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Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 4, 2019
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Laguna Beach
Political Leaning
Devin Nunes is seeking information to expose the omissions in the Mueller report concerning Joseph Mifsud and his dealings with US government. I think this will be the straw that breaks the Russian Hoax open.

Getting real for deep state actors that couldn't take Trump out...AG Bill Barr seems like he can handle any "no holds barred fight"....

California Rep. Devin Nunes is pressing several government agencies for information on a mysterious Maltese professor who allegedly told Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos about Russian “dirt” on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Joseph Mifsud is portrayed in the special counsel’s investigation as a possible Russian agent. But Mifsud is also closely affiliated with Western politicians, diplomats and intelligence figures.

Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud
Devin Nunes is seeking information to expose the omissions in the Mueller report concerning Joseph Mifsud and his dealings with US government. I think this will be the straw that breaks the Russian Hoax open.

Getting real for deep state actors that couldn't take Trump out...AG Bill Barr seems like he can handle any "no holds barred fight"....

Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud

This is clearly going full CT. There's a section in the forum for this sort of thing. All about Deep State actors, or the Lizard people, plotting to take Trump out.

I think that's where you should be posting this.

And welcome to DP. :)
Devin Nunes is seeking information to expose the omissions in the Mueller report concerning Joseph Mifsud and his dealings with US government. I think this will be the straw that breaks the Russian Hoax open.

Getting real for deep state actors that couldn't take Trump out...AG Bill Barr seems like he can handle any "no holds barred fight"....

Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud

There are rules for posting in this forum, one of which is your thread title (which you took great liberty with ;)) must exactly match your cited article.
There are rules for posting in this forum, one of which is your thread title (which you took great liberty with ;)) must exactly match your cited article.

oops...my bad...can a moderator change it for me?
This is clearly going full CT. There's a section in the forum for this sort of thing. All about Deep State actors, or the Lizard people, plotting to take Trump out.

I think that's where you should be posting this.

And welcome to DP. :)

Thanks for the warm welcome.

but come on man.... full CT? really?

I'm on to something here Mifsud is patient zero

Sorry title was my virgin mistake..
This Mifsud story will be shattering. When I first read about this professor (whom Mueller describes as tied to Russian intelligence) my sources disputed this citing his many ties to western intelligence. He was on the faculty at “Link University” in Rome (a known host of CIA-sponsored seminars), and he worked with the same London Institute for Law and International Practice that hired Papadopoulos. This entity has as a director the FBI liason at the US embassy in London and close ties with another somewhat academic entity known as the Global Center for Security Studies involved in counter-terrorism seminars. Zainab Ahmad, a former Deputy US Attorney in New York, who was on Mueller’s team, is a consultant for that Global Center. Mueller misrepresents facts when he describes Mifsud. Plus we’ve got this “honeypot”, apparently a CIA agent deployed as Mifsud’s research assistant to oversee the entrapment effort.
This Mifsud story will be shattering. When I first read about this professor (whom Mueller describes as tied to Russian intelligence) my sources disputed this citing his many ties to western intelligence. He was on the faculty at “Link University” in Rome (a known host of CIA-sponsored seminars), and he worked with the same London Institute for Law and International Practice that hired Papadopoulos. This entity has as a director the FBI liason at the US embassy in London and close ties with another somewhat academic entity known as the Global Center for Security Studies involved in counter-terrorism seminars. Zainab Ahmad, a former Deputy US Attorney in New York, who was on Mueller’s team, is a consultant for that Global Center. Mueller misrepresents facts when he describes Mifsud. Plus we’ve got this “honeypot”, apparently a CIA agent deployed as Mifsud’s research assistant to oversee the entrapment effort.

My sources are primarily academic, I’m a professor of International Relations and maintain contacts with faculty at several universities in Spain, Mexico and the US. One of the universities in Mexico where I taught was previously used by the CIA for seminars similar to those described at Link University. When Mifsud disappeared (he’s in Rome now), I read many reports on the incongruous claim he had ties to Russian intelligence, and since we are in the same field checked with colleagues. One of them knows Mifsud personally and assured me if he was a Russian spy he seriously compromised the highest levels of British intelligence. That London Center of International Law Practice is heavily involved in western counter terrorism efforts which involve close ties with highly placed intelligence figures.

The NYT on that “honeypot”: F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016 - The New York Times
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Thanks for sharing.


This Mifsud story will be shattering. When I first read about this professor (whom Mueller describes as tied to Russian intelligence) my sources disputed this citing his many ties to western intelligence. He was on the faculty at “Link University” in Rome (a known host of CIA-sponsored seminars), and he worked with the same London Institute for Law and International Practice that hired Papadopoulos. This entity has as a director the FBI liason at the US embassy in London and close ties with another somewhat academic entity known as the Global Center for Security Studies involved in counter-terrorism seminars. Zainab Ahmad, a former Deputy US Attorney in New York, who was on Mueller’s team, is a consultant for that Global Center. Mueller misrepresents facts when he describes Mifsud. Plus we’ve got this “honeypot”, apparently a CIA agent deployed as Mifsud’s research assistant to oversee the entrapment effort.

My sources are primarily academic, I’m a professor of International Relations and maintain contacts with faculty at several universities in Spain, Mexico and the US. One of the universities in Mexico where I taught was previously used by the CIA for seminars similar to those described at Link University. When Mifsud disappeared (he’s in Rome now), I read many reports on the incongruous claim he had ties to Russian intelligence, and since we are in the same field checked with colleagues. One of them knows Mifsud personally and assured me if he was a Russian spy he seriously compromised the highest levels of British intelligence. That London Center of International Law Practice is heavily involved in western counter terrorism efforts which involve close ties with highly placed intelligence figures.

