produce most of the stuff. I have to disagree with that. While rich people may tend to have title to the means of production, they rarely are actually the ones doing the production. I can only assume that you think there is some sort of an economic need for rich people, personally I believe that the middle class is our producer class, our job creator class, our consumer class, and pretty much our inventor class.

Small businesses employ 60% of our workers, and small businesses create more than 60% of our jobs. Most large businesses grow from small businesses and 98% of our small business owners are middle class or poor (only 2% of small business owners are in the top income bracket).

The People are redistributing their own money to the rich,
and then whining that government isn't counter-redistributing it back to them for no reason other than the observation that the wealth gap is increasing.

Yes, I am glad to see that you agree that without a "counter-redistributing" mechanism, such as government, that the rich would infinately grow richer (until they have all the wealth) and the poor and middle class would eventually loose all wealth. thats the very nature of a free market capitalistic economy. It's normal. I just don't understand why you would prefer to live in a society which has only a few uber rich folk, and the rest of the society are dirt poor.

There will always be opportunity for the poor to simulate being middle class if they choose to be economic slaves, thats what has happened over the past 40 years when the middle class has gained none of the new wealth created and has had to borrow great amounts of money to simulate wealth. but personally, I'd much rather have a middle class who can actually afford to own their homes, and buy stuff without the aid of the credit card or consumer loan. Debt is economic slavery.

True democracy is only possible in small groups. Communism is also only possible in smallish groups.
Sure, I agree.
I just prefer a rule of law that protects individual liberties and doesn't leave room for vote-seekers to overstep their job duties by pandering to the needy. Success and failure are necessary incentives to learn and grow. Both need to be left alone.
Vote seekers will always pander to the masses. Thats the way a representative democracy works. Democracy is all about attempting to meet the needs of the majority. In the US, it's the majority who are the workers, the producers, and the consumers. Representative democracy may not be perfect, but it's far better than any alternative. Can you suggest a better alternative and point to a nation where they have such alternative?

you know, we both see the current state of things almost identically. Our difference is what we would like that state to progress to. I would like to see a world where most everyone works fairly hard and could have what we now think of as a upper middleclass lifestyle, with plenty of money to retire on, plenty of money to pay for healtcare bills, plenty to send their kids to private school if they desire, plenty to send their kids to college on, etc.

I am not sure what you prefer to envision for America. To me it sounds like you would prefer a very small class of financial elites who are uber wealthy and who pass that wealth down from generation to generation, while the 99% become poorer and essentially become servents not for their own financial needs, but for the sole needs of the financial elite.
Since you don't mind paying more in income tax, how much "more" have you been contributing over and above what you have to pay? I hear lots of folks say this, but I haven't see one say they paid their tax bill in April and added an extra $1K because they didn't mind paying a little more.

Thats because thats only $1000, and the act of doing so unilaterally is virtually pointless. that thousand dollars wouldn't balance the budget. now if everyone had to pay an extra thousand bucks, it would go a long ways towards balancing the fed budget. Individuals will always independantly do what is best for themselves, that doesn't mean that as a society we can't agree that if we would all do the right think, and require such action, that we wouldn't all be better off.
Sure they get the same goods and services from the govt. But if you have an example of the rich taxpayer getting, oh, . . . . lets say a bigger and better road, or possibly better police and fire protection, then I'd like to hear about it.

Our gov't is going bankrupt for the same reason most folks go bankrupt. They need to stop spending, cut back on all gov't programs.

You had better believe that the police arrive or fire department arrive at the doorsteps of the rich long before they make it to the projects. the rich gain more from fire and police protection because they have far more to protect. It's the same with military protection. A rich person with more to protect gains far more from military protection than the homeless do. The poorest of us have very little to protect, the richest of us have as much to protect as many small nations do.
You know I am not talking about a person's employer. I'm talking about this "99%-1%" and the fact that 48% of federal tax payers get back everything they've paid in and then some get back money the didn't pay in.

Again, since you personally are doing well, how much above your required taxes have you contributed, since you seem to be a true believer?

Personally, I don't think that anyone should have to pay taxes on money that they earned from work. It's silly to tax working. Unfortunately, our government has to have money to exist and our gov doesn't tax non-work tax sources enough to balance the budget, so workers have to pay into the pot also.

