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Man tricked ex into miscarriage with abortion-pill smoothie (1 Viewer)

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Why can't you answer the question?

Do you think that I can't answer the question? I am simply wondering how leaving a born baby is relevant to having an abortion...
Do you think that I can't answer the question? I am simply wondering how leaving a born baby is relevant to having an abortion...

I didn't compare it to abortion. I will answer your question when you answer mine.
I didn't compare it to abortion. I will answer your question when you answer mine.

I thought you did. My bad. No, a woman should not be allowed to walk away without informing people and even then she needs to follow adoption procedures or an org=phanage
But a man should be allowed to?

Your position would make all rights towards children going to the state by default. Sorry, but I do not support your position.
But a man should be allowed to?

Yeah, I thought so. That is why I asked how it relates to abortion. See, she can have an abortion if he wants out. That is the point. Done.
Your position would make all rights towards children going to the state by default. Sorry, but I do not support your position.

What makes you think you know what my position is?

Yeah, I thought so. That is why I asked how it relates to abortion. See, she can have an abortion if he wants out. That is the point. Done.

You didn't answer my question, it only required a yes or no answer.
You didn't answer my question, it only required a yes or no answer.

I did answer your question. It was in the post prior to this one. I think you just forgot.
Were legal actions taken against him?
I agree - but how would you feel if he was tricked into the pregnancy.

Suppose they had discussed, as a couple, that they wouldn't have children unless they were married and later in life and suppose she told him she was taking all the necessary precautions but wasn't because she wanted to get married and she thought getting pregnant would get her the ring.

Would that be wrong and punishable?

I am sick and tired of "she told him" scenarios.

Both parties need to use birth control.

They need to be in charge of their own birth control.
Were legal actions taken against him?

He gave her a smoothie...

I got my cases mixed up. The case of the man from Norway also had to pay a fine and was sentenced to 6 years in jail.

A man who admitted tricking his girlfriend into having a msicarrage by giving her a smoothie laced with abortion pills has been jailed for six years.

The man, who earlier he said he feels like a 'sh*tbag' for his actions, has also been ordered to pay the victim 200,000 kroner (£19,000) in damages.

The 26-year-old from Trondheim in central Norway pleaded guilty to inflicting serious bodily harm and also to terminating a pregnancy without the mother's consent after appearing in court.

Read more: Norwa man jailed for putting abortion pills into his ex-girlfriend's smoothie | Daily Mail Online
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I am sick and tired of "she told him" scenarios.

Both parties need to use birth control.

They need to be in charge of their own birth control.

You're about 2 years too late. :2razz:
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