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White House Seeks Deal for Whistle-Blower to Speak to Congress (1 Viewer)


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Jun 20, 2008
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Since the public was wise to the trump administration’s bull**** in attempting to release a misleading and probably edited version of the transcript of his call with the Ukrainian President, trump has said he might release a redacted version of the whistle blower’s complaint.

And since this version would be filtered through the same administration that lied to the American people about the weather, this edited version of the whistle blower’s complaint should likewise be considered to be pure and unadulterated bull****.

The rule of the game is simple: If it’s filtered through the trump administration, it’s bull****.

White House and intelligence officials were working out a plan on Tuesday to release a redacted version of the whistle-blower complaint that helped ignite the impeachment drive against President Trump and to allow the whistle-blower to speak with congressional investigators, people briefed on the matter said.

White House Seeks Deal for Whistle-Blower to Speak to Congress - The New York Times
Remember guys, vote in 2020..

Sent from the Matrioshka in the WH Christmas tree.
Since the public was wise to the trump administration’s bull**** in attempting to release a misleading and probably edited version of the transcript of his call with the Ukrainian President, trump has said he might release a redacted version of the whistle blower’s complaint.

And since this version would be filtered through the same administration that lied to the American people about the weather, this edited version of the whistle blower’s complaint should likewise be considered to be pure and unadulterated bull****.

The rule of the game is simple: If it’s filtered through the trump administration, it’s bull****.

White House Seeks Deal for Whistle-Blower to Speak to Congress - The New York Times
If the WH attempt to create a misleading narrative, they will only be making this worse - which is hard to do.

Any misinformation will become apparent when the whistleblower testifies, and that appears to be something that's going to happen very soon.

Barr can't work his magic for this.
If the WH attempt to create a misleading narrative, they will only be making this worse - which is hard to do.

Any misinformation will become apparent when the whistleblower testifies, and that appears to be something that's going to happen very soon.

Barr can't work his magic for this.
Maybe he'll release a 4 page summary of what the call was, then wait months to release half of the call with clear omissions that don't embarrass the president.

Then again, it's not like he's done anything similar recently. Maybe the whistle blower will be arrested, and then he will commit suicide in prison while surrounded by thousands of media people, LEOs and government employees, and inmates.

Who knows, so many options for where this could go.

Sent from the Matrioshka in the WH Christmas tree.
Since the public was wise to the trump administration’s bull**** in attempting to release a misleading and probably edited version of the transcript of his call with the Ukrainian President, trump has said he might release a redacted version of the whistle blower’s complaint.

And since this version would be filtered through the same administration that lied to the American people about the weather, this edited version of the whistle blower’s complaint should likewise be considered to be pure and unadulterated bull****.

The rule of the game is simple: If it’s filtered through the trump administration, it’s bull****.

White House Seeks Deal for Whistle-Blower to Speak to Congress - The New York Times

I knew we would never see a complete transcript of the call, nor the whistle blower report. Its all BS from the Liar in Chief. I say just vote his ass out and be done with this sorry excuse for a leader.
Donald Trump has had to beg a woman to bail him out before. His mommy. He should be good at this by now.
Maybe he'll release a 4 page summary of what the call was, then wait months to release half of the call with clear omissions that don't embarrass the president.

Then again, it's not like he's done anything similar recently. Maybe the whistle blower will be arrested, and then he will commit suicide in prison while surrounded by thousands of media people, LEOs and government employees, and inmates.

Who knows, so many options for where this could go.

Sent from the Matrioshka in the WH Christmas tree.

It won't even be 4 pages. I watched Richard Haas this morning talk about when he worked for the HW Bush White House, and how the process works when someone transcribes calls between POTUS and a foreign leader. We apparently will be lucky if it's even one page.

Congress needs to get their hands on the tape of the calls, not the filtered and BS transcript.
It won't even be 4 pages. I watched Richard Haas this morning talk about when he worked for the HW Bush White House, and how the process works when someone transcribes calls between POTUS and a foreign leader. We apparently will be lucky if it's even one page.

Congress needs to get their hands on the tape of the calls, not the filtered and BS transcript.

I don't see that happening. Isn't this WH on record that they don't record calls?
If they have been recording calls and subsequently have been lying to the American people about it, this is going to get so much worse.
It won't even be 4 pages. I watched Richard Haas this morning talk about when he worked for the HW Bush White House, and how the process works when someone transcribes calls between POTUS and a foreign leader. We apparently will be lucky if it's even one page.

Congress needs to get their hands on the tape of the calls, not the filtered and BS transcript.

I don't doubt him that this is how it worked in previous administrations. But this one is so incredibly inept and lost that when they found out they needed to keep records and transcribe phone calls, they very well might have just sat someone down and he wrote down word for word what was said. Trump has already said he brought up Biden and corruption etc. I don't think he would have admitted that unless it was very clearly stated right on the transcript. He didn't want to discuss it when this first came up and he was asked. "It doesn't matter what I said" I believe was his first response. But since then I think he's likely went and looked at the transcript and realized it's written down so he stepped in front of it and admitted it in his typical "of course I did, there's nothing wrong with it" fashion.
The law says Congress has a right to work with the whistleblower directly.
The law says Congress has a right to work with the whistleblower directly.

That may well be what "The Law" says, but that isn't what Mr. Trump says and "everyone knows" that the actual and operative laws of the United States of America are whatever Mr. Trump says they are and not something that some pencil-necked, four-eyed, ivory tower, egg head, so-called "expert" claims are written down someplace that you have never seen and so don't even know if it exists.


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