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Top ten flashlight apps are malware?! (1 Viewer)

Lol. Read "fleshlight apps."

Anyway, just buy yourself a flashlight. They're not like super expensive technology or anything.

Also if you want they make pretty high-visibility flashlight LED keychain attachments that work really well.
Can anyone confirm or deny that this is legit?
It's not really true. But not entirely false.

Snoopwall points out that a large number of Android flashlight apps request permissions far beyond what is actually justifiable by any flashlight app. However, they have absolutely no evidence of anyone actually using that info in a way that would qualify as "malware."

SnoopWall » SnoopWall

iOS has a built-in flashlight, which should be secure. Or at least, as secure as any smartphone in general, which is kinda "not much."
When I reluctantly gave up my little flip-phone for my "starter" smartphone, the only app I cared about was the flashlight. But I had my kid remove it yesterday. I never check my e-mail or anything on my phone just because I'm so hostile in general to its intrusiveness and so resentful of "tethering." We had plenty of obsessions and rude behaviors before they became omnipresent in our lives and didn't need more.

Bah! Necessary evil, but an evil nevertheless.

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