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Project Veritas’ alleged CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda' (1 Viewer)


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Oct 1, 2018
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Southlake, Texas
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Project Veritas’ alleged CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda''' | Fox News

Undercover recordings made by an alleged 'whistleblower' capture CNN employees casually confirming the network's anti-Trump bias and show company president Jeff Zucker telling top news executives to focus solely on impeachment even at the expense of other important news, according to the conservative activist group that posted the bombshell footage online.

Project Veritas, whose founder, James O'Keefe, describes himself as a “guerrilla journalist” -- built up the release on social media with an "#ExposeCNN" hashtag, and Monday published the first segment of what is billed as a multi-part series. The video features Cary Poarch, who claims he was a satellite uplink technician at CNN’s Washington Bureau before, he says, his “dream job” quickly turned into a nightmare due to CNN's blatant bias.

“I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” a person identified as Zucker says in the recording. “We shouldn’t just pretend, oh, this is going one way. And so all of these moves are toward impeachment.”

Poarch allegedly recorded “several” of Zucker’s conference calls, in which he claims Zucker runs the daily meeting “with an iron fist” aimed directly at “hammering Trump” or “Republicans in general.” Poarch told O’Keefe that several high-powered CNN executives join Zucker on the daily call, including senior vice president of newsgathering Virginia Moseley and political director David Chalian.

Zucker, who began his career at NBC, rose from researcher all the way to president and CEO of NBC Universal. Along the way, he was responsible for increasing Donald Trump’s fame when he greenlighted “The Apprentice.”

The duo has famously feuded since Trump’s foray into politics, with the president attacking the liberal network on a regular basis and accusing CNN of unfair coverage.

Zucker is also heard telling staff to call out Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and encouraging CNN on-air personalities to attack Fox News.

CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In the clip, Poarch said he decided to wear a hidden camera because of CNN's perceived bias, and that he secretly recorded Zucker’s 9 a.m. rundown conference call because the network was “pumping out propaganda.”

“It’s basically me wanting the news to be what they used to be -- news -- and not infotainment or a game show or chasing the ratings,” Poarch told O’Keefe. “CNN purports it to be facts first and that’s clearly not the case.


:lol: This whistleblower was CNN employee, A who voted for Sanders last election, he was sicken by CNN propaganda and recorded Zucker and others. They even have tapes on how Zucker would talk in the ear piece giving orders to hosts on live TV. If there was any doubt before about CNN being just a propaganda outlet there shouldn't be now. Let the Whatabotisms begin.
Project Veritas’ alleged CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda''' | Fox News

Undercover recordings made by an alleged 'whistleblower' capture CNN employees casually confirming the network's anti-Trump bias and show company president Jeff Zucker telling top news executives to focus solely on impeachment even at the expense of other important news, according to the conservative activist group that posted the bombshell footage online.

Project Veritas, whose founder, James O'Keefe, describes himself as a “guerrilla journalist” -- built up the release on social media with an "#ExposeCNN" hashtag, and Monday published the first segment of what is billed as a multi-part series. The video features Cary Poarch, who claims he was a satellite uplink technician at CNN’s Washington Bureau before, he says, his “dream job” quickly turned into a nightmare due to CNN's blatant bias.

“I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” a person identified as Zucker says in the recording. “We shouldn’t just pretend, oh, this is going one way. And so all of these moves are toward impeachment.”

Poarch allegedly recorded “several” of Zucker’s conference calls, in which he claims Zucker runs the daily meeting “with an iron fist” aimed directly at “hammering Trump” or “Republicans in general.” Poarch told O’Keefe that several high-powered CNN executives join Zucker on the daily call, including senior vice president of newsgathering Virginia Moseley and political director David Chalian.

Zucker, who began his career at NBC, rose from researcher all the way to president and CEO of NBC Universal. Along the way, he was responsible for increasing Donald Trump’s fame when he greenlighted “The Apprentice.”

The duo has famously feuded since Trump’s foray into politics, with the president attacking the liberal network on a regular basis and accusing CNN of unfair coverage.

Zucker is also heard telling staff to call out Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and encouraging CNN on-air personalities to attack Fox News.

CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In the clip, Poarch said he decided to wear a hidden camera because of CNN's perceived bias, and that he secretly recorded Zucker’s 9 a.m. rundown conference call because the network was “pumping out propaganda.”

“It’s basically me wanting the news to be what they used to be -- news -- and not infotainment or a game show or chasing the ratings,” Poarch told O’Keefe. “CNN purports it to be facts first and that’s clearly not the case.


