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Bucking NDA, ex-Fox News reporter plans to tell Congress about outlet's role in Trump hush money sto (1 Viewer)

You should tell that to the people who describe any opposition to Trump as "hatred". Because according to your fellow Trump Fans, any of us - even lifelong Republicans like me - "hate" the man because we oppose him. You're the first one yet who seems to understand you can't attribute strong emotions to someone you don't know.

Everyone who knew Trump knew he was a pig. Everyone knew he was probably bribing his scores into silence. But this, if true, is not good for Fox. You would agree with that I assume? Did you like it when CNN was covering for the Clintons? I didn't. And because I'm no hypocrite, I'll call Fox out when they do it, if they did it here. Time will tell.

Hey Tres,
I'm already on record as conceding that Trump's a pig, or at least has been in his past with women. That he gets into pointless, needless, and disadvantaging Twitter slap fights. That I wish he could turn a phrase as elegantly as Regan seemingly always did.

I don't know what you are referring to with CNN coverage of the Clinton's, so I'll not speak to that.

For quite some time now, at least the last year to 18 months, I've observed, and objected to, the gaslighting that the Democrats and their 'news' (political propaganda) media have been doing WRT to this Russian collusion narrative they've been pushing (and others), especially now as it's completely collapsed. So now, they pivot onto something else, ignoring their gaslighting, only to gaslight some more on something else. Such is their irrational hate and TDS affliction.

There's a difference in legitimately criticizing something on grounds, and the irrational TDS, where everything Trump does is always bad, proven by the what is it? 97% negative news coverage? (couldn't hit that mark even if you tried on purpose). So this appears to be the unthinking and indiscriminate position that many have adopted, most often based on terribly distorted fragments of quotes taken terribly out of context.

What everyone keeps missing, is that inherently Americans love an underdog.
[h=2][/h][h=1]Bucking NDA, ex-Fox News reporter plans to tell Congress about outlet's role in Trump hush money story[/h]Bucking NDA, ex-Fox News reporter plans to tell Congress about outlet's role in Trump hush money story

House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings asked reporter Diana Falzone to talk with investigators and provide documents.

A former Fox News employee plans to tell Congress about allegations that the outlet tried to stop her from reporting on the Stormy Daniels controversy during the 2016 election, citing an exception to a nondisclosure agreement she signed.

On Thursday, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings formally requested that the reporter, Diana Falzone, talk with committee investigators and provide documents related to her attempts to report on Daniels’ allegations that Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former longtime lawyer, paid her hush money after an alleged affair with Trump in 2006.


How much of an effect on the election the withholding of information regarding hush money payments may never be known. But the fact that Fox News knew it would do some damage to Trump's chances of being elected was obviously politically motivated. Fox wanted to help Trump win at any cost. It's the responsibility of democratic journalism to report facts. This isn't Russia where the press is just an arm of Putin, this is still America with a free press. Let's hope it remains that way.

Serious question I've been pondering lately.

These NDA's, when they protect crimes, are they still applicable?
And if so, why?
Serious question I've been pondering lately.

These NDA's, when they protect crimes, are they still applicable?
And if so, why?

Various legal authorities and courts have found contracts to be void in the following circumstances:
1. Crime
2. Torts
3. Public safety
4. Public Health
5. Matters of substantial public concern
Hey Tres,
I'm already on record as conceding that Trump's a pig, or at least has been in his past with women. That he gets into pointless, needless, and disadvantaging Twitter slap fights. That I wish he could turn a phrase as elegantly as Regan seemingly always did.

I don't know what you are referring to with CNN coverage of the Clinton's, so I'll not speak to that.

For quite some time now, at least the last year to 18 months, I've observed, and objected to, the gaslighting that the Democrats and their 'news' (political propaganda) media have been doing WRT to this Russian collusion narrative they've been pushing (and others), especially now as it's completely collapsed. So now, they pivot onto something else, ignoring their gaslighting, only to gaslight some more on something else. Such is their irrational hate and TDS affliction.

There's a difference in legitimately criticizing something on grounds, and the irrational TDS, where everything Trump does is always bad, proven by the what is it? 97% negative news coverage? (couldn't hit that mark even if you tried on purpose). So this appears to be the unthinking and indiscriminate position that many have adopted, most often based on terribly distorted fragments of quotes taken terribly out of context.

What everyone keeps missing, is that inherently Americans love an underdog.

So you don't think CNN covered for the Clintons? Again that makes you an anomaly amongst Trump supporters.

Trump bad is not "TDS". It's called "opposition to the man and his bad ideas, and his unPresidential way of acting and behaving". You guys overuse that dumb TDS thing. It's childish and churlish.

The Democrats have every reason to oppose Trump. I've been a Republican much longer than Trump has, and i oppose I'm. That isn't a disease. That's using my head.
The story is whether a story about Trump was spiked.

I wouldnt consider declining to put out a story claiming Stormy had an affair with Trump when Stormy was on TV telling everyone she did not, to be a "spike"
Various legal authorities and courts have found contracts to be void in the following circumstances:
1. Crime
2. Torts
3. Public safety
4. Public Health
5. Matters of substantial public concern
That's on a case-by-case basis, though...right?
I wouldnt consider declining to put out a story claiming Stormy had an affair with Trump when Stormy was on TV telling everyone she did not, to be a "spike"

Then it should be a short lived story.
So you don't think CNN covered for the Clintons? Again that makes you an anomaly amongst Trump supporters.