The NYT on that “honeypot”: F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016 - The New York Times
Devin Nunes is seeking information to expose the omissions in the Mueller report concerning Joseph Mifsud and his dealings with US government. I think this will be the straw that breaks the Russian Hoax open.

Getting real for deep state actors that couldn't take Trump out...AG Bill Barr seems like he can handle any "no holds barred fight"....

Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud

We've known this about Mifsud for a long time. The only reason nobody...say, like Nunes...has done anything about this guy is because of the Mueller investigation. That investigation stopped official questions about a lot of people. But now that the Mueller investigation is over, there's nothing stopping the facts from coming out.

Besides the truth being revealed about the Obama administration operation against Trump and various people associated with him, the facts that are being revealed are going to show that the Mueller investigation, itself, was a witch hunt. I mean, that's the only thing you can call it when Mueller's own report shows that he ignored facts about Mifsud, Downer, Halper and various other people...including at least 3 honey-pots. Oh...and one of those honey-pots was used by Mueller, himself.

The Dems and the Trump haters are going to find every single one of their carefully constructed narratives against Trump disappearing like a puff of smoke...and Mueller might have to get himself a lawyer when he is called to testify to a special counsel.
We've known this about Mifsud for a long time. The only reason nobody...say, like Nunes...has done anything about this guy is because of the Mueller investigation. That investigation stopped official questions about a lot of people. But now that the Mueller investigation is over, there's nothing stopping the facts from coming out.

Besides the truth being revealed about the Obama administration operation against Trump and various people associated with him, the facts that are being revealed are going to show that the Mueller investigation, itself, was a witch hunt. I mean, that's the only thing you can call it when Mueller's own report shows that he ignored facts about Mifsud, Downer, Halper and various other people...including at least 3 honey-pots. Oh...and one of those honey-pots was used by Mueller, himself.

The Dems and the Trump haters are going to find every single one of their carefully constructed narratives against Trump disappearing like a puff of smoke...and Mueller might have to get himself a lawyer when he is called to testify to a special counsel.

agree 100%

If I was betting man....Mueller will not testify anywhere anytime. I hope I'm wrong
agree 100%

If I was betting man....Mueller will not testify anywhere anytime. I hope I'm wrong

Oh, I think Mueller will talk to the House Dems, but I don't think he'll give them anything more than a few sound bites the media can use against Trump, but let's face it...that's all the House Dems want. Sound bites.
Oh, I think Mueller will talk to the House Dems, but I don't think he'll give them anything more than a few sound bites the media can use against Trump, but let's face it...that's all the House Dems want. Sound bites.

Its not the Dems Mueller fears.
Its not the Dems Mueller fears.

They are the only ones he could possibly avoid talking to. If he's called in to talk to a special counsel who has subpoena and grand jury powers, he'll have to talk.
agree 100%

If I was betting man....Mueller will not testify anywhere anytime. I hope I'm wrong

I believe a closed door session will be the only appearance he makes and even that is a big maybe.
I expect Mueller will confirm the accuracy of Barr’s description of that phone call when Mueller denied any inaccuracy in Barr’s summary of Mueller’s findings. They’ll likely then focus on the views of others in Mueller’s team, how they perceived Barr’s summary. Perhaps they’ll question Mueller on his decision not to recommend prosecution for obstruction, and here it gets trickier.

If Mueller indicates he deferred because DoJ policy precludes indictment of a sitting President and suggests that this is Congress’ job through impeachment, then they may have to undertake the process despite Pelosi’s misgivings. If Democrats had a strong case, they might figure it will look good for them to expose all the evidence of obstruction convincingly showing Trump’s guilt -only to have partisan Republicans in the Senate betray the nation by not convicting Trump.

Once the Presidential prerogatives in Article 2 are removed, if they can overcome the problem with the absence of an underlying crime or any requisite proceeding, after the lack of evidence Trump had much influence or impeded Muller’s work, unless they can prove Trump’s intent, it doesn’t look like a winner to me. If there’s much delay they’ll also need to contend with the increasing revelations about improper motives and conduct by the intelligence community as they deployed resources investigating an opposing political candidate.
This is clearly going full CT. There's a section in the forum for this sort of thing. All about Deep State actors, or the Lizard people, plotting to take Trump out.

I think that's where you should be posting this.

And welcome to DP. :)

Says the guy who bought the collusion CT hook, line and sinker.
This is clearly going full CT. There's a section in the forum for this sort of thing. All about Deep State actors, or the Lizard people, plotting to take Trump out.

I think that's where you should be posting this.

And welcome to DP. :)

whats more likely CT....

1) Trump is Russian agent

2) FBI/CIA entrapped Trump campaign
Devin Nunes is seeking information to expose the omissions in the Mueller report concerning Joseph Mifsud and his dealings with US government. I think this will be the straw that breaks the Russian Hoax open.

Getting real for deep state actors that couldn't take Trump out...AG Bill Barr seems like he can handle any "no holds barred fight"....

Devin Nunes asks CIA, FBI, NSA, and State Department for docs on Joseph Mifsud

I thought there was no russian hox???? Wasn't the Mueller report enough?
"They can't even tell us who Joseph Mifsud is," he told host Maria Bartiromo, adding, "We believe he has ties to the State Department." He noted how in 2017 Mifsud attended an event at the U.S. Capitol hosted by Global Ties U.S., a nonprofit group that partners with the State Department and featured ambassadors and U.S. congressmen at the event.

Nunes' letter also photographs of Mifsud in close proximity to Western officials at events hosted by Rome-based Link University Campus, where Mifsud taught.

Devin Nunes: Clinton 'dirt' tipster Joseph Mifsud has ties to State Department

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