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Mueller's next big reveal (1 Viewer)

This is what Cohen gets for being Trump's attorney, not Hillary's.

Oh by the way, Obama did the same sort of crap during both of his Presidential runs. No, it wasn't hush money to strippers. It was, however, all sorts of other nefarious political spending to influence an election, all of which is illegal and which he got caught doing. We know this for a fact because the FEC came after him and a huge fine was levied, which was paid, meaning he admitted it. Roughly $2 million dollars worth in Obama's case.

Did he get indicted, or did anyone else get indicted? No.

Then there's Clinton. Remember the Chinese bundlers? Very illegal. Dateline 1996. Well north of $100 million was involved, which makes Cohen look like a piker. There was an arrest there, of a Chinese national. There was never anyone in the actual Clinton Administration, including of course the beneficiary of same, one Bill Clinton, who was indicted or imprisoned.

Yet Cohen is going to the big house. For sure.
Keep dreaming....Hillary is doing just fine...Laughing daily at trump and his gang of goons being indicted.....She will laugh more when trump is next...Lock him up!

Democrats may eventually have their way with Trump the same as Lenin has his way with the Czar. I hate to see what democrats are doing to the elected President of the United States of America and to the Constitution and traditions Americans have held sacred for hundreds of years.
I seem to remember Donald Whats-his-name saying: "I am going to prosecute Hillary."

In fact, Trump told White House attorneys he wanted the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton and former FBI director James B. Comey. However, the former White House counsel Donald F. McGahn rebuffed the request, saying there was no basis for a prosecution and that doing so would be abusing his power. You see, in banana republics winners of elections prosecute and jail their enemies. That is what separates civilized democracies from ruthless dictatorships. However, there is no doubt Trump craves dictatorial powers and wants to use the government as his personal tool to launch vendettas.

Trump did not realize how deep the democrat deep state was in the Justice Department. America is still reeling from that widespread corruption and seditious ideology in high paces in the government.
Conservatism is Christian in America? Who knew? I guess you leave no room for Jewish or atheist conservatives.

In any case, the people who are anti-American are the people that you support. Remember this guy?

Now, Flynn, who was facing jail-time, has given 'substantial assistance' to the special counsel and is being recommended to not serve any time.

Crooked prosecutors and crooked judges for centuries have jailed innocent people for evil purposes. Welcome to earth.
I wonder what Christ would think of your attitude towards your fellow Americans? Is that what Christ teaches? I can tell you he doesn’t, because I’m a lifelong Christian... for someone talking about “mobs of legal and illegal democrats” there’s no way you are a follower of Christ. You are aware that many democrats are Christians as well, right?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Are you telling me I cannot be a Christian because I have views contrary to yours? I never said you are not saved. Who is the intolerant one in this?
Trump did not realize how deep the democrat deep state was in the Justice Department. America is still reeling from that widespread corruption and seditious ideology in high paces in the government.
Ah yes, the all-powerful "deep state" that somehow allowed Trump to become president. If there really was a deep state, Air force One would have had a mysterious accident by now.

The levels that you people go to delude yourselves. The evidence is clear: President Trump, the candidate, personally directed an illegal scheme to manipulate the 2016 election and whose advisers had more contact with Russia than Mr. Trump has ever acknowledged. In the narrative that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and New York prosecutors are building, Mr. Trump continued to secretly seek to do business in Russia deep into his presidential campaign even as Russian agents made more efforts to influence him. At the same time, in this account he ordered hush payments to two women to suppress stories of impropriety in violation of campaign finance law. The prosecutors made clear in a sentencing memo filed on Friday that they viewed efforts by Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, to squelch the stories as nothing less than a perversion of a democratic election -- and by extension they effectively accused the president of defrauding voters, questioning the legitimacy of his victory.

Yet, we have cult members that can't digest easy facts that point to the most corrupt administration in American history. Instead, they imagine a paranoid fantasy where there is a "deep state" out to get poor, helpless Mr. Trump.
Ah yes, the all-powerful "deep state" that somehow allowed Trump to become president. If there really was a deep state, Air force One would have had a mysterious accident by now.

The levels that you people go to delude yourselves. The evidence is clear: President Trump, the candidate, personally directed an illegal scheme to manipulate the 2016 election and whose advisers had more contact with Russia than Mr. Trump has ever acknowledged. In the narrative that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and New York prosecutors are building, Mr. Trump continued to secretly seek to do business in Russia deep into his presidential campaign even as Russian agents made more efforts to influence him. At the same time, in this account he ordered hush payments to two women to suppress stories of impropriety in violation of campaign finance law. The prosecutors made clear in a sentencing memo filed on Friday that they viewed efforts by Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, to squelch the stories as nothing less than a perversion of a democratic election -- and by extension they effectively accused the president of defrauding voters, questioning the legitimacy of his victory.

Yet, we have cult members that can't digest easy facts that point to the most corrupt administration in American history. Instead, they imagine a paranoid fantasy where there is a "deep state" out to get poor, helpless Mr. Trump.

