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Robert De Niro's Trump comments at Tony Awards go viral (1 Viewer)

Calling an esteemed member of the TTT (Truth Tellers Tribe) a liar is none too bright.


Oh! I guess you have the super-secret power huh? Apparently, you don't like what I say, aww, too bad.

In the real world, anyways. here, I'll probably lose. Looks like this is Snowflakeville, USA.

The deck is stacked against me for being an American.

That's ok.

Just remember this:

You can fool some people some of the time

You can fool some people all of the time

But you cannot fool all the people all of the time.
Oh! I guess you have the super-secret power huh? Apparently, you don't like what I say, aww, too bad.

In the real world, anyways. here, I'll probably lose. Looks like this is Snowflakeville, USA.

The deck is stacked against me for being an American.

That's ok.

Just remember this:

You can fool some people some of the time

You can fool some people all of the time

But you cannot fool all the people all of the time.

The main problem with your argument is this: I am still here.

It looks to me like maybe you are not going to be.

You are going to have to miss my stories.

Oh! I guess you have the super-secret power huh? Apparently, you don't like what I say, aww, too bad.

In the real world, anyways. here, I'll probably lose. Looks like this is Snowflakeville, USA.

The deck is stacked against me for being an American.

That's ok.

Just remember this:

You can fool some people some of the time

You can fool some people all of the time

But you cannot fool all the people all of the time.

And you can't fool anyone with cheap-ass bull****.
Useless on De Niro's part, does nothing to help.

It becomes part of the record.

If humans are still here in 100 years and reading history, his comments will establish how many feel about him.
Broadway is not in Hollywood.

Tony, Oscar, I have never watched any of them. They are all the same to me. Actors being paid millions whether on stage or before the camera. As my grand pappy used to say, "Same difference."
You claimed it was Trump fans filed with potrage and that they are whinning about how this was going to help Trump in November. This thread that claims this will help Trump was not started by a trump fan. Makes your whole post irrelevant. It's really not that hard to follow.

You haven't posted on message boards much, have you? It explains your brain drain in this thread.

Yes, Trump fans are filled with poutrage (not potrage) and are whining (not whinning) about how this was going to help Trump in November. What does the OP have to do with anything? I didn't quote him when I posted - and in case you don't know how message boards work, we post what we want, and don't blindly obey an OP.

The two people who liked your post don't have any better track record on here than you do. Perhaps you need to pay attention to what's going on. We all know they don't.
You haven't posted on message boards much, have you? It explains your brain drain in this thread.

Yes, Trump fans are filled with poutrage (not potrage) and are whining (not whinning) about how this was going to help Trump in November. What does the OP have to do with anything? I didn't quote him when I posted - and in case you don't know how message boards work, we post what we want, and don't blindly obey an OP.

The two people who liked your post don't have any better track record on here than you do. Perhaps you need to pay attention to what's going on. We all know they don't.

So, you get to grade the track records of people on DP now Tres? :roll:

You are the one that has all the rage lately, or so it seems.
when we have jackasses like Peter Navarro saying stupid **** about our G-7 partners like, "there's a special place in Hell for Justin Trudeau" then it's way over due & acceptable for De Niro & everyone else to tell Don Cheeto to go hump a BigMac ..............

Did you & everyone else here forget already? Trump made this kind of **** acceptable, period.
Americans voted for the uncivil nature of America; they want this **** ............

America wants ****ty discourse .................

and DP members wonder why the **** I talk like I do on DP; FLOFL ........................... = Trump made it ****ing OK .............

How dare you get in the way of trump nations' self pity party declaring themselves the victims of poor discourse!
It doesnt hurt me in the least when liberals expose themselves for the intolerant haters that they are.
Some are like people in every other type of grouping, that however does not change anything about Trump, those who elected him and those who support him and my description is still valid. Moreover, that description has nothing to do with tolerance, so your diversion has not meaning.
You haven't posted on message boards much, have you? It explains your brain drain in this thread.

Yes, Trump fans are filled with poutrage (not potrage) and are whining (not whinning) about how this was going to help Trump in November. What does the OP have to do with anything? I didn't quote him when I posted - and in case you don't know how message boards work, we post what we want, and don't blindly obey an OP.

The two people who liked your post don't have any better track record on here than you do. Perhaps you need to pay attention to what's going on. We all know they don't.
OH look at you. You can throw insults and complain about my phone autocorrect spelling errors in an attempt to distract from how pathetic your little claim is.

The fact that you think the OP of this thread has nothing to do with this thread or your comments shows just how clueless you are. You are complaining about Trump fans doing the exact same thing the OP, who is most definitely not pro Trump, did and don't see the irony. Pathetic.

You are suffering from some severe TDS and it shows. Maybe you should just stick to insults and leave discussing actual topics to people not seperared from reality.

And if you think I care what so ever about what you think of my track record your are extremely mistaken. I don't normally care what people who are consumed by hate have to say about me.
There is in regards to people making insulting comments of people with whom they disagree in friendly settings. You brought up violent protestors which have nothing to do with my comparison.

I disagree. It's not the same when you have to run a gauntlet just to get into the event. No one was rushing Nero's stage or trying to mob his event under. Also no one standing up in the middle of the event to disrupt it, which also happened often at Trump rallies.
OH look at you. You can throw insults and complain about my phone autocorrect spelling errors in an attempt to distract from how pathetic your little claim is.

The fact that you think the OP of this thread has nothing to do with this thread or your comments shows just how clueless you are. You are complaining about Trump fans doing the exact same thing the OP, who is most definitely not pro Trump, did and don't see the irony. Pathetic.

You are suffering from some severe TDS and it shows. Maybe you should just stick to insults and leave discussing actual topics to people not seperared from reality.

And if you think I care what so ever about what you think of my track record your are extremely mistaken. I don't normally care what people who are consumed by hate have to say about me.

There seems to be something wrong with you, and I have no interest in finding out what it is. Take your anger elsewhere. I'm not interested in trolling posts.
I disagree. It's not the same when you have to run a gauntlet just to get into the event. No one was rushing Nero's stage or trying to mob his event under. Also no one standing up in the middle of the event to disrupt it, which also happened often at Trump rallies.

No, but not every Trump event featured people trying to mob it so pick one of those and use it as a comparison of people preaching to the choir.
No, but not every Trump event featured people trying to mob it so pick one of those and use it as a comparison of people preaching to the choir.

Cuz all the media, TV, Hollywood, colleges, ect…all the main voices of society are totally calling him out for doing such, right?
Cuz all the media, TV, Hollywood, colleges, ect…all the main voices of society are totally calling him out for doing such, right?

Not that I can tell. If I were a nominee for the most prestigious award in theater, I wouldn't appreciate the disruptive attention being paid to this rather than to the nominees and winners. Why didn't De Niro pay for a full-page ad in Variety to say what he did or just organize a little presser?
Not that I can tell. If I were a nominee for the most prestigious award in theater, I wouldn't appreciate the disruptive attention being paid to this rather than to the nominees and winners. Why didn't De Niro pay for a full-page ad in Variety to say what he did or just organize a little presser?

Because they all love the virtue signaling, completely oblivious that a significant portion of average Americans can't stand them and they dive them more towards Trump than away.
Because they all love the virtue signaling, completely oblivious that a significant portion of average Americans can't stand them and they dive them more towards Trump than away.

Reader responses to the Variety article on this weren't charitable, and the names of the Tony sponsors were offered. They include IBM, City National, Carnegie Mellon University, Nordstrom, Grant Thornton LLP, the Sofitel New York, People/Entertainment Weekly, and United Airlines.

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