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Trump privately presses for military to pay for border wall (1 Viewer)

Trump obviously considers the United States as his personal fiefdom where he can shuffle appropriated money around any way he likes.

I remember something about someone flying pallets of cash somewhere, do you remember that, those were the good ole days weren’t they, pallets of cash not just one.

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You have no chance of getting it done. Trump blew his opportunity

He controls our safety, Trump outsmarted the dems, he’s got 700 billion now to build that wall!

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Just to hammer the point home, this would be true HAD CONGRESS ACTUALLY PASSED A BUDGET! The omnibus is not a budget, it is an appropriations bill.

Oh my god! Praise the lord! Congress did something! (that is not sarcasm, I'm actually impressed congress did something, lol)
There is no ripping up of the Constitution. If the border is a national defense issue (it is), then Trump has full authority to have the military secure it.
Uhhhhhh no.

The border is managed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security. Immigration and border control is strictly a matter of law enforcement. Since Canada is not amassing tanks and infantry along our borders, there is no "national defense" aspect at all. Immigration is purely a matter of domestic policy.

This means that using the military in any way to protect the border, except in a time of war, is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

Further: The Constitution states, quite clearly: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law. So unless Congress explicitly passes a law saying that the President can use military appropriations for a border wall, using military funds to build a wall is not only a violation of federal law, it's a violation of the Constitution as well.

So yes, if these claims are true, then it's the raving of an incompetent authoritarian who does not understand the basics of US law or the US Constitution. I'd say that qualifies as metaphorically ripping up the supreme law of the land.
You could make the claim based on health. We've had hepatitis A breakouts, tuberculosis, and the like, and you can convincingly argue that much of it is due to illegal entries from the border.
Yes, because whenever there's an outbreak of measles at Disney World, we get the military involved. :roll:
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There is no ripping up of the Constitution. If the border is a national defense issue (it is), then Trump has full authority to have the military secure it.


We don't even need helicopters, jets and soldiers and such if we have a big wall.
The Lowered Bar argument. Not again.

Since Obama did it (anything) first that makes it all well and good for every president who follows. :roll:

No, it means that this is legal, and if Congress wants tighter controls over what the president does, then they should do their job and pass a budget.
Oh my god! Praise the lord! Congress did something! (that is not sarcasm, I'm actually impressed congress did something, lol)
Well there are bare minimums that have to get done.

Sometimes Congress can manage.
So yes, if these claims are true, then it's the raving of an incompetent authoritarian who does not understand the basics of US law or the US Constitution. I'd say that qualifies as metaphorically ripping up the supreme law of the land.

Now do Obama and how he got DACA to be "the law of the land." this should be good.
Uhhhhhh no.

The border is managed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security. Immigration and border control is strictly a matter of law enforcement. Since Canada is not amassing tanks and infantry along our borders, there is no "national defense" aspect at all. Immigration is purely a matter of domestic policy.

This means that using the military in any way to protect the border, except in a time of war, is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

Further: The Constitution states, quite clearly: No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law. So unless Congress explicitly passes a law saying that the President can use military appropriations for a border wall, using military funds to build a wall is not only a violation of federal law, it's a violation of the Constitution as well.

So yes, if these claims are true, then it's the raving of an incompetent authoritarian who does not understand the basics of US law or the US Constitution. I'd say that qualifies as metaphorically ripping up the supreme law of the land.

Not true. Both Presidents Bush and Obama both used the National Guard to aid Border Patrol.
Obama orders 1,200 Guard troops to border - US news - Security | NBC News
Now do Obama and how he got DACA to be "the law of the land." this should be good.
Congress delegated the power to prioritize deportations to the Executive Branch. If they don't like the results, tough ****. It's their job, and within their powers, to change immigration laws so the President can't prioritize deportations.

We should also remember that Obama did not wave his hand and grant citizenship to DACA participants. He didn't even give them residency. They got a deferral on deportation, and a renewable 2-year work permit.

And in terms of this ridiculousness: Obama did not take money from the military to provide services to DACA participants. That is the most direct comparison to what Trump is allegedly demanding.

Big if true! I've been hearing rumors about this since this past weekend, and this seems to confirm it. Now let's see if he will follow through on this approach.

What difference does it make?

As Mexico is responsible for paying for the wall, what budget of theirs they hit is of no concern to us. Mexico should feel free to tap into its military budget.... after all, the wall will help them defend themselves from US invasion. It is a good thing Mexico is paying for this as, from a US perspective, it accomplishes very little and thus would be a complete waste of our taxpayer monies.

Thank God Mexico is so generous.
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