The make-believe democrat conspiracy theory: Trump is the one who stole the emails from the DNC, not Seth Rich, and Trump gave the emails to the Russians to give to Assange so Trump's advisers could ask Assange to let them get a look at them. Never mind the horrible things about the DNC that were revealed by their own emails.
The make-believe democrat conspiracy theory: Trump is the one who stole the emails from the DNC, not Seth Rich, and Trump gave the emails to the Russians to give to Assange so Trump's advisers could ask Assange to let them get a look at them. Never mind the horrible things about the DNC that were revealed by their own emails.
According to information available, the Russians, either through Wikileaks or using the Russian intelligence agencies, hacked the DNC and provided info to Trump, while also launching their own disinformation campaign. According to Michael Cohen, Trump was complicit.

I don’t know why you question the available evidence, besides blind partisanship and faith in someone undeserving of faith.
ACA needs replaced with something better that actually addresses the issues within the system currently rather than just subsidizing a broken system.

That is the problem with liberalism as it requires someone else to pay for another's personal responsibility issues. This should be a state and local issue not a federal one. Medicare for all isn't the answer as it drives out incentive for the private sector and will cause those private insurance plans to be cancelled. No business is going to offer private insurance when forced to pay for a federal program.
I linked factual data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

You're assuming most jobs created by Obama were either lost or part time, and that most jobs created by Trump were full time. Show me the total figures of full time jobs made by both, as the point you are making is riddled with missing citation. Two numbers. Then do the same for Blacks.

Oh and you keep avoiding my first argument with you. The Tarriffs did hurt people.

See there you go again totally ignoring the data I posted. The employment numbers INCLUDE part time for economic reasons meaning people who wanted jobs but couldn't find them. Part time jobs were created

Let's see if you finally get it, when the recession started there were 146 million employed with 4.8 million employed part time for economic reasons, January 2008

January 2009 there were 142 million employed with 8 million part time for economic reasons

Obama stimulus for shovel ready jobs was passed and signed by mid February 2009, Employment went down to 138 million including 9 million part time jobs for economic reasons.

A lost job that returns isn't a job created but when they did get back to 146 million in 2014 there were 7.4 million of those 146 million employed part time for economic reasons.

The entire Obama term's actual job creation was part time for economic reason jobs and that is the context you want to ignore. When he left office in January 2017 there were 152 million employed of which 5.8 million were part time employees. Today that number is 156.7 million with 4.8 million part time for economic reasons.

let's see if you get it yet?
I linked factual data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics.

You're assuming most jobs created by Obama were either lost or part time, and that most jobs created by Trump were full time. Show me the total figures of full time jobs made by both, as the point you are making is riddled with missing citation. Two numbers. Then do the same for Blacks.

Oh and you keep avoiding my first argument with you. The Tarriffs did hurt people.

Oh, by the way tariffs are another liberal argument with most not even in effect yet so where are the numbers showing that they have hurt people?
No crimes? you are blinded by the ideology where everyone else is at fault but your own ideology. Obama's corruption was totally and completely ignored


The pachyderms held the House & Senate for the last two years of Obama's term. I would think they would have nailed him if they had the goods. They were laser focused on destroying him.

Are you suggesting they were that incompetent?
Says who? Says the letter appointing the Special Counsel.

The actual letter undercuts every assertion that you made in your post.

Gee that's fantastically Odd.Even surreal.Not one mention of the Word " COLLUSION ".
Yet that was the actual Crux of the entire reason for creating a Special Counsel.
Talk about being disingenuous.Or being deceitful.We know that Rod Rosenstein Hid and refused
to disclose his August 2nd 2017 letter to Mueller outlining the specific authority of his investigation.
It took until April 2018 and a Court Pleading for either Mueller or Rosenstein to disclose that letter.
See there you go again totally ignoring the data I posted. The employment numbers INCLUDE part time for economic reasons meaning people who wanted jobs but couldn't find them. Part time jobs were created

Let's see if you finally get it, when the recession started there were 146 million employed with 4.8 million employed part time for economic reasons, January 2008

January 2009 there were 142 million employed with 8 million part time for economic reasons

Obama stimulus for shovel ready jobs was passed and signed by mid February 2009, Employment went down to 138 million including 9 million part time jobs for economic reasons.

A lost job that returns isn't a job created but when they did get back to 146 million in 2014 there were 7.4 million of those 146 million employed part time for economic reasons.

The entire Obama term's actual job creation was part time for economic reason jobs and that is the context you want to ignore. When he left office in January 2017 there were 152 million employed of which 5.8 million were part time employees. Today that number is 156.7 million with 4.8 million part time for economic reasons.

let's see if you get it yet?

PLus and this is a big point,Obama sneakily used that Stimulus bill { from $787 Billion to $862 Billion }
to shore up blue states and keep from firing Government and Teachers union employees.That Stimulus
was by the 4th quarter of 2009 used less than 10 % of the amount in the bill.
Obama also hired a lot of new Government employees.And openly handed out freebies and
bonuses and promotions associated with Government employees.That is also what he did with his
Agencies.That is how he created a Deep State.That is how and why Lois Lerner who pled the
5th was not actually fired but Retired.She is collecting her pension and benefits.
Obama was The Most Sneaky and Dastardly unfair President in our History.Surpassing even
Woodrow Wilson.BTW ... Rush Limbaugh is spot-on correct.
Barack Obama WAS a Walking Scandal.History will have little choice but to write about it.
The pachyderms held the House & Senate for the last two years of Obama's term. I would think they would have nailed him if they had the goods. They were laser focused on destroying him.

