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Gay activists hurl feces at German parents protesting pro-gay school curriculum (2 Viewers)


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Jul 6, 2010
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GERMANY, March 28, 2014 (LifeSiteNews.com) – As parents in Germany have protested a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexual activists have attacked them by hurling feces and destroying their property, according to the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, which documents anti-Christian incidents in Europe.
"Protesters were physically attacked and it was felt that the police failed to protect the parents’ basic right of assembly," said a statement from the Observatory describing incidents at recent rallies in Baden-Württemberg and Cologne.

Gay activists hurl feces at German parents protesting pro-gay school curriculum: report | LifeSiteNews.com

Is this not considered assault?
Your links are pretty off the wall and I have no reason to trust them at all, "intoleranceagaintchristians.eu?" come on now.

But yes it is assault
Some people just aren't as bothered by feces as others.
I attempted to do some research on this. I found nothing. I saw adone things on anti-gay websites that masquerade as Christian websites. And off course I saw some crap on storm front.

Basically put I saw nothing that proves this story true aside from some biased sources which it is a copy paste job from one another.

Coming from groups that seek only to promote propaganda that makes homosexual activism seem nefarious. It's a hatchet job plain and simple.

Haters aren't going to get to control Christianity much longer and they are losing their clout over the law and now they are squealing because they don't get to dictate things any more. Why don't they just have some class?

That being said I believe parents should have the right to have a say in the education their child receives. I don't know what they are worried about typically children that aren't gay, aren't gay and thus can't be talked into it by hearing about it. The only thing I see here is that kids are being taught that the prejudice against homosexuality isn't based on anything and this it is irrational.

Like it or not, your children will likely not care that there are gay people and that they wish to get married and adopt children and so forth. The objection to other people doing things that do not concern you is completely irrational.

I think this story was extremely embellished as they often are by phony Christian news like media sources and they only serve to give people that use Christianity as a mask for their prejudice, to further justify to themselves their own opinion. Bravo.
I attempted to do some research on this. I found nothing. I saw adone things on anti-gay websites that masquerade as Christian websites. And off course I saw some crap on storm front.

Basically put I saw nothing that proves this story true aside from some biased sources which it is a copy paste job from one another.

Coming from groups that seek only to promote propaganda that makes homosexual activism seem nefarious. It's a hatchet job plain and simple.

Haters aren't going to get to control Christianity much longer and they are losing their clout over the law and now they are squealing because they don't get to dictate things any more. Why don't they just have some class?

That being said I believe parents should have the right to have a say in the education their child receives. I don't know what they are worried about typically children that aren't gay, aren't gay and thus can't be talked into it by hearing about it. The only thing I see here is that kids are being taught that the prejudice against homosexuality isn't based on anything and this it is irrational.

Like it or not, your children will likely not care that there are gay people and that they wish to get married and adopt children and so forth. The objection to other people doing things that do not concern you is completely irrational.

I think this story was extremely embellished as they often are by phony Christian news like media sources and they only serve to give people that use Christianity as a mask for their prejudice, to further justify to themselves their own opinion. Bravo.
Are you saying stuff like this cannot happen.
I saw some person posted the same crap that 24107 posted, but that doesn't really take anything away from it.

It takes something away from them.
Are you saying stuff like this cannot happen.
No, I said what you said in your OP is likely an embellishment. Being thattheseladies weren't throwing feces they were throwing water proves that your OP most certainly is an embellishment. Note if you can post video that proves your claim than I will entertain it. Otherwise thanks for proving yourself to be non-credible..

If you read my post instead of putting up images of things that have no Bering on whatyou said, you will see I don't necessarily agree with the protesters.

Should I post the atrocities that anti-gay assclowns have been doing for decades? I can find proof that people were murdered on my side. Getting water thrown on you is not even close. Let me use the same rhetoric that was used in defense of the assaults against lgbt people in the past, if you just shut up and not flaunt your opinions in everybody's face, this crapwouldn't happen.

So I believe it was wrong of those girls to throw water on that man, but it'sthe same thing that happens when he takes a shower. I don't think there is anything the police can do unless they can prove the protesters were guilty of what the law says is disorderly conduct, even then it's likely just a fine or a night in jail. I would gladly serve myself if I thought it would help my cause.

But water isn't feces kiddo, sorry.
No, I said what you said in your OP is likely an embellishment. Being thattheseladies weren't throwing feces they were throwing water proves that your OP most certainly is an embellishment. Note if you can post video that proves your claim than I will entertain it. Otherwise thanks for proving yourself to be non-credible..

If you read my post instead of putting up images of things that have no Bering on whatyou said, you will see I don't necessarily agree with the protesters.

