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Ex-Stormy Daniels lawyer says Fox News had 'factually specific' details of alleged affair with Trump (1 Viewer)

It must be wonderful to live in a world inside your head in which you know more than FBI prosecutors.

I guess,

I mean i live in a world where FBI doesn't have prosecutors.
It must be wonderful to live in a world inside your head in which you know more than FBI prosecutors.

No such thing as FBI prosecutors AND no one in the FBI has alleged the President committed a crime.
No such thing as FBI prosecutors AND no one in the FBI has alleged the President committed a crime.

It appears that these four attorneys didn't get the same memo you got. They believe they're part of Mueller's team of prosecutors. (silly them)

It appears that these four attorneys didn't get the same memo you got. They believe they're part of Mueller's team of prosecutors. (silly them)


And what crime have they alleged the President has committed??
And what crime have they alleged the President has committed??

Oh No -no - no. I will NOT allow you to deflect from your lies and games. You have been PROVEN to be a liar.

You and Dixon both spit out lies and ignorance. I'm not having any of that and when you lie, you will get called out.

Dixon01767: "No such thing as FBI prosecutors AND no one in the FBI has alleged the President committed a crime." '

Sjmay: "I mean i live in a world where FBI doesn't have prosecutors."
Oh No -no - no. I will NOT allow you to deflect from your lies and games. You have been PROVEN to be a liar.

You and Dixon both spit out lies and ignorance. I'm not having any of that and when you lie, you will get called out.

Dixon01767: "No such thing as FBI prosecutors AND no one in the FBI has alleged the President committed a crime." '

Sjmay: "I mean i live in a world where FBI doesn't have prosecutors."

FBI does not have prosecutors.... you realize that right?

You realize that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are TWO different entities?

And again, what crimes have the FBI alleged the President committed......

You said they alleged crimes were committed....ok..fine...what crimes?
[h=1]Ex-Stormy Daniels lawyer says Fox News had 'factually specific' details of alleged affair with Trump[/h]
Ex-Stormy Daniels lawyer says Fox News had 'factually specific' details of alleged affair with Trump | TheHill

A former lawyer for Stormy Daniels said Monday that a Fox News reporter obtained "factually specific" information about an alleged affair between the adult-film star and President Trump before the 2016 presidential election.

I can tell you that Diana Falzone, who is a New York-based Fox reporter, had the story, Keith Davidson, who negotiated a deal in which Daniels received $130,000, told ABC News.

I don't know how she got it, but I do know that I received a comment call from Diana Falzone that was factually specific ... the day or two after 'Access Hollywood,' Davidson added, referring to a tape of Trump making lewd comments about women that was released about a month before the 2016 election.

Davidson said he declined to comment for Falzone's story, adding that he wasn't aware why the news network never ran a report on the alleged affair.


Why would it matter if Fox Network knew about the Stormy Daniels hush money payments and buried the story? It matters a whole lot and here's why. Rupert Murdoch wanted Trump to win and he intentionally killed the story. Former Fox News reporter, Diana Falzone, is bound legally by and NDA agreement with Fox unless it is nullified by the courts or until she gets a subpoena to testify to this fact. This would lead to questions as to whether Fox News is a legitimate news organization or was it clearly a campaign arm of Donald Trump and whether killing this story could be considered an illegal campaign contribution. Trump won the electoral college by 78,000 votes. Would 78,000 Evangelicals vote for him if they knew about these affairs and hush money payoffs for a porn star before the election?

Only FOX would be given the story? That doesn't sound strange to you?

I mean, it's not like if elements of, say, the FBI would want to get someone elected they would naturally be better at keeping damaging info quiet ... for awhile anyway.
FBI does not have prosecutors.... you realize that right?

You realize that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are TWO different entities?

And again, what crimes have the FBI alleged the President committed......

You said they alleged crimes were committed....ok..fine...what crimes?

This is everything I'll ever comment to you again. From now on when I feel like spinning in circles, I'll take a ride on a carousel instead. You aren't getting one more minute of my time.

This is everything I'll ever comment to you again. From now on when I feel like spinning in circles, I'll take a ride on a carousel instead. You aren't getting one more minute of my time.


So because you didn't realize that FBI does not have prosecutors, it's someone else's fault....my how that is part for the course these days.....gone are personal responsibility.
It appears that these four attorneys didn't get the same memo you got. They believe they're part of Mueller's team of prosecutors. (silly them)


Silly, they arent FBI they are Muellars prosecutors. And they havent allege the President comitted a crime.
Oh No -no - no. I will NOT allow you to deflect from your lies and games. You have been PROVEN to be a liar.

You and Dixon both spit out lies and ignorance. I'm not having any of that and when you lie, you will get called out.

Dixon01767: "No such thing as FBI prosecutors AND no one in the FBI has alleged the President committed a crime." '

Sjmay: "I mean i live in a world where FBI doesn't have prosecutors."

No, we are not liars. It just seems that way to the pathetically uninformed.
FBI does not have prosecutors.... you realize that right?

You realize that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are TWO different entities?

And again, what crimes have the FBI alleged the President committed......

You said they alleged crimes were committed....ok..fine...what crimes?

Always amusing to see people who have developed such strong opinions regarding matters they know nothing about. Pawns of the media that can be lead to believe whatever they want them to believe.

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