Are you suggesting they were that incompetent?

The corruption currently being shown by the DOJ in the Obama Administration seems to indicate they were as much to blame as the establishment Republicans. You see this isn't a D or an R issue this is a problem in this country today. Does it really matter if it is a D or an R when corruption takes place?
No, he ran a clean staff, you are just butthurt.

Good thing I don't report personal attacks. It truly is a shame that you are so loyal that you cannot see the forest for the trees. "Your" President was a community agitator who was incompetent in the position yet receives support from people like you who totally ignore his actions because of the D after his name. Rather sad to see such loyalty and failure to recognize corruption and incompetence.
PLus and this is a big point,Obama sneakily used that Stimulus bill { from $787 Billion to $862 Billion }
to shore up blue states and keep from firing Government and Teachers union employees.That Stimulus
was by the 4th quarter of 2009 used less than 10 % of the amount in the bill.
Obama also hired a lot of new Government employees.And openly handed out freebies and
bonuses and promotions associated with Government employees.That is also what he did with his
Agencies.That is how he created a Deep State.That is how and why Lois Lerner who pled the
5th was not actually fired but Retired.She is collecting her pension and benefits.
Obama was The Most Sneaky and Dastardly unfair President in our History.Surpassing even
Woodrow Wilson.BTW ... Rush Limbaugh is spot-on correct.
Barack Obama WAS a Walking Scandal.History will have little choice but to write about it.

Exactly the points but the left will do what they always do, ignore them and divert from them to attack a sitting President ignoring the results being generated.

There is a handbook for radicals and this forum is full of them using that handbook. No matter what evidence you post, what results are posted nothing will get them off message and nothing will ever change their minds
No, he ran a clean staff, you are just butthurt.

Eric Holder was The Only Active cabinet member in American History to be
found guilty of Contempt of Congress.James Comey will go down as one of the Most
disreputable Liars and dishonest FBI Directors in American History.
Comey is the one facing Jail time ... Not President Trump.
Little Adam Schiff can schitt in his pants all he wants over that.
PLus and this is a big point,Obama sneakily used that Stimulus bill { from $787 Billion to $862 Billion }
to shore up blue states and keep from firing Government and Teachers union employees.That Stimulus
was by the 4th quarter of 2009 used less than 10 % of the amount in the bill.
Obama also hired a lot of new Government employees.And openly handed out freebies and
bonuses and promotions associated with Government employees.That is also what he did with his
Agencies.That is how he created a Deep State.That is how and why Lois Lerner who pled the
5th was not actually fired but Retired.She is collecting her pension and benefits.
Obama was The Most Sneaky and Dastardly unfair President in our History.Surpassing even
Woodrow Wilson.BTW ... Rush Limbaugh is spot-on correct.
Barack Obama WAS a Walking Scandal.History will have little choice but to write about it.

Rush Limbaugh is/was a five star Oxycontin abuser who also had one of his hired help go doctor shopping to feed his opioid abuse/addiction which he has publicly acknowledged.. ( fact )
You have to realize the left is full of arrogant, power hungry individuals who never can admit being wrong on any subject or being rejected at the polls so they will distort, lie, cheat, steal, manufacture votes to keep people dependent and them in power. When you look up arrogance in the dictionary you see pictures of radicals many of whom are in this forum

I'm planning a 'stop the Mueller investigation now' thread. Will be coming soon.
Exactly the points but the left will do what they always do, ignore them and divert from them to attack a sitting President ignoring the results being generated.

There is a handbook for radicals and this forum is full of them using that handbook. No matter what evidence you post, what results are posted nothing will get them off message and nothing will ever change their minds

I am quite familiar with how many and varied Message Board posters have been taught and
espouse leftists norms like - Rules for Radicals - and even stuff taught at Columbia like
Cloward & Piven strategy.That was what Obama did.He purposedly overwhelmed our Country
into massive debt as spelled out in - Cloward & Piven -.Obama averaged in his first term Over $ 1.2 Trillion
annual Budget deficits.Bush 43 had a Budget Deficit of $ 161 Billion in 2007.Honorable guys
like Rob Portman { then budget director and Senator } is not a deceiving liar.
Obama manages to fulfill his Secretive and near stealth goal of dwindling down our Middle Class.
In Marxism,as taught at Columbia U. There is No Middle Class.
Under Obama by 2013 it became official.The American Middle Class was for the first time
in our History classified as IN DECLINE.
That is what Rush Limbaugh was referring to when he used those 4 words.
" I Hope He Fails ". But Obama didn't fail.He succeeded in Reducing and overwhelming our
Middle Class and way of life { American Dream } for many Americans.

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