Should I post the atrocities that anti-gay assclowns have been doing for decades? I can find proof that people were murdered on my side. Getting water thrown on you is not even close. Let me use the same rhetoric that was used in defense of the assaults against lgbt people in the past, if you just shut up and not flaunt your opinions in everybody's face, this crapwouldn't happen.

So I believe it was wrong of those girls to throw water on that man, but it'sthe same thing that happens when he takes a shower. I don't think there is anything the police can do unless they can prove the protesters were guilty of what the law says is disorderly conduct, even then it's likely just a fine or a night in jail. I would gladly serve myself if I thought it would help my cause.

But water isn't feces kiddo, sorry.
I Know water is not crap, but it does show attacks do occur.
It takes something away from them.
I wouldn't think so, first you have to have something that could be taken. But besides that, if this really occurred, which I am almost certain it didn't, white supremacists taking about it wouldn't make it not happen.

I view this as the attempt to dress the wolf up in sheep's clothing. The onlypurpose this really serves is when Mrs. Bat **** nuts church lady's son says that he is gay, she can point to this one fabricated incident and say to her boy, "see how bad these people are, you want to be one of them?"

The only purpose this serves it's to feed fodder to those that are willfully ignorant. I wouldn't be suppressed to see this on storm front or the black panthers website's and so on. It had nothing to begin with, so there was nothing to be taken..
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I Know water is not crap, but it does show attacks do occur.
What attacks? The one you posted in your OP? You haven't proved any of that happened. I am starting to believe thiswas entirely fabricated. Water fights happen, I used to have them for fun.

Youcompletely have failed to prove your OP, sorry.

The murder of Paul Broussard in Houston Texas proves that some low life's murder gay people for ****s and giggles.

I think murderis worse than throwing water on some jerk.
If this happened, then whoever is responsible for doing such things, throwing feces or really anything at the protesters, spraying them with pepper spray, destroying their personal property, etc., should be charged with the appropriate crimes they are accused of.

However, I honestly doubt that this is true, at least in how it is being presented. In the age of the cell phone, where every one has a camera (I know because I struggle to find a phone without one that I can take to the shipyard with me), it is highly unlikely that not a single demonstrator would not start filming as soon as any of this alleged assault and vandalism happened, heck, likely the cameras would start rolling when the first counter-protester showed up. There would at the very least be some pictures. Witnesses? Heck, there were cops there and we are supposed to believe that someone got maced because they were protesting? That is highly improbable.
If this happened, then whoever is responsible for doing such things, throwing feces or really anything at the protesters, spraying them with pepper spray, destroying their personal property, etc., should be charged with the appropriate crimes they are accused of.

However, I honestly doubt that this is true, at least in how it is being presented. In the age of the cell phone, where every one has a camera (I know because I struggle to find a phone without one that I can take to the shipyard with me), it is highly unlikely that not a single demonstrator would not start filming as soon as any of this alleged assault and vandalism happened, heck, likely the cameras would start rolling when the first counter-protester showed up. There would at the very least be some pictures. Witnesses? Heck, there were cops there and we are supposed to believe that someone got maced because they were protesting? That is highly improbable.
the story is Bologna. It comes from the equivalent of a tabloid. The only reason the Op have it any credibility is because it supports his already held opinion. And it also proves if you write the words Christian or claim to a Christian tabloid it automatically makes your news gospel truth to people that share your opinions.

There is no trace of this story anywhere. I saw it on two tabloid websites that claim to be Christian. But out it's a complete duplicate.

Most likely, it was a roudy protest and somebody falsified this nonsense as a smear. If the source was so good, how come only two tabloids picked it up? Somebody can say their is a media conspiracy, but now this story is not only dependent on some unnamed source but also a conspiracy. Normally the most likely, explication is the correct one. It must be a severe embellishment.

Now I know people will convince themselves that the entire globe is in on making this story disappear, but that is just them jumping through hoops so they can believe it. Frankly if they are reading tabloids I doubt they have much in the way of scruples.
The story is pure nonsense but really what are you trying to get at 24107?

What would this fictional incident say about homosexuals that you can't already say about humans in general?

You seem to be trying to make a point, what point can be made from the following videos and links about the heterosexual communities?

WATCH: Former Russian Paratroopers Attack Gay Activist | Advocate.com

St. Patrick's Day Flashmob Members Mistaken for Gay Activists and Attacked in Siberia (Video) | The Moscow Times
the story is Bologna. It comes from the equivalent of a tabloid. The only reason the Op have it any credibility is because it supports his already held opinion. And it also proves if you write the words Christian or claim to a Christian tabloid it automatically makes your news gospel truth to people that share your opinions.

There is no trace of this story anywhere. I saw it on two tabloid websites that claim to be Christian. But out it's a complete duplicate.