Aww hell, the nearly all the 'news' (political propaganda) media covers for Democrats, or spins to pro-Demcorat, or refuses to run stories that put Democrats in a bad light, or most dishonest of all, when they do report a Democrat in a bad light, they just simply forget to tell you that it was Democrat, but the same situation for a Republican, it out front in the crawler, in the text, and in the voice over.

Trump bad is not "TDS". It's called "opposition to the man and his bad ideas, and his unPresidential way of acting and behaving". You guys overuse that dumb TDS thing. It's childish and churlish.

Bad ideas? Well, here's one. The tax cuts.
Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade
  • Wages and salaries rose 3.1 percent in the third quarter, the biggest increase in a decade, according to the Labor Department.
  • Overall compensation costs were up 2.8 percent, ahead of Wall Street expectations.
  • Wages have been the missing piece in the economic recovery, though the Fed has been raising rates to guard against future inflationary pressures.

Wages and salaries rose 0.9 percent, well ahead of expectations for 0.5 percent. Benefit costs were up 0.4 percent.

On a yearly basis, wages and salaries jumped 3.1 percent, the biggest increase in 10 years.
Wage increases have been the missing link in the economy since the recovery began in mid-2008. Average hourly earnings have been rising steadily but have stayed below the 3 percent level as slack has remained in the labor market.
However the unemployment rate is now at 3.7 percent, the lowest since 1969, and wage pressures have begun to build. The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates in an effort to stave off future inflationary pressures, though the central bank's preferred gauge of inflation rose just 2.5 percent in the third quarter, including a 1.9 percent increase for health benefits.

"The employment cost index data adds to the broader evidence that wage growth has continued to trend gradually higher over recent quarters," Michael Pearce, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics, said in a note. "And with labor market conditions still tightening, we expect wage growth will accelerate further from here."

Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade

And what does the gaslighting media tell you?

In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation - The ...
Aug 10, 2018 - Cost of living was up 2.9 percent from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor ... The average U.S. “real wage,” a federal measure of pay that takes ...

Feeling poorer? That's because "real" wages fell last year - CBS News
› MoneyWatch › Work[/URL]
Jan 9, 2019 - The dip in real wages also is notable as it came during a year when corporations got generous breaks thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Despite wage growth, the average American suffers as ... - MarketWatch
› Personal Finance[/URL]
Jan 20, 2019 - Even if the economy is on a roll, many Americans aren't feeling the benefit. Real wageseffectively declined in 2018, according to figures ...

Yeah, so keep believing the gaslighters, if you must.

However, I'll grant you that not every one of his ideas as the greatest. Thanks goodness he listens to his advisors, who bend him away from acting overly in haste, take the Syrian withdraw, that kinda just went away, or so it seems.

The Democrats have every reason to oppose Trump. I've been a Republican much longer than Trump has, and i oppose I'm. That isn't a disease. That's using my head.

If you are wishing Obama's 'New Normal' piss poor economy back, I suppose so.
Aww hell, the nearly all the 'news' (political propaganda) media covers for Democrats, or spins to pro-Demcorat, or refuses to run stories that put Democrats in a bad light, or most dishonest of all, when they do report a Democrat in a bad light, they just simply forget to tell you that it was Democrat, but the same situation for a Republican, it out front in the crawler, in the text, and in the voice over.

Bad ideas? Well, here's one. The tax cuts.

And what does the gaslighting media tell you?

In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation - The ...
Aug 10, 2018 - Cost of living was up 2.9 percent from July 2017 to July 2018, the Labor ... The average U.S. “real wage,” a federal measure of pay that takes ...

Feeling poorer? That's because "real" wages fell last year - CBS News
› MoneyWatch › Work[/URL]
Jan 9, 2019 - The dip in real wages also is notable as it came during a year when corporations got generous breaks thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Despite wage growth, the average American suffers as ... - MarketWatch
› Personal Finance[/URL]
Jan 20, 2019 - Even if the economy is on a roll, many Americans aren't feeling the benefit. Real wageseffectively declined in 2018, according to figures ...

Yeah, so keep believing the gaslighters, if you must.

However, I'll grant you that not every one of his ideas as the greatest. Thanks goodness he listens to his advisors, who bend him away from acting overly in haste, take the Syrian withdraw, that kinda just went away, or so it seems.

If you are wishing Obama's 'New Normal' piss poor economy back, I suppose so.

What is this wall of nonsense you posted? And how did you end up with "Obama", considering I didn't vote for him - twice?

If you needed a lifelong liberal reality TV game show host pervert to turn your wallet around, then you have bigger problems than I ever could. "Gaslighters"? I'm not an idiot ring winger anymore. I think for myself, and don't listen to what others tell me.

The tax cuts benefitted the wealthy and profitable corporations. If you don't know that, I have no idea what to tell you. Nor do I want to try. The brainwashing of the Trump Republicans has rivaled that of Jim Jones supporters.

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