No, I have never paid more than I am required to pay. I never will either. thats the reason why all upper income people should be required to pay more - to the point that our budget is balanced. someone once asked in a thread "what percent should millionairs have to pay", my answer is "as little as possible and still have a balanced budget". We don't have a balanced budget, so obviously high income people arn't paying enough.
entitlements won't end.

when it gets to the point where they are unaffordable... we'll be assailed by more " think of the children" type please and we'll borrow more money to cover those expenses.

it's virtually impossible to put this cat back in the bag... we're stuck with the entitlements, and that mentality, until the end of this government.
entitlements won't end.

when it gets to the point where they are unaffordable... we'll be assailed by more " think of the children" type please and we'll borrow more money to cover those expenses.

it's virtually impossible to put this cat back in the bag... we're stuck with the entitlements, and that mentality, until the end of this government.
The world ends this coming December anyway so it doesn't matter.
Danjb25 said:
Now I've heard a lot of people talking about the pros of nationalizing certain things, but where does it stop? Ok, let's start down the path towards socialism and why I believe thats our destiny if the current politics remain. This included all Democrats and Republicans.

I do believe that the us is headed towards some sort of collectiviZation process, communist / fascist in nature.

So if you can't eat, there should be government programs to ensure everyone has something to eat right? Ok, now what about clothing, people need clothes right? Ok, but people also need a place to live, so the government should offer assistance for those who can find a place to live right? Ok, well to become self-reliant they need a job right? so the government should help provide jobs for people too. But what about transpertation, people need to get to work thats longer than walking distance right? But what if they get sick, the government should provide health benefits for those who get sick right? And yes that includes the "sickness" of pregnacy. But we need to be safe too right? The Government should make sure we're save from all evil foreign and domestic right? But what about the rest of the world, we need to make sure everyone else on the planet has the opportunity to enjoy these "freedoms", so the government should make sure that everyone else can live like our democratic republic, right?

This has an added benefit because people become dependent on the status quo and will become fervent defenders of the system that provides.

Then through standardization, the world can then be split into the various specialties so that no nation can stand independent of the rest. For example; china seems bent on being the worlds manufacturing center, the us is setting up to be the worlds prison, europe the worlds financial sector, etc, as potential examples.

So my question is this, if everything you need and want is taken care of by our "big brother" where is the incentive to work for anything? Freedom from want and need breeds complacency. Heck, if I can get everything I want and need why should I do anything besides be dependent on the government?

This complacency that is bred through dependence is the very reason why, when you get yourself into a centralized system that there is the need for a system where there must also be some sort of "mandatory volunteerism", enforced typically at gun point, or simply the threat of gunpoint.

Afterall, there needs to be enough productivity to support the needs of this system.

They'll take care of me if I need anything, right? All I have to do is give up my individuality and my liberties. But what is liberty anyways? No one knows what that is anymore. And Individuality? Conformity is much more popular, we should all conform to other people's (Namely the Government) morally rich beliefs right? that will make a safer world won't it?

Yes, government aims to provide everything for everyone. However, government bureaucracy is so inefficient that it winds up that government cannot provide everything for everyone. So, people start to die. The reality is that in that past century there's been over 250million people that have been killed in these systems (NOT counting hitler and the nazis, to avoid the Godwin charge).

So where does it stop for Americans? It stops when government has complete control of our lives, they'll make us believe we need this, that we cannot live with out it. They give this to us because we demand it, then when they have omnipotent and omnipresent power over us, we'll wisen up but it will be too late. Libertarians and Constitutionalists will fight the whole time, but eventually we'll be drowned out by those who are begging for socialism.

This is the crossroads for America and systems of liberty. Either the people will remain politically complacent and apathetic, and allow the system, or even beg for increasing dependence, for government to provide.

Or, the people will wake up and realize that the world is not a safe place, that they are much safer in independent communities with their own personal sovereignty.

Then perhaps the people can restore a democratic republic in the way that it was intended to be.
You make an assumption that "rich people" produce most of the stuff. I have to disagree with that.

You had to have found that assumption in my comments about ordinary people purchasing the goods/services rich people produce. What I mean by that is "the goods/services that help make those rich people rich."

While rich people may tend to have title to the means of production, they rarely are actually the ones doing the production. I can only assume that you think there is some sort of an economic need for rich people, personally I believe that the middle class is our producer class, our job creator class, our consumer class, and pretty much our inventor class.

An example of a company that has some rich bosses and some modestly paid floor workers that are all in the business of producing something makes sense here. Rather than give blanket credit to a class of people for doing everything, whether that's the upper class or the middle class, I think it's more realistic to realize the balance of investment of money, time and energy. It's easy for virtually anyone to pride themselves in the fact that "if it weren't for ME this whole place would fold" as some basis for being underappreciated and/or underpaid. But there are a million scenarios about what "production" really means. If I develop a business plan and implement it which involves making the investment in it, and hiring a guy to operate the eight hundred thousand dollar machine I own in the $4 million factory I own, is the production really all thanks to that guy I hired? Should I just had over the keys at that point? Well of course not.