Most likely, it was a roudy protest and somebody falsified this nonsense as a smear. If the source was so good, how come only two tabloids picked it up? Somebody can say their is a media conspiracy, but now this story is not only dependent on some unnamed source but also a conspiracy. Normally the most likely, explication is the correct one. It must be a severe embellishment.

Now I know people will convince themselves that the entire globe is in on making this story disappear, but that is just them jumping through hoops so they can believe it. Frankly if they are reading tabloids I doubt they have much in the way of scruples.

Yeah, I looked and I couldn't even find proof that there was an actual protest. I did find proof of a petition that was signed over this, but not any kind of protest/demonstration.
Yeah, I looked and I couldn't even find proof that there was an actual protest. I did find proof of a petition that was signed over this, but not any kind of protest/demonstration.
It's a good thing there is the internet. A lie that is unchallenged becomes the truth.

Not sure why somebody would post such a bogus "news" story.
Are you saying stuff like this cannot happen.
There are places in this world where they murder gay people where the state executes them. So I Ssm sorry some anti-gay activist gets water thrown on him, I Ssm hardly going to shed a tear. You can clean it up with a towel. And you suffer no ill effects. Since your poo flinging embellishment isn't supported with the slightest lick of evidence, it didn't occur.

Mop up a floor, dry off your hair, that is the only after math from the protest you posted. How do we restore the children to the parents who's children were murdered?

The scale is extremely tilted. Getting wet verses getting murdered, meh.
There are places in this world where they murder gay people where the state executes them. So I Ssm sorry some anti-gay activist gets water thrown on him, I Ssm hardly going to shed a tear. You can clean it up with a towel. And you suffer no ill effects. Since your poo flinging embellishment isn't supported with the slightest lick of evidence, it didn't occur.

Mop up a floor, dry off your hair, that is the only after math from the protest you posted. How do we restore the children to the parents who's children were murdered?

The scale is extremely tilted. Getting wet verses getting murdered, meh.

A Clax click on the statement in the OP and it will lead you to video footage and eyewitness accounts of the protest.
A Clax click on the statement in the OP and it will lead you to video footage and eyewitness accounts of the protest.
I saw nothing about this protest. I saw a video where people have desecrated graves and churches. I believe that is wrong but people hating Christians goes back to Christ. They nailed him to a tree. And he begged his forgive to forgive them.

I saw some pride protests in this video against a church. Didn't see them hurtling feces, I saw some effigies. Either yourlinks are faulty, or you are lying. Whatever the case may be post the video of this particular incident directly instead of making me chase down links I can't find.

I can't say I blame the gay activists for saying what they say about Christianity. Some of usChristians saysome way nastier stuff to homosexuals that lines up more with the anti Christ. Jesus begged his father to forgive the people that tortured and butchered him. Mocking and killing the son of God, yeah I think that qualifies as a pretty heinous sin, I don't think we today are capable of atrocities ofthat magnitude. Yet my Lord begged his father with his dying breath that he forgive the people that murdered him so violently. Jesus could have just as easily said to hell with them all.

So be like Christ or try, beg for forgiveness for the people that desecrate churches, or mock the pope. Instead of squealing like a stuck pig over some childish nonsense.

I will explain why we Christians get made fun of. We deserve it. We aren't living up to Christ. Christ already spoke to is about this Matthew 5:10.

Be like Christ, beg for their forgiveness. Don't cry out over your sufferings, our Lord didn't even when they nails him to a tree.

I stilldon't believethat this feces throwing business went on, I watched theonly video in your links, it did not prove any such thing.

No other source even acknowledges this even anti gay sources so it's absolutely a fraud unless you have proof tothe contrary.

I have a suggestion to alleviate some of your frustration. Instead of using Christianity to bludgeon people into hating us, why not behave as Christ behaved and beg for forgiveness for them?

I have seen you do it, you have posted scripture as a weapon against people. That is the ultimate blasphemy in my opinion.

Instead of doing what you are doing which is attempting to make homosexuals into an unprovoked aggressor so you can play the innocent lamb at the slaughter (nobody believes that) go pray.

I have been called horrendous things by my own family because I love a man. You have done it, my brother in Christ, (or so you say). I already forgive you.

It's completely dishonest to expect gay people that are angry with Christianity (rightfully so) should just accept being murdered, beaten, called pedophiles, and abominations and told we can't be Christians by people who think they speak for God , to just smile and accept it.

I am a Christian and I am hurt by my Christian family. They have cast me out like a leper. The only difference with me, is that I know Jesus embraced the people that were cast out..

So, when you speak up against Christianity's unfriendly treatment of homosexuals, I will believe they are wrong for pouring water on some jerk. But until then, sorry, this animosity you harbor in your heart is poison. I will have nopart of it.

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