:lol: This whistleblower was CNN employee, A who voted for Sanders last election, he was sicken by CNN propaganda and recorded Zucker and others. They even have tapes on how Zucker would talk in the ear piece giving orders to hosts on live TV. If there was any doubt before about CNN being just a propaganda outlet there shouldn't be now. Let the Whatabotisms begin.

Wow what a big shock in addition to irony for Fox to crank out a fake story about democrats 'pumping out propaganda'. So laughable coming from the network that was built by Roger Ailes on a foundation of misinformation and propaganda.
Wow what a big shock in addition to irony for Fox to crank out a fake story about democrats 'pumping out propaganda'. So laughable coming from the network that was built by Roger Ailes on a foundation of misinformation and propaganda.

Can't get around Zucker's own words, though...
Project Veritas’ alleged CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda''' | Fox News

Undercover recordings made by an alleged 'whistleblower' capture CNN employees casually confirming the network's anti-Trump bias and show company president Jeff Zucker telling top news executives to focus solely on impeachment even at the expense of other important news, according to the conservative activist group that posted the bombshell footage online.

Project Veritas, whose founder, James O'Keefe, describes himself as a “guerrilla journalist” -- built up the release on social media with an "#ExposeCNN" hashtag, and Monday published the first segment of what is billed as a multi-part series. The video features Cary Poarch, who claims he was a satellite uplink technician at CNN’s Washington Bureau before, he says, his “dream job” quickly turned into a nightmare due to CNN's blatant bias.

“I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” a person identified as Zucker says in the recording. “We shouldn’t just pretend, oh, this is going one way. And so all of these moves are toward impeachment.”

Poarch allegedly recorded “several” of Zucker’s conference calls, in which he claims Zucker runs the daily meeting “with an iron fist” aimed directly at “hammering Trump” or “Republicans in general.” Poarch told O’Keefe that several high-powered CNN executives join Zucker on the daily call, including senior vice president of newsgathering Virginia Moseley and political director David Chalian.

Zucker, who began his career at NBC, rose from researcher all the way to president and CEO of NBC Universal. Along the way, he was responsible for increasing Donald Trump’s fame when he greenlighted “The Apprentice.”

The duo has famously feuded since Trump’s foray into politics, with the president attacking the liberal network on a regular basis and accusing CNN of unfair coverage.

Zucker is also heard telling staff to call out Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and encouraging CNN on-air personalities to attack Fox News.

CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In the clip, Poarch said he decided to wear a hidden camera because of CNN's perceived bias, and that he secretly recorded Zucker’s 9 a.m. rundown conference call because the network was “pumping out propaganda.”

“It’s basically me wanting the news to be what they used to be -- news -- and not infotainment or a game show or chasing the ratings,” Poarch told O’Keefe. “CNN purports it to be facts first and that’s clearly not the case.


:lol: This whistleblower was CNN employee, A who voted for Sanders last election, he was sicken by CNN propaganda and recorded Zucker and others. They even have tapes on how Zucker would talk in the ear piece giving orders to hosts on live TV. If there was any doubt before about CNN being just a propaganda outlet there shouldn't be now. Let the Whatabotisms begin.

No surprise here. The whistle blower just confirmed what everyone already knew.
So it's a long standing feud between Zucker and Trump.

I have a feeling that CNN will outlast Trump and be here long after he's gone.
So it's a long standing feud between Zucker and Trump.

I have a feeling that CNN will outlast Trump and be here long after he's gone.