Small businesses employ 60% of our workers, and small businesses create more than 60% of our jobs. Most large businesses grow from small businesses and 98% of our small business owners are middle class or poor (only 2% of small business owners are in the top income bracket).

This is an interesting factoid to keep in mind. I've oft wondered how many small business aren't self-sustaining, but rather basically someone's hobby, that some other income or wealth source keeps afloat...

Yes, I am glad to see that you agree that without a "counter-redistributing" mechanism, such as government, that the rich would infinately grow richer (until they have all the wealth) and the poor and middle class would eventually loose all wealth. thats the very nature of a free market capitalistic economy. It's normal. I just don't understand why you would prefer to live in a society which has only a few uber rich folk, and the rest of the society are dirt poor.

I don't advocate that. The government redistribution advocates do. Welfare statists do. And they fail to grasp that it's what they're advocating. Think about it. When you put government in charge of siphoning money back to the people, it pacifies them while eroding their economic sense, and it keeps the revenue coming to the big guys. The very nature of a free market capitalistic economy will result in wealth disparity, but that's ultimately unstable. So government stabilizes it via welfare. THAT is government's role, and no one left of center can see it: to maintain an environment of wealth disparity that otherwise would backfire on the wealthy.

The free market always self-regulates, as long as you don't buckle and rewrite all the rules, in which case it distorts the entire thing.

Sure, I agree. Vote seekers will always pander to the masses. Thats the way a representative democracy works. Democracy is all about attempting to meet the needs of the majority. In the US, it's the majority who are the workers, the producers, and the consumers. Representative democracy may not be perfect, but it's far better than any alternative. Can you suggest a better alternative and point to a nation where they have such alternative?

Not really, but consumers as a whole have immense power outside of the so-called democratic process. If the rule of law were upheld that did not toss out handouts or manipulate tax policies on a whim or whatever other pacifying attempt is made to quell the masses, and people were left alone to solve their own dilemma, they'd just stop purchasing from the people they despise. Right now we'd rather have our cake and eat it to. All do business with a same few rich folks' companies, and then complain that they're rich.

you know, we both see the current state of things almost identically. Our difference is what we would like that state to progress to. I would like to see a world where most everyone works fairly hard and could have what we now think of as a upper middleclass lifestyle, with plenty of money to retire on, plenty of money to pay for healtcare bills, plenty to send their kids to private school if they desire, plenty to send their kids to college on, etc.

I have my own Utopian visions for the world, but I recognize them as fantasy. I'm not being sarcastic either. I honestly do have those. And I know our government cannot bring my visions into fruition, nor can it bring yours into fruition. The people have to act to create it all on their own.

I am not sure what you prefer to envision for America. To me it sounds like you would prefer a very small class of financial elites who are uber wealthy and who pass that wealth down from generation to generation, while the 99% become poorer and essentially become servents not for their own financial needs, but for the sole needs of the financial elite.

If you leave the game alone and let that happen (if it's in fact going to), as I said above, it quickly becomes unstable and backfires on the wealthy, one way or another. Government's goal is not to let this backfire happen, but rather to pacify any resistance. This prolongs the conditions of a land of the virtually impoverished ruled by the wealthy, as the little trickle downs from government programs keep the impoverished from ever getting too uncomfortable. I think we have to break our proclivity to look to federal government to solve all our complex problems. I don't think they ever do. I think they just prolong and distort them.
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Thats because thats only $1000, and the act of doing so unilaterally is virtually pointless. that thousand dollars wouldn't balance the budget. now if everyone had to pay an extra thousand bucks, it would go a long ways towards balancing the fed budget. Individuals will always independantly do what is best for themselves, that doesn't mean that as a society we can't agree that if we would all do the right think, and require such action, that we wouldn't all be better off.

Right. You won't pay, even tho you think it's a great idea, until everyone else pays. :lamo
You had better believe that the police arrive or fire department arrive at the doorsteps of the rich long before they make it to the projects. the rich gain more from fire and police protection because they have far more to protect. It's the same with military protection. A rich person with more to protect gains far more from military protection than the homeless do. The poorest of us have very little to protect, the richest of us have as much to protect as many small nations do.

OK, I agree rich folks like Buffett, the Kennedys, the Bloombergs, et al, have better fire/rescue/police because they live in better, more exclusive and higher taxed areas. I don't live in such high rent districts, but my services are adequate. You know the old saying you get what you pay for, right?

As to the "military" thing, there is something called the "Posse Comitatus Act of 1878". So you're wrong there my friend.

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