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New leak claims Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal 'to spite Obama' (1 Viewer)

Well, if they want to start again, they will start again.
Embargo them.
No nukes for Iran. Period.

No, they don't want to start again. They have started again. Trump broke the agreement, and he can't fix it. Trump is like:

The right will not admit they were pissed about a black man as president. The only real consistent agenda I see from trump is trying to undo anything that obama did. Imagine cheering on losing your own health care for an expensive crappy capitalist policy you can't afford.
The right will not admit they were pissed about a black man as president. The only real consistent agenda I see from trump is trying to undo anything that obama did. Imagine cheering on losing your own health care for an expensive crappy capitalist policy you can't afford.

The race card... Always the Democratic argument.
lol! sure. Sanctions. Trump is going to make them stop their nuclear program by imposing sanctions.

Definitely Trump's legacy will be a nuclear armed Iran, among other things no doubt.

It's Iran's choice, I suppose.
It's Iran's choice, I suppose.

Quashing the nuclear deal was Trump's choice.

Not the Iranians,
Not Congress,
Not the courts,
Not the other nations that are signatory to the agreement,
but Trump, alone. He, unilaterally pulled out of the agreement. Trump's legacy will be a nuclear armed Iran.
New leak claims Trump scrapped Iran nuclear deal 'to spite Obama' - BBC News

Donald Trump abandoned the Iran nuclear deal to spite Barack Obama, according to a leaked memo written by the UK's former ambassador to the US.

Sir Kim Darroch described the move as an act of "diplomatic vandalism", according to the Mail on Sunday.
Nothing this character does surprises me anymore. He has this thing for Obama that may date from that correspondents' dinner where Obama mocked his TV antics.

How in the hell would UK's former ambassador know?
Quashing the nuclear deal was Trump's choice.

Not the Iranians,
Not Congress,
Not the courts,
Not the other nations that are signatory to the agreement,
but Trump, alone. He, unilaterally pulled out of the agreement. Trump's legacy will be a nuclear armed Iran.

Not if Iran doesnt build. The Obama deal was temporary.
Trump wants it to be permanent.
Not if Iran doesnt build. The Obama deal was temporary.
Trump wants it to be permanent.

It was a ten year agreement. Now, it's over prematurely. Trump has no idea how to make it permanent. Iran will soon have a nuke, and it will be entirely due to Donald Trump.
It was a ten year agreement. Now, it's over prematurely. Trump has no idea how to make it permanent. Iran will soon have a nuke, and it will be entirely due to Donald Trump.

I feel bad for the ayatollah...
Israel and Saudi Arabia will never let that happen.

I believe what Trump says - it's on record on video and in print. I don't believe IN what he says if that's what you're asking. Similarly, what Darroch said is on record now and being recounted by the media.

Is the Presidency chaotic? Yes - 31 senior staff gone in the short period of his Presidency. What's not to believe about Darroch's assessment there?

Other then the framing and the assistance in outside sources to ensure that such was chaotic. I don't really care.

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