I don't know ... I hear CNN is losing its last few viewers ... at the airports. :lol:
Project Veritas’ alleged CNN whistleblower claims network is ‘pumping out propaganda''' | Fox News
Undercover recordings made by an alleged 'whistleblower' capture CNN employees casually confirming the network's anti-Trump bias and show company president Jeff Zucker telling top news executives to focus solely on impeachment even at the expense of other important news, according to the conservative activist group that posted the bombshell footage online.
Project Veritas, whose founder, James O'Keefe, describes himself as a “guerrilla journalist” -- built up the release on social media with an "#ExposeCNN" hashtag, and Monday published the first segment of what is billed as a multi-part series. The video features Cary Poarch, who claims he was a satellite uplink technician at CNN’s Washington Bureau before, he says, his “dream job” quickly turned into a nightmare due to CNN's blatant bias.
“I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment,” a person identified as Zucker says in the recording. “We shouldn’t just pretend, oh, this is going one way. And so all of these moves are toward impeachment.”
Poarch allegedly recorded “several” of Zucker’s conference calls, in which he claims Zucker runs the daily meeting “with an iron fist” aimed directly at “hammering Trump” or “Republicans in general.” Poarch told O’Keefe that several high-powered CNN executives join Zucker on the daily call, including senior vice president of newsgathering Virginia Moseley and political director David Chalian.
Zucker, who began his career at NBC, rose from researcher all the way to president and CEO of NBC Universal. Along the way, he was responsible for increasing Donald Trump’s fame when he greenlighted “The Apprentice.”
The duo has famously feuded since Trump’s foray into politics, with the president attacking the liberal network on a regular basis and accusing CNN of unfair coverage.
Zucker is also heard telling staff to call out Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and encouraging CNN on-air personalities to attack Fox News.
CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
In the clip, Poarch said he decided to wear a hidden camera because of CNN's perceived bias, and that he secretly recorded Zucker’s 9 a.m. rundown conference call because the network was “pumping out propaganda.”
“It’s basically me wanting the news to be what they used to be -- news -- and not infotainment or a game show or chasing the ratings,” Poarch told O’Keefe. “CNN purports it to be facts first and that’s clearly not the case.
:lol: This whistleblower was CNN employee, A who voted for Sanders last election, he was sicken by CNN propaganda and recorded Zucker and others. They even have tapes on how Zucker would talk in the ear piece giving orders to hosts on live TV. If there was any doubt before about CNN being just a propaganda outlet there shouldn't be now. Let the Whatabotisms begin.

Apparently there is a total media blackout on this story, except for Fox and the internet.

Not surprising ... the liberals have always been kept in the dark and fed on **** by their media.
Apparently there is a total media blackout on this story, except for Fox and the internet.

Not surprising ... the liberals have always been kept in the dark and fed on **** by their media.

Or maybe reputable new agencies don't post stories from right wing grifters already found guilty of misrepresenting their videos by the D.O.J. and ordered to pay out a six figure settlement in civil suit for victims they slandered against. :shrug:
So it's a long standing feud between Zucker and Trump.

I have a feeling that CNN will outlast Trump and be here long after he's gone.
Possibly but investors may not like how he has run the network into the ground. There are nights the Cartoon Channel beats them in ratings.
Or maybe reputable new agencies don't post stories from right wing grifters already found guilty of misrepresenting their videos by the D.O.J. and ordered to pay out a six figure settlement in civil suit for victims they slandered against. :shrug:
They have won 7 straight lawsuits against them. And these videos were shot by a Democrat employee of CNN.
They have won 7 straight lawsuits against them. And these videos were shot by a Democrat employee of CNN.

More like those bringing law suits against Veritas didnt meet the burden of proof for an affirmative judgement. Kind of like how O.J. was found not guilty for murdering his wife. The state failed to make their case. It didn't mean O.J. didn't do it. Of course they did lose one giant one filed by a former Acorn employee and that lawsuit found firmly that O'Keefe misrepresented statements made by the former employee. The law already recognizes O'Keefe as a dirty liar.
Their viewership has taken a big dump since the Mueller report was a dud.

I suspect it's picked up substantially because of the impeachment and Syrian Kerds.
More like those bringing law suits against Veritas didnt meet the burden of proof for an affirmative judgement. Kind of like how O.J. was found not guilty for murdering his wife. The state failed to make their case. It didn't mean O.J. didn't do it. Of course they did lose one giant one filed by a former Acorn employee and that lawsuit found firmly that O'Keefe misrepresented statements made by the former employee. The law already recognizes O'Keefe as a dirty liar.
The tapes are Zucker's own words you can get a glimpse on Hannity tonight. :lol:
I suspect it's picked up substantially because of the impeachment and Syrian Kerds.
I guess it will take another dump after they get disapointed by this BS impeachment.
Possibly but investors may not like how he has run the network into the ground. There are nights the Cartoon Channel beats them in ratings.

Millions of people still watch it. If they're like me they watch CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews.
I guess it will take another dump after they get disapointed by this BS impeachment.

Maybe...but then the election is coming up and CNN is sponsoring the Democrat debates...which is tonight, I think.
Maybe...but then the election is coming up and CNN is sponsoring the Democrat debates...which is tonight, I think.
Oh another snooze. Watch Hannity tonight for more information on the CNN tapes.

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